I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 800: solution

Feeling Kelly's cool fingertips, Eric put his hand down and leaned comfortably on the couch.

"A headache, is it too tired recently?" Kelly's voice rang behind her, lacking the savvy and strong work as a female assistant, a little more gentle.

"The doctor said that it was the result of the day and night reversal of the previous period. After a while, it was all right," Eric leaned back and answered. He asked: "Sony, the first weekend box office of "Black Man 2" Should it be baked?"

Kelly replied: "$52.16 million, probably about $75 million in the first week."

Eric sighed, there was not much emotional change in his heart, including "The Game of the Brave 2" released next week. In these two films, Firefly still occupies 60% of the investment share, only since the last dispute After that, according to the established strategy, in addition to investment, Firefly has completely liberalized these two projects.

The box office of around $75 million in the first week seems to be good, and the total box office in North America may even hit the $200 million mark, but because of Sony’s neglect of cost control and a significant increase in the performance of the movie, the sequel only costs up to 1.4. Billion, plus Xuanfa, the total cost is close to 200 million US dollars.

Even if the total global box office can reach 600 million US dollars, this project can only barely recover the investment at the box office, although the subsequent DVD, video tape and broadcast rights income is still rich, but if you calculate the time cost of long-term operation, such a project is actually still Very uneconomical.

After a while, Eric asked again: "Well, "The Game of the Brave 2", I heard that the effect of the preview is not so good?"

"Well," Kelly didn't want Eric to worry, but since he asked, he said: "When the screening was done, many film critics said that this sequel is like a farce, not only the plot is confusing, but also completely Lost the first comedy style, but most of these comments have been suppressed by Sony, and now look at the market reaction next week, after all, the film's special effects are still very refined."

Eric did not participate in any production of the sequel. "Brave 2" is still in the chessboard style, but the production team is completely replaced, even the director has been replaced by other people, and the first one has not gathered too much popularity. It is not surprising that such an outcome appears at the moment. Of course, it is not unhelpful to replace all the production teams. At least, the production cost of this sequel will remain at a fairly acceptable $86 million. Even if it is really a loss, the fireflies will not lose too much.

After the summer file is estimated, the fireflies have been working with Sony for a few films, leaving only the "Black Man" and the possibility of continuing to develop a sequel.

In addition to the "Brave of the Game" series, the original "Smiths", although has been talking about the sequel, but in fact everyone knows that Pierce Brosnan, who appeared in 007, is hard to return, Nicole’s pay in recent years is even more Beyond Pierce Brosnan, and busy with too many films, the possibility of making a sequel to the "Smiths" is almost zero.

Thinking of the "Godzilla" that Sony Pictures is developing, Eric couldn't help but smile. Maybe for a long time in the future, Sony will have to embark on the long road of ‘street.’

Kelly saw that Eric didn't answer, tilted slightly, just noticed the smile on his face and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Eric shook his head and patted him: "Come, sit here."

Kelly knew that the little man wouldn't think about something good, or he would sit down obediently, but still softly reminded: "Now, during the day, Peter may come over."

"Then you call and let him not come over," Eric laughed, lying down, lying on the woman's abundance of the thigh, sniffing the seductive body fragrance, holding the woman's waist, and said: "I slept for a while, and don't let people quarrel me when the sky falls."

Kelly was helpless, reached out to the cell phone on the coffee table, called Peter Ritchie, whispered in a vague voice, hung up the phone, looked down, and Eric, who was resting on his lap, was comfortable. Close your eyes and your breathing begins to level off.

Woke up again, the whole living room has been dim, the wall is lit with a pale yellow wall lamp, and the woman's thigh has become a pillow.

Eric Carat dropped the blanket, sat up, habitually raised his wrist, and found that the watch did not know when it was taken down and placed on the coffee table.

The time is approaching eight o'clock in the evening, Eric is about to pick up the phone and call Kelly, the door is pushed open, and Kelly walks in with a tray.

"Eric, are you awake?" Put down the tray, Kelly walked over and reached out and touched his forehead.

Eric caught the woman's little hand and kissed him, "How do you leave me alone?"

"I'm going to help you prepare dinner." Kelly smiled and pulled her hand back. "The meeting room is ready. You should eat something first. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Then we will go straight ahead," Eric said as he got up, but was held down by Kelly.

"It doesn't matter, everyone knows that you have been tired recently."

After a quick dinner, Eric arrived at a meeting room in the nearby Ocean Club Center at half past eight.

Peter Ritchie has been waiting here, and there is still no video conferencing equipment, and a conference phone is placed on the long table.

Eric sat down on the chair, Kelly spread a few documents in front of him, sat down next to him, and said to the conference call: "Everyone, Eric came over."

"Good evening," Eric also said hello.

Opposite, the greetings from fireflies, such as Kasenberg and Frank Wells, came out.

A few simple words, Eric said: "So, let's talk about what is happening now. Is there a movie fan outside the headquarters?"

Kasenberger replied with a wry smile: "Yeah, there are quite a lot of people recently, there are more than 100 people in Burbank and Prea Vista, and the number of signatures on the original website is over 12. Ten thousand."

Nowadays, the Internet does not say real-name system. Even the registration system is not perfect. Eric certainly knows that the 120,000 people are very hydrated. In addition to the intentional confusion of competitors, most people are also repeatedly clicking. Therefore, he did not care much about this data, saying: "So, in this case, let's talk about your own ideas first."

