I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 833: One idea

Cameron portrays the imaginary picture, the tone is full of embarrassment, the gimmick sitting next to Eric is smiling and pouring cold water: "But that must be very expensive."

"Oh, Drew," Cameron shook his head and pointed to Eric. "Your question is not a problem for this guy."

"The problem of money is certainly not a problem. The screening channel is the problem," Eric said with a smile to Cameron. "If you follow the idea, make Spider-Man into 3DIMAX format, then you will find out. You can't find a theater that can play this movie."

Eric’s words are like a real cold water, Cameron is also awake, remembering what Stan Winston said, the 3DIMAX screen for testing in Firefly Studios, even if it’s not the first in the world, in the world. There are also a handful of them in the range.

However, thinking of the 3DIMAX screen, Cameron immediately understood and looked at Eric, saying: "You guy, I was almost cheated by you. Since the 3DIMAX screen is here, you must have a plan in your heart. right?"

"Of course," Eric did not sell off, said: "Even, Firefly software has begun to secretly develop professional tools for 2D to 3D technology. As long as the time is ripe, the digital field will set up a special 3D conversion branch to transform Hollywood into a suitable system. The classic film into a 3D movie re-moves to the big screen."

Strictly speaking, 2D to 3D technology has now appeared. If it wasn’t for the Titanic’s energy in advance, according to the timeline of the original time and space, Cameron should have already produced Terminator 2 at this time. 3D version. However, the current 2D to 3D technology can only be described as rough, and it is impossible to achieve large-scale commercialization.

Eric witnessed the whole process of the new film technology that was originally developed with great prospects for the development of the film industry because of the various pseudo-3D floods. Now he has enough influence on Hollywood. He and the right to speak, he certainly hopes that the relevant technology can develop more maturely to achieve the benign development of this industry.

Cameron asked: "Hey, Eric, don't say so unclear, how long will it take? Three years is not enough. The production cycle of Spider-Man is exactly three years."

"Jim, you have to understand that if you want to promote 3D movies on a large scale, or even further 3DIMAX, we will face a large-scale upgrade of the entire industry chain. From basic 3D camera development to the upgrade of the most terminal cinema equipment. Any one of these links will not be realized overnight. I think it will take at least five years to get results first. So, wait for your next movie and consider this kind of thing."

In fact, it is not impossible to forcibly accelerate this process. However, this does not meet Eric’s plan for the expansion of fireflies.

Eric got a theory from Buffett to accumulate his own strength in a good economic situation and seek expansion in a bad economic environment.

In recent years, it has happened to be the best time for the North American economy, not to mention the fast-growing IT industry, even Hollywood, because of the booming global movie market, the video tape/DVD industry and the further expansion of the cable industry. The average annual growth rate of the Hollywood film industry is far more than 10%.

Eric knows that the current good development environment in Hollywood will be in the downturn of the Internet bubble with the bursting of the Internet bubble around 2000, when it will be the best time for the fireflies to expand further.

Eric’s use of Clover’s investment plan for Nasdaq’s IT stocks is actually accumulating funds for the further expansion of the Firefly Group after 2000, with the current size of the Firefly Group, a small-scale merger of hundreds of millions of dollars, fundamentally It can no longer be called expansion. If you can take advantage of the Internet bubble and accumulate two or three billion dollars in cash reserves, then when the Firefly Group enters a new industry or seeks a merger target, it can pay as little share as possible, or even no need at all. Then use the conversion mode.

It is obviously impossible for Cameron to think of these large-scale industrial development plans. He just feels a little pity.

In other cases, Cameron may delay the production of Spider-Man for a few years, and he can afford it.

However, this project is that he has already promised Eric. Although he has been under a lot of pressure on the Titanic project, Cameron also knows that Eric is not under less pressure than him. How much, because Eric has spared no effort or even blind support for this project. If the "Titanic" box office is defeated, the management of the Firefly Group may lose trust in Eric. Eric gave him such great support. As a temper, he would not let Eric disappoint.

Everyone talked about some 3DIMAX topics. Eric felt a bit dry. He took a few mouthfuls of coffee and asked casually: "Jim, you, what are you busy with recently?"

"Spider-Man" projects will not be opened until at least the second half of this year. Cameron does not need to worry about the "Titanic" Oscar public relations. As for whether to go to Europe or Japan, participate in the "Titanic" The one-stage publicity campaign also completely followed his mind. During this time, Cameron should be considered very leisurely.

Cameron said: "Nothing, I am not like your workaholic. Oh, yes, but I thought of a good idea. When the idea is mature, I will take it out, maybe the firefly will be willing to make it into a movie."

Eric came to the party and said: "Talk about it, maybe everyone can come up with some ideas."

Cameron is also not concealing. He said: "It is a sci-fi story script that tells the story of a girl who escaped from the transformation base after suffering a global disaster. Now it is just a simple background setting, I am still Think about what this global disaster should be."

"Of course it is a nuclear war," Drew said with a side.

Eric immediately remembered what Cameron’s 'pip' was, smiled, and then said: "If it is a nuclear war, there will be not many people on the planet, a massive nuclear war. The residual strong radiation is enough to make the world unsuitable for life for decades."

