I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 805: Buyer

Vaguely feeling someone staring at himself, Christina Aguilera opened her eyes and noticed that Eric was sitting on the bed with a smile.

The pictures of last night quickly poured into my mind, feeling that the thin body was unobstructed by the body and the big bed. Christina’s face was reddish and pulled the horn, and whispered, “Early, Eric.”

"Look at you sleeping so fragrantly, don't know if you should wake you up," Eric reached over and gently pulled the girl's cheek out, looking at her expression with a little nervous look. : "Is it still uncomfortable?"

"Well, it feels like something..." Christina's eyelashes hang low and she said that she was a little embarrassed to stop.

"These are resting here in the past few days. The place where you live is definitely not here. I will help you order breakfast, when to get up, call customer service, they will send it, there are other needs can also give me The assistant called," Eric said, placing a small card on the bedside table: "This is his number."

Christina looked at Eric a little, and said, "Are you going to work?"

"Yeah, it’s already eight o'clock, and hundreds of people are waiting for me."

Christina nodded and said: "Well, then, goodbye."

"Goodbye," Eric came over and kissed the girl's face. Christina also boldly lifted her small head and kissed it back. She also mischievously put out her tongue and squatted on Eric's face.

Eric didn't mind, laughing: "It's like a kitten."

Christina also smiled and said: "Eric, you seem to like cats very much."

"No, I don't like cats. I like cat-like women. They are meek, lazy, mysterious. Of course, occasionally they are too wild to train their teeth."

Christina’s eyes blinked quickly and said, “Would you like to be your kitten?”

"No problem," Eric smiled, pinching on Christina's face and standing up. "Then I went to work, um, wait for the rest of the week.

Take you to play again, where do you want to go? ”

Christina’s face was full of excitement, but she said, “I’m not familiar with Venice. I’m going where I am going.”

"This is no good, the Venice Film Festival is about to start, we are filming here again, so there are too many reporters in Venice recently. Playing here will definitely be chased and blocked. We have to run farther, how about Paris?"

Christina's little brain didn't turn around. Of course she wants to go to Paris. Which girl doesn't want to go to Paris? But the crew only has one day off a week, can they run so far?

Eric guessed the girl's thoughts from Christina's confused little expression. She pinched on her face and did not explain it. She smiled: "That's Paris, I go to work first, you continue to sleep, think When can I get up?"

I waved at Eric, saw the man's figure disappear, and waited for a while with a small ear and finally heard a slight closing sound in the living room.

After staying in bed for a while, Christina got up, but she first called her assistant, Melia, and vaguely explained that she stayed in the hotel where Eric was staying last night. She believes that the female assistant is also well aware of it. She told the other party to be free in the past few days. Christina hung up the phone, gave the room service for breakfast, filled her stomach, and the girl fell on the big bed again, and soon fell asleep. go with.

Woke up again was already in the evening, and there was almost no light coming in through the thick curtains.

There was a faint voice in the living room. Christina put on her clothes lightly and walked to the door to open the door. I found that only Eric was calling in the living room, and that came out.

Eric saw Christina walk out of the bedroom and nodded at her and pointed to the sofa opposite her.

Christina came over and sat down on the sofa. She was only wearing a small t-shirt and jeans. She was barefoot. The floor in the room was very clean, but there was no carpet. It felt a little cool on the floor. Christina Shrink the calf, hold a pillow and lie on the sofa, listen quietly to Eric.

"If that's the case, the $300 million price we can accept," Eric took the phone in one hand and looked at the blue folder on his lap, discussing something with the opposite: "However, on the payment deadline we Can't make concessions, Ann Berlin wants the "Matrix" copyright, then you must pay the full amount as soon as possible after signing the contract. Just 300 million US dollars, Jeffery, with the strength of Microsoft behind Andrew, as long as they really want To reach this deal, you can definitely get it."

