I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 823: daze

Taking a sip of coffee, Sabrina Land once again carefully looked at the young man opposite, watching Eric's eyes focus on the book, even if it had been more than half of the time, her eyes still With curiosity. [

Half a month ago, Sebrina, who was seeking a part-time job, received a call from her prestigious instructor at the college, saying that a big man wanted to find a temporary tutor and explain some of the basics of finance. Knowledge, only need 3 hours a day, you can get 2oo dollars.

The higher the top US universities, the higher the tuition fees, which is one of the great reasons why nearly half of college students in the United States drop out of school. In addition to a few rich people, most American college graduates will be more or less burdened with student loans. In order to alleviate economic pressure, many students choose to work part-time during school.

The same is true of Sabrina. Before that, most of her work was just around $1o.

After hearing the job of earning 2oo dollars a day for three hours, Sabrina couldn’t wait to prepare a resume for the tutor. However, she did not report too much expectations. She was in the hospital. Although the results in the department are good, but the competition is better than her, and I hope that the competitors of this job will catch a lot.

But two days later, she was notified that she got the job.

She then met a vice president-level executive at the Firefly Group, which appeared to be Alan Fisman. She thought that the other person was the object of counseling, but the other party was only interviewing her. The two talked for half an hour, and she was later asked to sign a confidential contract of more than ten pages.

Can the executives of the firefly group vice president level come out for such a negligible temporary work, Sabrina probably has been faintly aware of this process, but finally see Eric himself, Sabrina is still surprised The chin almost fell.

Working in Southampton, more than 100 kilometers from Columbia University in Manhattan, for this temporary work, Sabrina deliberately stayed in a classmate of Bridges, not far from Southampton, every day. I drove for half an hour early in the morning and came to this cafe in Southampton.

In the first few days, Sebrina mostly explained many basic knowledge points for Eric, mainly the terminology in Financial Alchemy written by George Soros, the financial tycoon. Reflexivity, participant bias, swap value, etc. These issues are very basic for most financial students.

Although I dare not express it, occasionally, Sabrina will inexplicably produce some sense of superiority.

But as the days passed, Eric’s problems were getting less and less every day, but it’s getting more and more savvy. On several occasions, Sebrina was almost speechless.

However, more recently, Sabrina feels more and more like a vase. In addition to the first few problems of the day, Eric is mostly quietly reading, occasionally thinking, or staying. .

Perhaps, in a few days, this rewarding job will be lost.

At this point, and then think of the first sense of superiority, Sabrina couldn't help but feel that she was stupid. In front of this, the young man who holds the most personal wealth in the world is only two years older. Sabrina can think of it. Maybe two years later, she just got a stable job at most, away from her previous life goals. The difference is 100,000 miles, and the young man in front of him has already broken through the limits of wealth that most people can have.

How much money he has, $46.5 billion, is not right, that was the year before last year. It seems to be 67.7 billion last year. It is really powerless.

After getting together for more than half a month, occasionally, Sabrina will also have some thoughts like Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella, etc. For this reason, she always pays special attention to her appearance in this subconscious time. I bought a whole new set of cosmetics, but so far, Eric has not communicated with her many other things except for this "financial alchemy". Even she has never been to his residence. He must have lived nearby, and the two can only meet in this coffee shop every day. Occasionally he will not come, and someone will inform her to leave.

I noticed that Eric’s eyes once again left the book and began to go away. After a pause, Sabrina suddenly took courage and said: “Ai... Eric, I went to see Titanic with my friends last night. ""."

When this sentence was finished, Sabrina noticed that Eric’s expression had come up and looked up. It seemed that he noticed that there was still a person sitting opposite. Immediately, his mouth was faintly smiling, a bit odious, as if See through all the smiles.

Feeling that the cheeks were slightly hot, Sabrina inexplicably regretted it, but since she spoke, she insisted on blurting out the idea of ​​brewing for a while: "I, and my friends, think that this movie is seriously underestimated. Its box office should have been higher."

Eric nodded slightly and said: "Thank you for your affirmation, Sabrina, I am very glad that you can enjoy this movie."

After Eric finished, he picked up the book in front of him and his eyes fell on the page again.

The raccoon cat's claw-like slap in the end failed, but Sabrina's heart was a lot easier, and my heart could not produce the courage to take the initiative again.

So consistent until 12 noon, Sabrina packed her things, Eric stood up at this time, and the two walked out of the cafe together, Sabrina was about to say goodbye to Eric, to the nearby On the road, see if you can stop a taxi or hitchhik, but Eric grabs it.

"Wait a minute, I will let you go back," Eric said.

Sabrina snorted and subconsciously nodded, but her heart was inexplicably warm. In the morning, she just said that her car was broken. I didn't expect him to be in my heart. Before that, she still felt that he was a cold-hearted person, and she suddenly felt that she was jealous of him.

Eric took out a phone and dialed a phone call, and the two waited on the side of the road outside the cafe.

Sabrina quietly licked her bag, and for a moment, made up her mind: "Eric, you may no longer need me, maybe, I don't need to come back tomorrow?"

Eric looked at the girl and asked, "Your holiday should be a long time. Is there anything else to do?"

Sabrina thought about it and shook her head honestly.

"Then continue to accompany me to read," Eric smiled and said: "I like to read when I am reading, and there is someone around me, and the smell on your body is also very good."

