I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 848: Hunger marketing

Chapter 848

When Eric, who was holding Kevin, and the other two disappeared into the corner of the stairs, Joanna stepped forward to pull her daughter's little hand and smiled. "Okay, baby, Dad is going to be busy. You follow up and ask." A lot of problems will drive him crazy. Let’s go and see if your birthday cake is done. Isn’t it good to go to the supermarket?

The little girl seemed to have forgotten something that had just been rejected by her father. She was not depressed in her tone, but she was not interested in her mother’s proposal. She raised her face and said, “Mom, can I watch TV?”

Joanna shook her head. "No, TV can only be seen at night."

The little girl felt a little bored and was obeying the mother's intention. Vignia packed up the coffee cups of just a few people and walked out of the kitchen. After listening to Joanna's words, she said, "I still go, you don't have summer and summer. Convenient, you can wait for Mr. Jeff Bezos to come home at home."

Joanna did not insist, sending Virginia and a maid to leave, taking her daughter to walk on the lawn in the front yard.

After about ten minutes, another black car drove into the manor.

Jeff Bezos got out of the car and saw a woman with a quiet and intellectual appearance pulling a little girl.

Although Joanna had been in the air for a few years, she had almost no change in appearance when she was shooting a tornado. Jeff Bezos recognized her identity at a glance and guessed her curious look at her little girl's identity.

Just smile and reach out to Joanna, Jeff Bezos said: "Hello, Ms. Pakula, I am Jeff Bezos, Mr. Williams let me come."

"Hello, call me Joan," Joanna shook hands with the other, smiling: "Eric is talking to the other two gentlemen, please come with me."

The three men walked into the villa living room together. Joanna personally helped Jeff Bezos with a cup of coffee and said, "Let's wait, I will go and see."

"Oh, thank you," Jeff Bezos, sitting on the sofa, got up slightly and watched Joanna leave, only to sit down again, and then once again felt the curious eyes in the beautiful eyes of the little **** the sofa next to her.

Unlike Victor McNealy and Bill Olson's excitement and busyness these days, due to the success of Firelyer's sales on the Amazon platform, Jeff Bezos first thought of expanding the results, he was not eager to introduce More other products, but plans to use the opportunity to sell firelyer this hot product, further expand Amazon's influence in the field of e-commerce. For this reason, he even ambiguously proposed to Victor McNealy to cancel the physical sales of Amazon to become the sole retailer of firelyer, but unfortunately was directly rejected.

Eric told him to come to New York that he didn't tell him what he meant, but Jeff Bezos still didn't give up the idea. Even if he couldn't achieve monopoly supply, he hoped Amazon could sell more shares because of firelyer's current The production capacity is far from meeting the market demand, which is actually the demand of retailers who cooperate with Firefly Electronics.

Jeff Bezos would like to come back and think about how to persuade Eric to give Amazon more support, but the clear and clear voice of this little girl, and the eyes that seem to be able to see people, It made him feel very uncomfortable, and his mind could not concentrate at all. Even before the establishment of Amazon, Jeff Bezos became the youngest vice president of a bank trust company at the age of 25, and he was an absolute elite. Therefore, he found that he had not seen this little girl for many years. Give him the feeling.

Jeff Bezos has never been a habitual passive person. He straightens up and is about to speak a few words with the little girl. The little girl licked her beautiful eyes and took the initiative to ask, "In addition to English, you still What language will you speak?"

Although the voice of the little girl is unique and tender, the tone is not childish, and there is no timidity of any child of the same age facing strangers.

Jeff Bezos feels even more surprised. Facing the little girl waiting for his answer, Jeff Bezos even thinks that if he doesn’t speak other languages ​​at this time, he will definitely be ignored by the little girl. He will not want to be subconscious. A little girl ignored, and this passive situation made him feel uncomfortable, so he decided to take the initiative and put up his expression. He said, "Hey, little guy, this is really rude, you haven’t told me about you yet. What about the name?"

"Hawaii Williams," the little girl blinked and replied.

Jeff Bezos pulled his lips, not because of the seemingly chaotic name of Hawaii. Instead, he actually felt from the expression of the little girl that the little guy clearly saw that he was just pretending to be a pretending gesture, and he did not agree.

Jeff Bezos tried to convince himself that everything was an illusion, and then continued: "Well, Hawaii, why are you asking me what I just had."

"Mom will speak Polish and Russian, Auntie will speak Spanish, Natasha and Eve Goennia will speak Russian, Drew is a fool, nothing will be said except English," mentioned Drew, little girl light Frowning and frowning, the expression finally changed a little more, and continued: "Mom said that Dad will speak Chinese, which is the most difficult language in the world. Unfortunately, he does not want to teach me. Aunt Vicki invited a French to Kevin. Teacher, the French digital grammar is very interesting. Unfortunately, she was driven away by her father a few days ago. Dad said that Kevin does not need to learn so many things. In fact, Kevin is not stupid at all. He knows that as long as he is next to his father, Aunt Vicki I won't force him to learn anything."

