I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 831: Decent financial report

"Speaking of it, George has already confirmed the actor of Queen Amidala, and you know it."

The next morning, Eric drove to Firefly Studios, from Beverly Peak to Prea Vista, just past Century City, and Elizabeth sat in Eric's car to work.

"Star Wars Prequel" because of the establishment of the film, etc., has been delayed until now, and finally decided to start in April. As the issuer, this project is now fully responsible by Elizabeth, she has been busy this matter recently, although the film In terms of production, Fox couldn't get it, but most of the shots in the studio were still shot on the Fox studio. On the way to Century City, the two could not help but talk about this topic.

Eric has no feelings about the Star Wars series. He is not very interested in whether the heroine candidate is Natalie Portman. However, listening to Elizabeth’s cheerful tone, she still curiously follows her: "Who what?"

Elizabeth leaned against Eric and leaned over her mouth. He said, "Guess it, give you a hint. It’s a 16-year-old girl. You used to discover her into Hollywood."

Eric listened to her saying that it was roughly confirmed that the trajectory of history still coincided with it.

However, this is not surprising. From the beginning of this killer is not too cold, Natalie Portman is the best performing child star in recent years, except for the wonderful performance in "This killer is not too cold". Tali also participated in the highly acclaimed "Theft of Fire" and "Everyone Says I Love You", not to mention that she is still Jewish, and this advantage is even stronger. As one of the important symbols of American film culture, Queen Amidala in the Star Wars series, whether intentional or not, in the Jewish gathering of Hollywood, this group will certainly be more inclined to promote a Jewish girl to play this role. .

Even with this thought, Eric deliberately guessed: "I think, um, Kirsten Dunst?"

Elizabeth blinked and suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "Who is Kirsten Dunst, why don't I know?"

“Hey,” Eric touched his nose subconsciously. “The little girl in The Night Vampire, don’t look at me with this kind of look. I’ve seen her a few times. I don't know what she looks like now."

Elizabeth just wanted to "night visit vampire", and snorted softly, said: "Well, don't let you guess, maybe there is a woman who comes to me, Natalie Portman, you Everyone who met at Long Island a few years ago was very satisfied."

"Well, a clever little guy," Eric nodded.

Chatting casually, the car entered Century City and soon entered the Fox studio. Elizabeth subconsciously finished the Hermès scarf around the neck, turned to Eric, and slightly lifted her chin: "Hey, can you see the traces?"

Eric reached out and helped her sort it out, blocking a trace of red marks, and smiled: "If you don't block, who dares to say anything."

Elizabeth threw him a blank eye: "Well, I took the silk scarf off, and you accompanied me to the meeting."

Eric consciously didn't have such a thick face and immediately changed his mouth: "Forget it, I think it's still a good cover."

"You bastard," Elizabeth snorted.

The car stopped and the driver got off the car and pulled the door. Elizabeth leaned over and kissed Eric. She picked up her own bag and said, "You don't have to get off the bus. I used to be good."

Eric nodded and kept seeing Elizabeth into the office building, which told the driver to drive.

In the "Casino Royale", in addition to the full CG of the airport aircraft dive lens, the lens that needs special effects processing is not too much, so the post-production progress is relatively fast.

Returning from San Francisco, the next time in February, the special effects scene of "Royal Casino" was completed, and the film entered the final editing stage. This can be said to be a crucial step in determining the quality of a film. Throughout February, Ai Rick is no longer concerned about other things, but is devoted to the editing of "Royal Casino".

At the same time, after determining the final plan, Firefly Electronics officially launched the promotion of the MP3 player Fireflyer. Although it can predict that Fireflyer will have a very broad market prospect all over the world, but Bill Olson and other management The layer is still determined to step by step for the camp to first develop the North American market.

With the support of a large number of media resources in the Firefly system, Fireflyer's exquisite and compact figure quickly appeared on the advertising platforms of major TV, network and paper media in North America. Firefly Electronics also cooperated with Yahoo Portal in a big way. It took 10,000 prototypes very proudly. Yahoo Portal organizes promotional activities. Users can get a lucky draw every day by activating the Yahoo Music Box account, in order to win the free trial of Fireflyer. At the same time, users also have the opportunity to get Yahoo Music Store gift vouchers with different denominations. Yahoo Music Store buys songs.

Although the free gift of 10,000 Fireflyers and a large number of gift vouchers directly brought a huge marketing fee of $3 million to Firefly Electronics and Yahoo! Portal, the effect is also very obvious, because only the user's personal credit card information needs to be bound on the YahooPay tool. Achieving activation does not require substantial consumer behavior. In just one week, YahooPay has more than 700,000 new users, and the total number of users is close to 5 million. Prior to this, YahooPay’s promotion channels were mainly Cooperate with online payment websites such as Amazon, which is supported by Firefly Investment Company. Because e-commerce is just beginning to sprout, users are also worried about the security of online payment tools. Since the release of YahooPay, the number of users has been more than 4 million. This ratio is far from satisfactory, compared to the number of Internet users in North America that have exceeded 50 million.

As the promotion progressed, Fireflyer quickly attracted the attention of a large number of users. At the end of February, according to a survey by Yahoo! Portal, Fireflyer’s first-month shipment in North America in April was likely to reach 100,000. This is still a conservative estimate.

On the other hand, at the end of February, Yahoo also produced the first decent annual financial report since its establishment five years ago.

In 1996, the number of Internet users worldwide exceeded 80 million. As the world's largest Internet market, the number of Internet users in North America doubled to 50 million in 1995.

