I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 838: Overseas box office broke out

Strictly speaking, Forbes magazine's valuation of Eric's $98.7 billion this year is relatively accurate.

Eric's current assets include the Firefly Group and the Firefly Investment.

The Firefly Group, which controls more than 20 subsidiaries in the fields of film, television, paradise, comics, music and special effects, has reached a fixed asset size of $50 billion. In 1996, the actual annual revenue of fireflies was $31.3 billion, almost 1.5 times the combined revenue of Time Warner and Viacom. The market capitalization of Time Warner and Viacom was $24.3 billion and 288 respectively. Billion dollars, then, Forbes's estimate of the Firebug Group's $85 billion, in any respect, is not an exaggeration.

Eric’s shareholding in Firefly Group is 73.7%, and the value of this stock is $62.7 billion.

On the other hand, companies such as Cisco, Nokia, and AOL, which are heavily invested by Firefly, are mostly listed, and the value of assets is easier to estimate. According to various public data, the value of this part of Eric’s assets is probably $36 billion.

The sum of the two coincides with the $98.7 billion given by Forbes magazine.

Westerners generally admire miracles and advocate individual heroism. But when certain miracles far exceed their cognition, they often have doubts.

Eric’s personal $98.7 billion net worth is $62.3 billion higher than the second Bill Gates’ $36.4 billion. This disparity in data has created a strong sense of unreality for too many people. So, questioning is almost inevitable.

In order to resolve the anti-monopoly investigation risk that Forbes magazine may bring to the Firefly Group as a 'media oligarchy', Eric conveniently used this question to subtly transfer the media topics in the next few days to himself.

After the publication of the latest "Forbes" magazine, financial journalists and critics who had been able to slam the Erik's personal overrated articles in professional journals or second- and third-line newspapers with low circulation, have received mainstream North American daily newspapers. And the magazine's draft article, I hope they can discuss the views of the latest issue of Forbes magazine rich list.

It’s certainly impossible for the media people to know that the one behind the scenes is Eric himself, the influential media platforms such as The Washington Post, The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, and Yahoo Finance. Publishing articles is also the best way to expand personal influence, so they have been racking their brains, and a detailed article is published soon.

Some of them are aware of the close relationship between these media platforms that have been drafted by them and the Firefly Group or Eric himself, but as a media person who at least wants to pursue freedom of speech on the surface, they will definitely not want to take an opportunity. Change your point of view easily. After many people thought that they might submit the comments to these media platforms, they even made up their minds to argue with each other. I did not expect that these articles were published without any hindrance.

For a time, most of the media in North America have appeared in the article questioning the accuracy of Forbes magazine data and slamming Eric Williams's personal overweight.

"$98.7 billion, a slapstick digital game."

“The Yahoo Network, which is seriously overestimated.”

“The profit margin of the IT industry is generally low, and there is a serious bubble in the valuation of the $36 billion of the Firefly Investment Company.”

“With a net profit of $1.76 billion, the firefly group’s net interest rate has shrunk dramatically.”


Under the sudden and powerful stalwart attack, in order to maintain its credibility, the Forbes Group naturally fought back. For a time, the two sides were so arguing over paper media, television and even online platforms. The focus of most news topics was placed on Ai How much is Rick in the end?

Because the party against the Forbes magazine data is too loud, in the end, most ordinary people unwittingly accepted the opposition's views and used Forbes magazine data as a joke. Under the repeated bombardment of information, the general perception of most people is that Eric’s actual personal status is also locked in the size of 670 billion yuan, although it is still higher than the second place in the list, but Starting with a figure close to $100 billion, it is still relatively easy to accept.

This is exactly what Eric hopes to see.

After a noisy week, the topic naturally began to cool, but few media have paid attention to the "media oligarchy" that Forbes magazine throws.

Even if some of the media's touch-sensitive people are aware of the traces of man-made manipulation, they are also destined to find direct evidence.

After all, Eric’s manipulation of Karen’s approach was very clever, only to let the people who held certain opinions make more voices in the media, and then caused the whole media circle to follow suit. There are always too many people in this world, and they don’t know what they can achieve.

In a twinkling of an eye, a new weekend has arrived.

A brand new explosive news swept the media's last interest in Forbes magazine's rich list into the corner and quickly focused on it.

This is the new week box office data for Titanic.

"Titanic" was released to this day, with a series of miraculous box office data refreshing many people's perception of the box office data of traditional movies, the news about this film has surpassed the field of film and television entertainment and become a social topic.

After another week of reflection, because the Oscars will be held next Monday, North American "Titanic" fans are looking forward to the film's local box office breakthrough of 500 million US dollars, so compared to last week, "Titanic" North America At the 13th week of the screening, the box office again fell back to $23 million, with a cumulative box office of $492 million and a step away from 500 million.

But what pays attention to all media is not the North American box office data that has been surprisingly numb, but the overseas box office data.

Last week, after a few months of strong publicity, "Titanic" has increased the number of overseas countries and regions by 17 and the total number of overseas ballots has reached 46, including France, Germany and Japan. The most important overseas ticket country.

Obviously, in the case of the Titanic North America, whether it is the box office or the nomination of the awards, a series of miracles have been created. The audiences of these newly released overseas countries have reached the highest expectations.

