I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 807: What do you think

Sophie obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, shaking her head: "Nothing."

Eric stared at Sophie's side face for a moment, probably understood something, and suddenly smiled: "I thought that the actress who often shoots romance films will not have any interest in this story."

Although there are some special literary films, from the "First Kiss", most of Sophie's films are actually very fresh love pieces.

Sophie was somewhat dissatisfied with Eric's argument, saying: "You have also taken love films. According to your point of view, if you don't feel anything about this film, how did you write "My Heart is Eternal"?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to notice that the ending song was written by me. It is a great honor."

Sophie threw a blank eye and decided to ignore Eric.

Eric is not entangled, standing quietly beside the woman, looking at the dark sky together and enjoying this rare peace.

After a while, Sophie was the first to stand this silence, saying: "Why don't you talk?"

"I am thinking about some issues."

"How come I lie to the room tonight?"


Sophie looked at Eric's stunned look, his face finally showing a smile, a little bit of a mischievous little smug, or a victory in the initiative to regain a game. Although it has been a long time, Sophie still clearly remembers that Eric had taken her to bed twice in a row, so she decided tonight that she must not let this guy succeed.

Well, okay, although after watching the Titanic, I suddenly wanted to find a hug.

However, Sophie glanced at Eric again, thinking that he was not so embarrassed.

However, I noticed that the little cockroach that Sufi had flashed in his eyes, but Eric did not say anything, but chose to do something, so he put the goblet aside and reached out and took Sophie over.

"Ah, you," Sufi suddenly found out that things didn't develop at the scheduled pace. Then, shouldn't he have to talk a little bit about it? How suddenly did it look like this? The cerebellum screamed twice and Sophie finally reacted. Come over, raise the arm holding the red wine cup and tremble: "Ai, Eric, red wine, to sprinkle on the body, hey, you..." After a long pause,

Sophie said the next half of the sentence: "...bad guy."

After a long time, the third time I woke up in the arms of the same man, Sophie could not help but start thinking about a very deep problem.

Why is this happening?

Or, because he always stays in his arms when he is asleep, it gives a sense of security.

Or, because of his multiple identities, it is instinctively difficult for women to resist.

Or, this abominable guy is a legendary wizard who has some mysterious witchcraft on himself.

Feeling that the big hand holding his waist began to gently sway, Sophie realized that Eric woke up, so he turned around and the bright, watery scorpion looked at Eric.

Eric came over and kissed her cheek, noticed the doubts and inquiry in Sufi's eyes, smiled at the corner of her mouth, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously: "Actually, I know a name called Cupid. Guy, when I look at a girl, he will shoot the arrow on the other side, and then the girl will never escape my palm."

Sophie's big eyes quickly slammed a few times and laughed.

She suddenly understood that this guy is not a wizard, nor is it other. He is just too good at seeing the woman's mind.

She was originally a very emotional woman. She watched the movie last night. She did not hold the mind of any filmmaker. She just thought that she was an audience, so she was touched by the actually simple love story. Recalling the experience of these years, it is inevitable that I will be jealous, so in this moment of fragility, I was easily swayed by a certain guy.

"Eric, I think, you can't do this anymore."

"Who will know about the future," Eric came over and kissed Sufi's lips.

Sophie subconsciously responded. After a moment, the two separated, and Sophie sat up and began to wear clothes.

Eric looked at Sophie and said, "You won't have to leave this way again?"

Sophie picked up the Eric watch on the bedside table and looked at it. The time was 8:1. Although there was some expectation, there was no time to stay and eat breakfast with Eric. Put down the watch, Sufi said: Yes, I made an appointment with someone. At nine o'clock, I talked about a film at the Palace Hotel." Seeing Eric’s disappointment, Sophie raised a little childish smugness, saying: "Otherwise, you Thought I will run for you in Venice?"

Eric lay down on the bed and rubbed his forehead. He said, "I really don't care, isn't a good woman supposed to take care of a man's vanity?"

"Oh," Sophie smiled, dressed, leaned over Eric's face and said, "If I am a good woman, it will be so easy for you to lie to bed, bad guy, I will go first." ""

Looking at Sophie into the bathroom, simply washing it, pushing the door to leave, Eric began to get up.

It is also a bunch of work to do.

According to the time difference, the commentary on the Titanic in North America should be released at noon, but the media in Europe must have begun to report.

In addition to paying attention to the media feedback of Titanic, in Venice these two days, you need to talk to Kasenberg about the clover holding company, the "Matrix" contract is about to sign, get the $300 million in funding Eric hopes to invest in the first time.

In addition, ffm will be online in mid-September, and will talk to Harvey Weinstein about this fee-based cable station.

Coupled with some unrelenting entertainment, in two days, Eric's schedule must be counted in minutes.

After getting up and going to the restaurant, Kasenberg and Cameron are waiting here. There are already a few newspapers on the table in front of them, but the expression is not so easy.

"Early, Jeffery, Jim," Eric greeted them and sat down next to the vacancy.

"Early, Eric," Kasenberg squinted across Cameron, and pushed several newspapers in front of him. "You should check it out. The comments on the European side don't seem very good." ""

Eric opened the top newspaper, the newspaper was Italian, and Eric did not know what the name of the newspaper was. The news about the Titanic in the newspaper was marked with a red pen, and a note filled with English translations was placed next to it.