"It is true," said Stan Winston on the opposite side: "And, after the nuclear war, it should be nuclear winter, and the sun-covered radiation clouds block the sun, and the surface temperature of the earth may even fall below zero. Even if human beings can survive the war and have the means to isolate radiation, because of the nuclear winter, when animals and plants die in large numbers, humans will die because of lack of food."

"I think so too," Cameron said: "So, nuclear war is simply not suitable. It is simply a post-apocalyptic era. What I want is just a chaotic era after a massive global disaster. Humans may If a large number of people die, the city will be largely abandoned, but the living environment on the earth will not become too bad."

"You don't like the day," Eric listened to Cameron's words, pretending to be inadvertent: "If this is the case, you should know that there are many special global attacks in many sci-fi comics in Japan. Will cause large-scale failure of electronic instruments worldwide."

Cameron immediately understood: "You mean, electromagnetic wave attack?"

Eric nodded: "The electromagnetic wave weapon is still in the experimental stage. However, according to your thoughts, I guess that you should choose a point in the future. At that time, the electromagnetic wave weapon should have matured, and humans are electronic. Equipment dependence will be stronger, then, once these devices are attacked, it will certainly cause social chaos on a global scale. Think about it, if there is a global blackout now, the consequences are catastrophic."

"Yes, that's it," Cameron took a hand and the idea was immediately smoothed up. "We can even set a more perfect world view for this story. The turbulent times, the martial law, the bottom struggles for survival. Civilians, um, there are even bigger plans to be brewed after this disaster."

"So, the heroine in the story should be the link that connects all of this," Eric said. "But, according to this setting, I think this idea should be more suitable for making a TV series than a movie. ”

"This is not bad," Cameron did not insist. "The girl in the story should be very kind, but very powerful. At the same time, her character should have a very complicated side, like a fallen angel. Well, it’s called Angel, what do you think?”

“Very good,” Eric nodded with a smile, saying: “The last days are angels.”

"Yes, the end of the world, Angel," Cameron said: "Just call this name, I will drive out the settings during this time, Eric, if the firefly is interested, I will prepare a scriptwriter team."

Eric nodded, "The End of the World", although in the past history, this classic sci-fi American drama was cut only after two seasons, but that is not the reason for the TV series itself. Until many years later, sci-fi fans also remembered the follow-up stories of "The End of the World".

"Jim, I can help you prepare a scriptwriter team, but there is a little demand."

"What?" Cameron asked curiously.

Eric laughed: "The heroine, I still pick it, I don't believe in your aesthetic."

Everyone laughed haha.

Cameron shrugged and said, "Well, whatever you want, but I am very satisfied with the heroine of Titanic, which means that our two aesthetics should be similar."

"Oh, still," Eric suddenly remembered again. "This TV series is more in line with the tastes of young people. It is not suitable for playing on ABC. It happens that this year's Fox "X-Files" is over, if you are willing Maybe you can make this movie take over the schedule of X Files."

"This is your business," Cameron said. "I don't care about the issue, even if you let Fox make it directly, I don't care."

Eric nodded and smiled. "Then I let the writers of X Files directly contact you. They have a lot of experience in creating sci-fi scripts."

"The End of the World Angel" is just an accident, Cameron's personal energy will still be placed in "Spider-Man", will not be the producer as the original time, Eric will then let Fox directly take over the project. Just after the end of the "X-Files", Fox also needs a new sci-fi TV series to fill the schedule, because of the powerful influence of "Titanic", Fox has attached great importance to "The End of the World", the project soon Enter the preliminary preparation stage.

In the following period, Eric continued the post-production of "Royal Casino". At the same time, outside of Hollywood, after several months of preparations, the international hot money led by Soros's Quantum Fund also began to launch the first for Southeast Asian countries. A wave of exploratory attacks.

The scale of this attack is not large, and because Soros has been singing high-profile Southeast Asian economy since last year, more or less let Southeast Asian countries have some vigilance, in the first wave of two weeks of attacks, international Instead of taking advantage of the cheap money, the hot money lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the Thai baht trading war.

Although the hundreds of millions of dollars did not have any substantial impact on the huge international hot money, it has strengthened the confidence of Southeast Asian countries and believed that they have enough strength to resist the attacks of international foreign exchange speculators on their own currencies.

When the countries of Southeast Asia advertised the news of the international hot money ‘铩羽归归’, they did not know that their details had been unconsciously touched by their opponents.

The next thing is the real storm.

Eric has not planned to let go of this opportunity from the beginning. Since the beginning of the year, Chris has started secretly forming a trading team in New York.

After the first exploratory attack on international hot money, Chris flew from New York to Los Angeles to discuss the follow-up plan with Eric himself.

The time is already in mid-March, Malibu, Sharp Point Manor, just had lunch, Chris and Eric sit together on the glass wall of the villa to discuss this matter.

Eric put down the coffee cup in his hand and said: "The statistics of the year have just been calculated. The annual net profit is about 1.76 billion US dollars. After the dividend, I can get about 1.3 billion dollars here. Yahoo needs this side. Reserve 500 million US dollars, this is the biggest expense. There are also fireflies electronic, it also needs 200 million US dollars. Amazon, Bezos submitted the investment report I have seen, this is another 100 million US dollars. Other Enterprises, in order to prevent accidents, need to leave 200 million US dollars to spare, so you can only use 300 million US dollars this time."

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