Sabrina's face was red, and said: "Eric, you should have a lot around you... girls are willing to accompany you to read books?"

"Yeah," Eric nodded. "However, they will not explain to me what is the theory of reflexivity."

Then, Sabrina again cautiously asked: "Eric, I can ask, why are you interested in Mr. Soros's book?"

Eric replied ambiguously: "Some things have to be born, so check ahead."

Sebrina saw that Eric did not explain her in detail, and did not ask for interest. Until half a year later, when the economic crisis that shocked the world swept across Southeast Asia, Sabrina understood that Eric’s words at this time meant What is it.

The driver drove the car over, and Eric told the other party to send Sabrina back to Bridges, and he returned to the manor.

Unexpectedly, Chris and Emily didn't know when they had come over. They returned to Maryland with Jeffrey during Christmas and didn't expect to come back so soon.

Eric and the two of them embraced each other and chilled. Chris noticed the "financial alchemy" in Eric's hands and smiled and said: "You recently hired a little girl to accompany you. Look at this book?"

Eric nodded and still joked: "Is this thing already in Maryland?"

"It was what Emily and Joan had heard on the phone," Chris explained.

Emily smiled and said: "Who knows what he is paying attention to."

Eric ignored the ridicule of Emily and asked, "How come back so early, don't stay a few days?"

"It's not you, pushing so much work to Chris, but I am so leisurely."

Eric looked up and down Emily's eyes and saw her hairy. This is: "If you marry Chris now, I will take half of his work off."

When Emily heard this sentence, she was immediately taken by ko, pulling Vijnia near her to the villa, and she did not forget to explain: "We are going to prepare lunch, let's talk about it."

Everyone laughed.

When the women left, Chris returned to the "Financial Alchemy" and said: "You also noticed the movement of Soros in the recent period?"

"Is there any secrecy in the remarks that Soros sang the Southeast Asian economy? How can I not notice it?" ""

The Southeast Asian economic crisis exploded in 1997, but in fact, as early as the beginning of this year, Soros has begun to watch the decline of the Southeast Asian economy frequently, just as the United Kingdom felt strong for centuries in previous years. The pound sterling will never depreciate. At this time, the Southeast Asian countries that have experienced false prosperity for more than a decade have also felt that their own financial system will not be broken by international hot money. Therefore, no effective measures have been taken to prevent it from happening.

At this time, some urgent international currency escaping may have begun to establish a short position in the currencies of Southeast Asian countries. In Eric’s memory, in February next year, the international foreign exchange speculators represented by Soros began to launch a tentative attack on Thailand.

Chris couldn't help but think of the 90s and asked: "What do you think about this time?"

Eric shrugged and said: "Southeast Asian countries must have been so moldy this time, they can't hold it."

Chris’s eyes flashed and said: What about us this time?

"I have been thinking about this issue recently," Eric said. "We certainly can't copy the miracle of futures profit during the Kuwait war. It was a sudden black swan event. Almost everyone didn't think Sa. Dam has dared to invade Kuwait, but he just did it. This time, once Soros takes the lead in attacking the Southeast Asian currency market, this will at least be a long tug-of-war for half a year or even a year. The size of the hot money is more than 100 billion. We have no advantage in coming to the market, and the risk will not be lower than others."

"What are you going to do?" Chris asked again.

"Just play it, that hundreds of millions of dollars go in and make a small fight, although you can't play too much, but we can't do nothing, it doesn't fit my style."

These days, Eric has also been considering various issues in the upcoming Southeast Asian economic crisis. He certainly thought about doing a big job like five years ago, but then it is not working.

Quite simply, with the current knowledge of the Firefly Group, Eric can easily raise 200 million US dollars in a short period of time. If necessary, the Firefly Group can also lend more than US$1 billion in the short term in major US banks. Funds.

Then, according to the ideal state, with a net investment of 200 million U.S. dollars and a five-fold security leverage to establish a short position in Southeast Asia, the overall short-selling size will reach 100 million U.S. dollars.

In memory, the currencies of Southeast Asian countries have basically depreciated by about 5o% after the financial crisis. Then, at that time, Eric will get about $500 million in the short position of this $1 billion. income.

500 million US dollars, this is already a very rich profit figure. After all, the top few companies in the United States are giants, and the profit for one year is only this number.

But the fact is that in Eric’s memory, Southeast Asia has suffered the most serious Asian financial crisis. The foreign exchange reserves of several countries are more than 100 billion US dollars. Currency speculation is different from international futures. The main players are The capital banks of the countries that have been attacked are also the source of foreign exchange reserves of the countries.

Then, not to mention the search for countries' stock markets, bonds, and even the real economy in the later period, just in terms of currency speculation, a total of more than $100 billion in 'fat meat' is in the case of the wolves, Eric anyway. It is impossible to establish a short position with a size of $100 million.

If you use the $200 million principal alone, you want to swallow one-tenth of the time. When someone else’s billion-dollar international hot money doesn’t exist.

In the Southeast Asian financial crisis of the original time and space, Soros was at the end of his own family, and eventually earned more than 200 million US dollars.

Therefore, perhaps those small investors, in the upcoming financial crisis, will take the risk of profiting several times, but when the size of the hot money reaches a certain level, the profit ratio will drop sharply, and eventually it will harvest 90%. The profit of 20-30 is even good. (To be continued.) 8

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