Christina heard Eric’s understatement of $300 million and spit out her tongue. She also knew that the fireflies were selling the sequel to the sequel to the Matrix, but I didn’t expect the movie copyright to be so valuable, $300 million.

Eric just noticed Christina’s little tongue and thought that the girl was naughty and waved at her, indicating that she was not allowed to be funny.

Christina narrowed her neck and smiled at Eric.

"There is still one more thing," Eric and Kasenberg talked about "The Matrix" and continued: "I have seen the Titanic film, except for the ending song, nothing else. The problem, Jim has already flown back to Los Angeles to get the new ending song. The song is written by me personally. You let the recording department cooperate with it, try to get it before the opening ceremony of the Venice Film Festival. I can start it, I don't plan to compress the film again, so you let the distribution department discuss the corresponding announcement plan."


"Jourde Warrior 2?" Eric hesitated, thought about it, said: "Don't be with the Titanic. I know that you have no confidence in this film. We have no plans for other companies. The right to interfere, but the fireflies can not attack themselves, or postpone it, put it in the summer file next year, this sequel should also have the strength to hold up the summer file... well, then."

Hang up the phone and see Christina wearing a small ear to listen, Eric smiled and waved at her.

Christina got up with her pillow and got together and sat down next to Eric. She leaned her leg and leaned against Eric, looking at the documents on his knees. "Eric, what is this?" ”

Eric knows that girls are not really interested, just want to find a topic, saying: "Nothing, some copyright transfer contract information."

Christina swept a little on the document, but she did not look carefully and asked: "Is it a Matrix?"

"Yeah," Eric nodded and turned the information on the folder back to the first page. He planned to read it again. He felt that Christina was next to him from time to time and smiled. "Look at you. Just like that, should it be okay?"

"Ah," Christina groaned, and soon prayed mercifully: "That, Eric, tonight, still... no."

Eric smiled and his eyes still fell on the documents in front of him, but he shifted the subject and said, "What do you want to eat at night?"

Christina is still worried about whether Eric will toss himself again in the evening, in that case, she feels that she may be broken. I heard Eric turn away from the topic and replied absently: "I don't know, in the morning, um, it's good."

"That's breakfast," Eric said. "Forget it, you call the room service and let them send a menu and want to eat what you want."

"Well," Christina nodded, thinking about it, gently pulling the short sleeves of the Eric T-shirt, a small look that was to be said.

Eric turned his head and saw Christina's pitiful little expression, remembering what she had just said and understood.

I have to say that Christina can be said to be the best time in her life. Her face is sweet, her petite, her body is slender, and at this time, a poor little expression of 'Don't bully others' is really good. Provoking the temptation of men.

"Don't think about it, you have a good rest in the next few days," Eric smiled, reaching for the girl's face and saying, "If you don't want to live here, you can go back to the hotel on the street."

After hearing this, I remembered that Eric’s overall gentleness last night, and Christina also let go of her heart and smiled sweetly: “I won’t leave, um, I’ll call the menu.”

The girl said, jumped off the sofa and reached for the mobile phone that Eric had just put down and started dialing.

Eric smiled and turned his attention to the documents in his hand.

Because of the distance from Hollywood, Eric did not personally feel the incitement of Hollywood in recent times, especially the copyright sale of "The Matrix."

Undoubtedly, as Eric had guessed, the most wanted for the copyright of "The Matrix" is the film of Antwerp that Microsoft is behind. Of course, other major movie companies have participated more or less. This time the copyright competition.

Of course, Firefly will not simply and rudely sell the "Matrix" copyright. Even a large number of high-level executives simply don't want to sell "The Matrix", just dragging it down and finally slowly falling off. The mind, therefore, the attitude of the fireflies is also quite determined, and in the process of negotiating with the film companies interested in buying the copyright of the "Matrix".

In this case, companies such as Paramount, whose business style is relatively conservative, have gradually withdrawn, and only Warner, Universal, and Ann Berlin are still insisting.