"The old love story in the context of a disaster film, although the film has a lot of highlights in terms of special effects, lenses, soundtracks, etc., but the overall mediocrity."

With a slight frown, Eric turned the next newspaper and found the English translation directly.

This time, it is praised: "James Cameron brought us a grand disaster movie. The film's narrative is smooth, the structure is rigorous, the special effects are exquisite, and the love story in the context of the catastrophe is even more tearful."

After several newspapers were turned over, Eric also found that the comments on the film seemed to be somewhat polarized, some said it was very good, and some said it was very bad.

After reading the media article in general, Eric looked up at Kasenberg and Cameron and smiled. "I still wait for the news in North America. You don't know the media in Europe." They like more literary and deeper films, hey, let's have breakfast first."

Speaking, Eric looked at the waiter with a relaxed look and asked two guys with a dignified face to eat something.

After breakfast, Cameron left to go to the three shows of Titanic today, and Eric chatted with Kasenberg about the clover holding company.

"I hope that in the next five years, the Firefly Group will spend at least $1 billion a year on foreign investment, mainly in the Internet industry that has sprung up in recent years. Of course, for the sake of insurance, we only make equity investments, but more participation. The operation of the corresponding company."

Kasenberger patiently said Eric, took a coffee and took a sip, said: "Eric, in this case, the company's profitability will be greatly reduced, which is unfair to me."

Kasenberg's employment contract with Firefly has a fixed annual salary of $750,000. In addition, Kasenberg also enjoys a bonus of 2% of the group's operating profit per year. If it is a Hollywood film company, this contract is annual. The return may be as high as one or two million, but because of the profitability of fireflies in recent years, Kasenberg’s total salary last year exceeded $50 million, making it the highest-paid group in North America. one.

However, according to Eric's investment plan, the firefly's profit will be greatly reduced, and Kasenberg's annual salary share will also shrink significantly, and may even be reduced to less than half of the previous one.

Kasenberg is of course clear that Eric’s goal is to reduce tax losses in the investment process. He believes that Eric will give himself a satisfactory solution, so after listening to Eric’s plan, he Did not show any excitement, very calmly expressed his own ideas.

Eric put his hands on the table and looked at Kasenberg, saying: "Jeffrey, your contract is due early next year. Everyone has been very happy in the past few years. So, I think we will renew the contract. There is no doubt."

Kasenberg smiled and nodded, "Of course."

"I guess you definitely know my investment intention. The Nasdaq index has risen from the 700 points last year to the current 955 points. It is just around the corner. Everyone said that the Nasdaq index is already a bit high. However, I am very optimistic about the trend of the Nasdaq. But this is definitely risky, even if Buffett does not dare to make any judgment on the stock market, so I can give you two options."

Kasenberg showed a curious look.

Eric paused and continued: "Your contract remains the same, it is still 2% annual profit bonus, but there are two options for the calculation rules. First, we can list the remarks separately and will invest in Shamrock Holdings. The funds are included in your bonus calculation rules, you do not have to bear the investment risk of the clover control, of course, if you have income, you will not be able to enjoy the bonus share. Second, because we are doing equity investment, as long as it is suitable The rate of return, the company will throw the stocks held. So, you can give up the bonus share of the Shamrock Holdings investment, then, our remarks will be changed to all the funds invested in the clover control during your firefly ceo The stocks you buy, regardless of whether you are still in the future, as long as the corresponding stocks are sold, you can still enjoy 2% of the proceeds from this part of the investment as a bonus."

Considering a moment, Kasenberg asked: "Eric, can I know if you intend to invest in the stocks of those companies?"

"Cisco, AOL, Microsoft, Intel, ibm, verizon, sprint..." Eric simply listed several companies and said: "At that time, I will list a list specifically because of the amount of money invested by our company. Too big to specialize in buying a company's stock."

Eric cited the most popular it and communications companies in recent years.

Kasenberg is looking at the peak of Yahoo, Cisco, and AOL, which are operated by firefly investments. However, he also knows that these high-tech companies have high stock price-earnings ratios, and the higher the price-earnings ratio. Representing the market's optimistic outlook for the development of these companies, but also means that the risk of investing in these companies will be very large.

After hesitating for a while, Kasenberg looked at Eric and smiled and asked: "Eric, what proposal do you suggest me to choose?"

Eric smiled and said: "Of course it is the second."

Eric discussed the company’s ceo salary with Tina Brown and others a few years ago. If a manager can only bring a profit of 10 million US dollars a year, Eric will definitely not pay to the other party. 10 million US dollars, but if a manager can bring billions of dollars in annual profits to the company, even if the other party's annual salary is over 100 million, it is understandable. Kasenberg is undoubtedly a very capable manager. Although the rapid development of fireflies in recent years has the Eric personal gold finger factor, it is also inseparable from Kasenberg's excellent management ability. Therefore, Eric does not mind that Kasenberg has been involved and shared the dividends of the Internet in the next few years.

Kasenberg looked at Eric's expression for a few seconds, followed by a squirrel-like smile, saying, "Okay, then the second."

Kasenberg also thought very well that with his current annual income, even if he shrinks by half, it is enough to support the world's most luxurious life. Therefore, choosing the second contract can also be regarded as an investment in the future. He is also not worried that Shamrock Holdings will hold it for a long time after investing in a stock. Because this proves the investable value of a certain stock, even if it is over ten years and 20 years, or even longer, then the income at that time should be a pension for yourself.

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