I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 817: How can an elf not be beautiful?

After talking about "Titanic" with Kasenberg, Eric returned to the Sharp Manor by car.

As the twilight faded, Eric walked into the villa, walked through the hall to the glass curtain wall, and saw Nicole sitting on the sofa lazily, holding a comic book to read with great interest.

That's right, it's a comic.

On the side of the curtain wall, Eric’s often rested sofas were filled with thousands of cartoons. After returning to the United States to produce the later period of Royal Casino, Eric also began preparing for the Marvel Movie Universe in advance. Although the plan to launch the first Marvel superhero movie "Spider-Man" will wait until around 2000, but from next year, it is necessary to plan the layout of the entire Marvel movie universe, Eric does not want to repeat the original time and space China Warner was rushed to the movie universe, and the result was one after another, either a box office or a bad experience.

The main setting work of the Marvel Film Cosmic Program is still handled by Marvel. However, Eric wants to participate in the creation of the Marvel Movie Cosmos, and must fully understand the comic characters under Marvel.

In front of these thousands of comics were moved out of the New York Marvel Works Archives. When Eric called these comics, Master Stan Lee repeatedly recited to Eric over the words of returning to Eric. Because of the accumulation of decades, many of these cartoons have become very expensive collector's editions. Many Americans have a hobby of comic collections. As a super comic fan, Nicholas Cage even spent hundreds of comics collections. Ten thousand U.S. dollars. Therefore, a lot of comics that seem to be even old-fashioned in front of us are enough to make any senior comic booker think of a housebreaker.

Notice that Eric appeared, Nicole looked up and smiled at him, took off the headphones hidden in the hair, and said: "Eric, you are back."

Eric nodded, took off his jacket, and walked over. Nicole put down the legs sitting on the plate and let it go to the side. The two men squeezed into a single sofa and sat down.

Putting a headset that Nicole had just taken down, Eric asked: "Jensen?"

It’s just Thanksgiving. Shantou is busy with the propaganda of “Mission Impossible 2” in this period. This Thanksgiving Eric will spend the time with Nicole and Famik. After Thanksgiving, "Mission Impossible 2" was released, Eric will go to New York with Xiao Nizi, and spend Christmas with the children and the children.

Nicole recently liked the mp3 player that can be put in the pocket just developed by Firefly Electronics. She also put on another earphone and enjoyed the music coming from the earphone. She said: "She went to the supermarket. Yes, Eric, before you came back, Ms. Haines sent a few documents, saying that it was from New York."

Eric reached for Nicole's thin waist and leaned back on the chair and said, "Let's put it first. I don't want to see any company documents today."

In the afternoon, after listening to a series of bad news about the Titanic, Eric now has no mood to deal with any corporate affairs.

Nicole also knew that the Titanic had put tremendous pressure on the fireflies in recent times. She had just noticed the exhaustion of Eric's eyebrows, so she stopped mentioning it. Pick up the thin cartoon on your knees and lean back in front of Eric. "Eric, I found a very interesting thing. It turns out that Peter Parker’s parents are all ia agents. And also saved the Wolverine."

Eric knew that Nicole was deliberately picking up a relaxed topic and said with a smile: "If you read all the thousands of Marvel comics around you, you will find that almost all characters in the Marvel comic system. Being able to make connections. Letting the popular characters have a crossover of the story is a gimmick for many comic companies to increase their sales."

"Sounds like MGM's agent movie universe," Nicole said, squinting. "Or, the inspiration for the agent's movie universe is that you got it from the comic company?"

Eric nodded and admits: "Yes."

Nicole didn't think that she had been fooled by guessing, and she was a little excited. She raised the cartoon in her hand and said, "Which superhero are you going to shoot first?"

"Spiderman has been identified, but in addition, in cooperation with MGM, Fox, and other projects, I plan to bring all the popular characters in the entire Marvel universe to the big screen. ”

As the most popular superhero in Marvel, Spider-Man will definitely stay with fireflies, but Eric has not considered what superheroes MGM and Fox will be responsible for. The distribution of Marvel Superheroes in the original time and space must not be copied as it is, which requires very detailed planning.

Compared with the successful development of many successful super-movie movies, Marvel’s popularity in the film is almost no, so there is a point that Eric has already determined that it will be successful in the original time and space. Superhero characters are on the big screen, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man and War, so that you can quickly open the Marvel movie universe, and after these characters cultivate enough market and popularity, introduce new superheroes, videos. The chances of success at the box office will also be higher.

Nicole didn't know Eric's detailed plan, but she couldn't help but sigh. Although these days are just for pastime, Nicole has already got some understanding of Marvel's comic characters, if Eric has just The plan can be fully implemented, and the plan can definitely be described as grand.

"Then, if all of them are on the big screen, there may be dozens of them."

"Of course," Eric looked at Nicole's thin lips, which opened slightly, and reached out and gently touched it. He smiled and said: "You have also watched comics for several days, and there are interested characters. ?"

Nicole opened her mouth and tried to bite, watching him subconsciously retract his fingers, and smiled: "For the time being, there is no interest. Speaking of it, Marvel does not seem to be as popular as the Wonder Woman of D. Oh."

"Popularity is slowly accumulating. If a female superhero under Marvel has a successful TV series like "Wonder Woman", it is definitely very popular now."

Eric explained that he would not mention this topic anymore. Even if Nicole is interested in a female character, it is not so easy to really want to join. Nicole’s current pay has reached the top of the actress’s top $15 million. This high payout is completely inconsistent with the production of the second- and third-line Hollywood movie stars in the Eric plan.