"I feel that, in any case, I will give the public an accurate answer as soon as possible, and eliminate this wind," Frank Wells heard. "So, I suggest that you follow the original script of the Wachowski brothers. Of course, we can only shoot the second one. I believe that with the popularity accumulated in the first part, the profit brought by this sequel is only a more or less problem. Even if the quality of the film is not satisfactory, it will not appear again. This is the case now."

"This is a good deal," Eric nodded and asked: "Jeffrey, what is your opinion?"

Kasenberger seems to have basically reached a consensus, and said: "Eric, we have all seen the scripts of the Wachowski brothers. Everyone knows that it is a disaster for this series." But we don't have any other great treatments right now, Frank said, almost the best solution."

Eric smiled and said: "So, this series is almost chicken for us."

"Chicken ribs?" There was a doubtful voice in the conference call.

Eric realized that it was impossible for everyone to know the stalk, and explained it in plain English that the other person can understand: "The taste is tasteless, and it is a pity to give up."

"This is quite image," said Frank Wells. "But it can't be said to be a chicken. In any case, the sequel to the film's current popularity is definitely profitable."

Eric couldn't help but raise his forehead. In fact, even without this wind, Eric did not have 100% confidence in the scripts modified by the Wachowski brothers.

The director's style of instruction is very difficult to change. Even if the brothers write the new script, when shooting, unless the fireflies send attention to the shooting of each shot, it is definitely impossible to avoid the brothers going to their own style. .

What's more, the strategy of Firefly to focus on the studio is simply not possible, because this kind of excessive intervention by the director often leads to a disastrous consequence of a project. According to Eric, the character of the Wachowski brothers can definitely be considered hot. In the first filming, as a newcomer, the two brothers can still be humble and restrained, but in the case of fame, think It is impossible to let them continue to be honest and obedient.

After thinking about it for a while, Eric raised his head and asked, "Now, how many box-offices are there in all aspects of the film?"

There was no answer at the moment. Sitting at Kelly next to Eric: "North America is $223.5 million, overseas is $136 million, and there are several major ticket-counting countries in France, Japan, and Italy that are not released. In these countries, overseas box office is expected to be between 350 million and 400 million US dollars, and the total global box office should be around 600 million."

With the issuance of trade agreements such as the GATT led by the United States in recent years, the film market in most overseas countries has been further opened, and the corresponding overseas box office share has also begun to increase. The overseas box office share of Hollywood movies has generally increased to 35. %about.

According to the average domestic and overseas share of the United States, fireflies can roughly recover $250 million at the total box office of $600 million. According to the ratio of movie box office to one-third of the total movie revenue, the future long-term operating profit is probably This figure is twice as large as the cost of all aspects, and fireflies can earn at least $500 million on this project.

Of course, the proceeds from the box office, fireflies can be fully recovered within a year, but the subsequent DVD and video tape distribution, peripheral copyright operations and other income, but it takes more than three years of long-term operation, which is currently the Hollywood second and third line movies. The company still can only keep an eye on the reasons for the box office revenue. More than three years of capital operation cycle, only the Hollywood Seven can support, for a second- and third-line movie company, if a movie developed can not quickly withdraw funds at the box office, then the capital chain breaks, the company's development stagnation and other issues It’s coming.

In the sequel to "The Matrix" in Eric's memory, the global box office is close to $1.2 billion, and Time Warner is able to recover a $500 million box office share.

However, the cost of production for the two sequels is 300 million, and the cost of issuing vouchers is at least $100 million. That is, although the $1.2 billion global box office is enviable, in fact, Time Warner is at the box office of the two sequels. Only one hundred million dollars in profits can be obtained. Moreover, because of the serious decline in word-of-mouth and quality of the two sequels, the income of DVDs in the later period will not be too good.

Although Eric can't know the specific data, he can be sure that the profits of the two sequels will not necessarily have the reputation and the first part of the huge influence.

After thinking about it for a while, Eric said: "How do you think we sold the sequel to the Matrix?"


"How can this be?"

"Eric, you are crazy."

There was a series of opposition voices on the opposite side, and both Kelly and Peter looked at Eric with surprise.

Although there are a lot of troubles now, all the high-level fireflies have never thought of this.

There are numerous examples of Hollywood studios that exchange or sell copyrights for various reasons, but those are basically projects that are not yet in the future. "Matrix" is different, so the first part of the series can bring a net profit of not less than 500 million US dollars to the company. To sell such a project, everyone thinks it is crazy.

When everyone's mood stabilized slightly, the opposite Kasenberger said: "Eric, we must not sell the "Matrix", let alone other, you must know some news during this time, we let There are enough projects out there."

Eric patiently said: "I think everyone may be too sensitive recently. This summer's summer, our movie box office share is really not ideal, but this situation is absolutely only temporary, every film company will experience a trough, not to mention Our 'low valley', even more than the peak period of some film companies. You think about it, so far, we have "seven sins", "the hacking" and "the brave life" The box office broke the 100 million movie, as well as "Red Fan District" and the recently released "Death of Death", the film box of these films are also very good, therefore, in general, our situation is still better than most film companies ""

The gentle voice of Frank Wells came out of the conference call and persuaded: "Eric, but we always have to think about it for the future, how can we sell the iconic project like "The Matrix"."

"In the future," Eric patiently patiently said: "We will not lack the project in the future. Although we have experienced this year's break, our Disney animation and Pixar animation will be able to launch "Monster Power Company" and "Finding Nemo" in succession next year. Two 3D animated films, two animation companies will be able to maintain the average rhythm of an animated film every year. In addition, we also have projects such as Jurassic Park 3 and The Day After Tomorrow. These are also enough to maintain the company's strong position in live-action movies. Moreover, the company will certainly continue to develop other high-quality copyrights in the future."

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