However, because the conditions for fireflies are more demanding, they are only willing to sell the production and distribution rights of the Matrix sequel, but still retain all the non-video peripherals such as comics, games, toys and other development rights of the "Matrix", plus the asking price. Too high, Warner and Universal also withdrew, and finally only the Ann Berlin family, agreed to the requirements of fireflies.

According to the preliminary agreement, Ann Berlin will buy the copyright of the film and television production of "The Matrix" for 300 million US dollars in cash. The agreement does not stipulate that An Berlin can only produce two sequels, and even, in the future, the film will be To restart the series, the fireflies will not object. Of course, most fans who are concerned about the "Matrix" series know the trilogy of this series. It is certain that after this windfall, it is impossible for An Berlin to modify the script with pressure.

However, the agreement also stipulates that Firefly retains the development rights of the "Matrix" series of comics, games, toys and other peripheral copyrights, including the peripheral development rights of the "Matrix" sequel. Firefly will not participate in the distribution of any theater, dvd, videotape, etc. of the "Matrix" sequel series of film and television products, but at the same time, An Berlin film has no right to participate in the "Mobility" series of peripheral revenue sharing.

Although Ann Berlin's film industry is ambitious, it has only just been established. At present, the most important work of the other party is to improve its own distribution network. It has not yet touched on the ability of peripheral development, so the other party will agree to this plan, and the peripheral product development, It is precisely what the Firefly Group is best at.

According to the data of the world's box office of "The Matrix", the total net profit of the Firefly is more than 300 million US dollars in the theater screening and video tape distribution. However, even if the sequel to "The Matrix" did not go to the old road of past life, the firefly of this business will not lose money, because the overall recovery of the US economy will recover 300 million US dollars of cash in advance, whether the money is invested in the entertainment industry or In the high-tech industry, Eric has enough confidence to turn the money up several times in the next few years.

Although outsiders think that the fireflies have been very horrible in recent years, only Eric knows for himself that the firefly system has been a crazy time to burn money in the past few years, and most of the annual profits have quickly turned into investment. Infused into various companies under the Firefly System.

In order to reduce the tax burden as much as possible, Eric has even begun to consider investing directly in the name of the Firefly Group in the company of Firefly Investment, which will indirectly lead to about 27% of the firefly's small and medium shareholders entering the Internet industry of the Firefly System. It can save a lot of tax in the middle link.

When the surplus funds are directly transferred to the project investment, the firefly group's pre-tax gross profit will be greatly reduced, but this can also allow the fireflies to reduce the amount of corporate income tax paid, with the scale of fireflies, the pre-tax profit income tax ratio reached 35%, which is comparable 27% of the small and medium-sized shareholders are much higher, and the investment situation will be divided into small and medium-sized shareholders, which will certainly get a greater favor from these shareholders, increase Eric's control over fireflies, and represent behind these shareholders. Power support for fireflies. But if it is handed over to the IRS, fireflies can't get any substantial benefits.

Thinking about this, Eric also made up his mind. The next time he talked with Kasenberg about the clover holding company that belonged to the Disney Group. This is an investment company left over from the Disney era, but the scale has been Very small, if you don't read the Firefly Group's balance sheet carefully, most people won't even notice the existence of this investment company.

Although the original Disney developed rapidly, but there is not much energy involved in external investment, the largest investment project of Clover Holdings is only to help build the Disney Music Hall of the Los Angeles Music Center with an investment of 20 million US dollars. But that project has not been profitable so far, because the project was initiated by the Disney family. The main purpose was to expand the influence of the Disney family.

However, at this time, the investment company can serve as a window for direct investment by the Firefly Group. The US company law is very loose, and there is no requirement that a company can only operate certain industries, just like Buffett-controlled Berkshire Hatha. Wei, originally a textile factory, has now become a comprehensive holding group, covering insurance, books, beverages, candy, entertainment and other industries.

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