With the explosive development of the Internet industry in North America, Yahoo! Online, which accounts for more than 70% of the online market of Internet services, relies on a large number of portals, online mailboxes, search engines, personal homepages and other main businesses. Achieved $194 million in operating income, thanks to the success of the Yahoo! Advertising Alliance, 90% of which comes from Internet advertising.

Although in order to achieve rapid expansion in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Japan and even Latin America in North America and overseas, Yahoo's operating expenses in various aspects in 1996 amounted to 335 million US dollars, and the annual performance report still shows The loss was more than $140 million. However, compared with the revenue of less than 25 million US dollars in 1995, the growth rate of 776% in one year still surprised many people.

At the same time, although Yahoo's performance growth in the next year is forecast to slow down sharply compared to last year, the company still gives a conservative growth forecast of 200%. As long as this number can be achieved, Yahoo will likely realize profit and loss from next year. Balance, and even get a small margin, which is undoubtedly very beneficial for Yahoo's listing.

In order to pave the way for Yahoo's listing in the next two years, Yahoo did not hesitate to post relevant data on the portal homepage after the annual financial report data was released. This has also caused a huge sensation in the industry. Anyone knows what the annual growth rate of more than 700% means. The Nasdaq market is particularly sensitive to this data. The Internet technology stocks that have been listed are subject to Yahoo. With the stimulation of the annual financial report, stock prices have risen. Wall Street is also very excited. After Yahoo announced its annual earnings report, it raised Yahoo's valuation to $9 billion.

Eric, who is in Los Angeles, is also very surprised to see this financial report. He thinks that Yahoo’s revenue will be delayed for at least a year or even longer. It seems that because Yahoo’s appearance has changed in advance, it has changed too. More things.

While reading Yahoo's overseas expansion materials, Eric will inevitably think of his hometown. Seeing that Yahoo has no development plan for it, it is doubtful that people have inquired about it.

As a result, according to some scattered information, China did not have 200,000 Internet users until the end of 1996, and the number of PC sales in China for the whole year was only 700,000. Correspondingly, worldwide, the number of Internet users in 1996 has exceeded 80 million. In 1996, global PC shipments reached 70.9 million units, and only US PC sales exceeded 26 million.

Well, Eric has seen a simple page of information and is temporarily thrown away, and it is hard to rise in his heart.

After Yahoo announced its annual financial report, Cisco and AOL, two large-scale companies holding firefly investment, also announced their annual financial statements. Compared with Yahoo, which has just begun to break out, the performance of these two companies should be realistic and bright. Even if it is a slightly weaker AOL, the annual turnover has reached 1.8 billion US dollars.

Sight back to Hollywood, February 27, "Titanic" released in the tenth week, the weekly box office still reached 25.3 million US dollars, while the cumulative box office officially broke through the $400 million mark, reaching $ 417 million.

Because the "Titanic" single-week box office remains stable at more than $20 million, the agency predicts that "Titanic" will break the $460 million created by Star Wars in the twelfth week of the show. North American box office records, and even further, during the Oscar period at the end of March, the total box office of "Titanic" will exceed 500 million US dollars, and become the first film in North America to reach 500 million.

In overseas markets, as the Titanic was released in some insignificant overseas countries and regions, the overseas screening ticket of the film expanded to 27, although the more important overseas ticket warehouse countries such as France, Germany and Japan have to wait. The Titanic's most influential Oscars were released before and after the show, but because of the increase in the number of overseas ticket warehouses, the growth rate of the Titanic's overseas box office began to increase.

One of the most surprising things for everyone is the Brazilian market, where box office performance has been very common.

Although it is the largest ticket warehouse country in Latin America, in general, Hollywood movies can get a $10 million box office in Brazil, which is already a very good result, even if it was the Jurassic Park that created the global box office record a few years ago. Brazil’s total box office is also more than $14.9 million. Therefore, the fireflies did not classify Brazil as a country with special care. Therefore, on February 7, Titanic landed on the Brazilian cinema.

Immediately, the "Titanic" box office performance in Brazil was also beyond everyone's expectations. In just two weeks, the "Titanic" Brazilian box office exceeded $10 million. This data is far beyond the data. The Firefly Brazil branch expected that although the "Titanic" has already shown the box office miracle in North America, the Brazilian branch still only predicts that the "Titanic" box office in Brazil is likely to be the same as that of the year. Jurassic Park is quite equal, with a total box office of around $15 million.

After two weeks of breaking through 10 million US dollars, even the head office side, no longer ignore the "Titanic" Brazilian box office prospects, with the personal intervention of Kasenberg, the film's size in Brazil has increased rapidly by 50%. Left and right, and increased publicity, then, the third week of the release, "Titanic" in Brazil's box office did not fall back, single-week box office reached 6.9 million US dollars, the cumulative box office reached 17 million US dollars, easily broke the year The Titanic has less than 15 million box office data, because "Titanic" completely surpasses the box office curve of common sense, no one knows how big the box office potential of the film in Brazil.

Los Angeles Vista, Firefly Studios.

After more than half a month of intense work, the preliminary fine cuts of "Royal Casino" have been completed, and MGM's top executives and filmmakers have gathered at the studio in the late center of Firefly Studios to watch movie samples. .

The sample has not yet produced the title and end captions. The total duration is 150 minutes. Eric plans to further compress the lens to achieve a film length of about 140 minutes. For popcorn movies, this is the best time. Timely, like the "Titanic" for more than three hours, but also to get the box office miracle, there is only one in Hollywood history.

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