However, suddenly thinking of something, Eric quickly said: "Right, speaking, I have a role here, I hope you can join us."

Nicole's expression of doubts, keenly grasping a certain keyword in Eric's tone, said with a smile: "Join?"

"Yeah, this is a trilogy series. In the future, it is possible to develop a six-part song. There is a character in it. The drama is not too much, but it is very important. In all the actresses I know, I think only you are the most suitable. However, in terms of pay, it probably only gives you $3 million, because this is a group play. Although your role is important, it is not the protagonist."

Nicole licked the light blue scorpion and raised her mouth. She smiled and said: "The trilogy pays $3 million. I think that if I promised it, Pat may be crazy. But, since you said me It is the only suitable person in your mind, then I promise you. Hey, what role is it?"

With Nicole’s current worth, $3 million to take a trilogy. As her agent, Pai Jinsily heard the news and it is very likely that she will be crazy. This is not because her agent has drawn So it has been greatly reduced, but this performance contract poses an unpredictable risk to Nicole's superstar actress.

Eric reached out and took Nicole's chin and looked at this flawless face. Nicole is twenty-nine years old this year, at the moment when a woman is the most fashionable, slender eyelashes, round face, petite The nose, the thin lips, everything is so perfect.

Eric couldn't help but kiss on Nicole's lips and said, "Your character is an elf, Queen of Camerre, do you know?"

"It turned out to be "The Lord of the Rings"," Nicole immediately stunned.

Eric nod, the original "The Lord of the Rings" series, the Queen of the Queen of Camerreu is Kate Blanchett, if the single acting, Cate Blanchett is indeed better than Nicole, but On the beauty, Cate Blanchett is far less than Nicole.

In Eric's view, as an innocent incarnation of noble elegance, how can an elf not be beautiful?

"MGM will announce the project plan of the "Lord of the Rings" series next fall. The trilogy will be back-to-back. It takes about a year to shoot in New Zealand. However, your play should only take two or three weeks. The delay is too long."

From this summer's summer file to next summer's summer, MGM has launched three heavyweight films of the MGM movie universe in several popular schedules. As long as the three movie boxes are stable, MGM has enough enthusiasm to announce The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a super-large project involving 300 million U.S. dollars, has the performance support of the Agent Film Cosmos program, and MGM’s other shareholders are unlikely to raise too strong opposition.

Nicole actually heard some news about the "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. However, she didn't care about it. Instead, she stared at Eric and asked curiously: "I am the Queen of the Cypress. Who will play Princess Auntie?"

Eric did not hide it, pinched Nicole's chin and said, "Diane Kruger, what do you think?"

"You can really pet those pretty babies," Nicole muttered subconsciously.

In the past two years, the frequent appearance of Victorian angels in Hollywood films has become a topic that many people talk about. Everyone knows who is secretly pushing this matter. Therefore, about Eric and the Secret Angels The various anecdotal speculations have spread a myriad of versions, and the more exaggerated rumors are that Eric has already exhausted the Victorian Angels.

The woman around me has already ridiculed herself about this incident. Eric doesn't mind, saying: "I just want to make this film more perfect. Since it is an elf, it should be beautiful first. And, the earliest fairy tale. It happens to be a creature in Germanic mythology, and Diane is a German, 100% in line with this setting."

"I didn't bother to listen to you," Nicole glanced at him. He reached out and took it back from Eric. The earphone was worn on his ear. What was being said, Famik Jensen held two full Full of convenience bags, stepping through the hall on high heels.

Looking at Eric and Nicole snuggling up on a sofa, Famik Jensen said with some snacks: "I ran to buy food, but the two of you guys are intimate here."

"Oh, come, let's be intimate," Eric watched Famick Jensen put the convenience bag down and reached for her to pull her.

Famik Jensen took a seat on the armrest of Eric's other side of the sofa and opened Eric's hand and said, "Well, what are you two talking about?"

Eric said casually: "Say you, after the New Year, what plans?"

The seventh season of Archives is already on Fox TV, which will be the last of this classic sci-fi series, although Fox has repeatedly offered very good conditions, Brad Pitt and Famik Jensen. The protagonists are reluctant to renew. Brad Pitt wants to take the opportunity to enter the film circle, but Famik is a little tired. In order to save the budget, "Archives" has been filmed in Canada in recent seasons, and Famik does not want to continue to run for a few months each year. Days.

Science fiction TV shows are usually taken in one go. Although the episode is still airing, Famick has completed all the work at this time and is in a state of rest.

"There is no plan for the time being. I plan to take a year off and do some charity. After the New Year, I plan to go to Africa to visit the refugees with a charity team."

Eric immediately showed a worried look and grabbed Famik's little hand: "Baby, please, don't adopt black children like some Hollywood actresses. If you want, we can have one together, or else. next year?"

Famik's face was reddish. I thought Eric was going to persuade her not to go to Africa and so on. Some of them were moved. When I heard this, I slammed someone's strange hand: "You have no. Compassionate bastard, I decided that I will ignore you for the rest of the day, Nicole, can you bring these things into the kitchen for me?"

"Of course, it's time to prepare dinner," Nicole gave Eric a gloating look. She got up and Famik picked up a convenience bag and walked toward the kitchen.

Eric looked at the tall backs of the two women whispering away, smiled, and turned over the body from the side of the comics for a while, found a comic, and looked at it with relish.

On the cover of the comics, there are a few prominent words printed on it.

"The Phoenix Awakens."

Qin Gree, the most powerful and complex female superhero character in the war, can be dig deeper than d Wonder Woman. (To be continued.)

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