As a result, after the new week, the number of box-offices in the 46 countries and regions of the Titanic reached a staggering $179 million.

Before you know, Titanic has already released countries and regions overseas. Although the release date is uncertain, the total box office has reached 400 million US dollars in the 12 weeks since the North American release. Just one week, with the help of 17 new box office countries, it was only a week. The Titanic’s overseas single-week box office was close to half of the previous 12-week box office. This is definitely a miracle.

Among the newly released countries, it is not surprising that the box office performances of the three ballot countries of France, Germany and Japan are particularly eye-catching.

France's first week's box office is equivalent to 28 million US dollars, Germany's first week is 26 million US dollars, and Japan, it has reached an astonishing more than 49 million US dollars, just these three big ticket positions, one week for the "Titanic" The box office figures contributed $103 million. Although the remaining 43 countries and regions only provided more than $1.7 million in box office per ticket, the overall $76 million box office still far exceeds the average of the previous 12 weeks.

Considering that the overseas box office towns such as France, Germany and Japan may go out of the box office curve similar to North America, and there will still be 22 countries in the next period of time, many box office agencies boldly predict that the Titanic will be the next week. With the help of the Oscars and the opening of the new ticketing warehouse, the overseas single-week box office is likely to break through the miraculous $200 million.

In this era, 99% of Hollywood's films, the total number of overseas box office may not reach 200 million, "Titanic" may achieve this feat in a week.

At this time, under the stimulus of the overseas box office of 179 million US dollars, the "Titanic" global box office has accumulated a total of 1,017 million US dollars. If the Titanic's overseas box office can be maintained at a rate of 200 million US dollars a week in the next few weeks, the total global box office of the Titanic will reach 2 billion US dollars, which is no longer an unreachable number.

The global box office of 2 billion US dollars, just box office data, will bring a net profit of 500 million US dollars for the Firefly Group, Hollywood's seven major film business, not to mention a movie, most of the time, the total net profit of the film released throughout the year They are not necessarily able to reach $500 million.

Moreover, box office revenue is only a beginning. Because the box office data is too much against the sky, although the surrounding video tape, soundtrack and other peripheral income, certainly can not be calculated according to the traditional income ratio, but you can imagine that this part of income will still be a terrible astronomical number. In the entire profit cycle of "Titanic", after the entire industry chain operation, the Firefly Group is not impossible to recover the $2 billion profit equivalent to the box office.

Most of the original people’s global box office expectations for Titanic were only more than $1 billion. At this time, they suddenly jumped to the level of $2 billion. Stimulated by this terrorist profit, Hollywood studios for big production projects. Become more heated and cut.

This weekend, Eric can finally take a break.

However, it is impossible to completely idle. After all, next Monday is the Oscar Awards Ceremony. This time, because I won the Oscar for the best original song nomination with "My Heart for Eternity", Eric must still attend.

It’s also interesting to say. From 1988 to the present, Eric has produced a lot of movies, but so far he has not won the best director award, but he has won the best screenwriter and best original songs. The nomination, and the former Xiaojin people have already arrived, this time is not unexpected, and certainly will get a small gold man.

In a living room of the Pointe Manor Villa, Eric stretched his arms and let the twins look like twins to help him wear a dress. He asked with a customer manager in the Givenchy store and stood next to the girl: " Baby, look, I have already won the best original script award. This time I will get a best original song Xiaojin, there should be no big problem. Then, will I always take these surrounding awards, the best? Special effects, best editing, best soundtrack, and so on, all the awards are taken one by one, oh, what did you say, Grand Slam?"

Shantou smiled and said: "You must not have a grand slam because you are a man."

"Well, I mean," Eric also remembered. What the best female hostess is worth, he will certainly be impossible in his life, and continue: "Those I can get."

"You can't get the best male and best supporting actor," Shantou said, and she certainly knew what Eric wanted to do and continued to 'hit'.

Everyone laughed softly.

Natasha sisters buckled the black dress button on Eric and stood quietly next to it.

Eric has no interest in trying things like clothes. He is more accustomed to buying a stack of identical clothes and always wear them. However, this time Shantou will go to the red carpet with Eric, and he must let him try a suit with his own dress.

Eric is unclear. These black suits that look similar are all necessary for repeated trials.

Drew apparently also saw Eric's impatience. He came over and looked up. He whispered a few words with the well-behaved female account manager of Givenchy. He said, "Okay, let's just set it. Natasha, take off her clothes, and the sleeves need to be changed a little."

Finishing the dress, Drew personally sent the customer service staff of Givenchy to leave, Eric walked away from the living room with ease, walked to the couch next to the glass curtain wall, lay down, stretched his body comfortably, and picked up a magazine next to it. Looks like it.

Drew quickly came back and saw Eric lying on the sofa, smiling and squatting over, leaning over Eric and saying, "Well, Eric, I have already tried it."

"Well," Eric dropped the magazine in his hand and grabbed his soft waist and squinted his eyes.

Shantou had a few hot air on Eric, and this said: "But there are shoes, they will send them right away."


There was a crisp sound in the air.

"Oh, it hurts," Drew twisted his body, and then laughed: "This time it is made to order, you just have to try it."

Eric was pleased with this.

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