The little girl speaks quickly and her mind is quite a bit off. Barabara finishes and then continues to stare at Jeff Bezos: "What about you?"

"Forehead, me," Jeff Bezos hesitated, saying: "I will speak Spanish a little."

The little girl immediately switched the language and asked in Spanish: "Oh, what do you do for work?"

The Spanish pronunciation of the little girl is not very standard, but the sentence is quite smooth. Jeff Bezos estimates that this should obviously be the problem of the teacher's own ability. But what surprised him even more is that since the little girl can switch to Spanish smoothly, would she still have several other languages ​​she just listed?

Jeff Bezos speaks Spanish from a family environment, his stepfather is from Cuba, and the lingua franca of that country is Spanish. But in addition, Jeff Bezos also took French at university. So he tried to replied in French: "I am a businessman and now I am running a website that sells things over the Internet."

"Oh, I saw the introduction on TV, but my father won't let me touch the computer before the age of 12, and I bargained with him to 6 years old." The little girl really understood, and even switched to French without any obstacles. And the pronunciation is obviously much more than the Spanish standard, and then asked: "So, what is the difference between selling goods through the Internet and supermarkets?"

This problem is obviously a bit big, and Jeff Bezos knows that he can't explain it with his own French skills. In his subconscious mind, he no longer treats the little girl in front of him, and he does not realize that the little girl has been unconsciously controlling the initiative of this dialogue.

Slightly frowning, Jeff Bezos is hesitant to ponder how to word, Joanna has come downstairs, noticed the situation here, immediately understood what, with a little helpless expression, but also obvious The pet, walked over and touched her daughter's small head, sorry for Jeff Bezos: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bezos, is summer and summer disturbing you?"

The appearance of Joanna broke the kind of control atmosphere that the little girl unwittingly created. Jeff Bezos also immediately woke up, and looked at Hawaii with a few surprises. He did not expect that he would be one day. It seems that only a five-year-old girl controls the rhythm of the conversation. He does not know that he still overestimates the age of the little girl.

Although it felt a little weird, Jeff Bezos quickly shook his head and smiled: "Of course not, Ms. Pakula, summer and summer are very smart."

Joanna smiled and said: "Eric has already talked with the two gentlemen. He said that you can go up, and the study is at the end of the corridor that turns right upstairs."

Jeff Bezos nodded and got up and walked up the stairs. He couldn’t help but look at the living room halfway. Hawaii has already gotten into Joanna’s ear. The mother and the daughter whispered something intimately. Jeff Bezos was subconscious and wanted to know what the little girl said about herself, but she quickly shook her head and laughed at herself. what happened.

Knocked on the door and walked into the study room on the second floor. Jeff Bezos shook hands with Eric, and sat down on the sofa in the corner of the study. His eyes fell on the side of Eric. Little boy.

The little guy didn't look anything special. He quietly played with the Lego toy in his hand, and saw him coming, leaning against his father, which made Jeff Bezos sigh of relief.

Everything seems to be normal again.

Eric did not notice the eyes of Jeff Bezos, picking a copy from a stack of documents on the coffee table and handing him: "Jeff, you should look at this plan first."

Jeff Bezos nodded, flipped through the folder, and printed two words on the cover, Hunger Marketing.

On the other side, Eric turned his other document and continued the topic. Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen said: "Like Firefly Electronics, Nokia also experienced a supply chain in 1995. The crisis of the crash, but they handled the crisis very well, and surpassed Motorola last year, successfully topped the position of digital mobile phone sales. You two are responsible for research and development, one is responsible for marketing, and there is not enough in the supply chain. The experience. So, I have already passed with Yoma Olila, where I will send a special purchasing assistant manager as the vice president of Firefly Electronics, which is responsible for the construction of the supply chain. Firefly electronics is necessary to expand the capacity of the firelyer, but The plan you gave is actually a mess, it is just blindly expanding production. So, after waiting for the other party to go to San Francisco, I will give you three months, within three months, in order to ensure the quality of the firelyer product, the monthly output is still only needed. It is maintained at 150,000 units, but after three months, I hope to see the capacity of the firelyer double."

Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen looked at each other, Bill Olson said: "Eric, the capacity of the firelyer should be slowly increased, and it is impossible to do it overnight."

"Of course, I gave you three months," Eric said. "In three months, I don't need to see the increase in firelyer production, because I have other arrangements, you only need to build a new factory with peace of mind. Contact the supplier, even if the production is realized ahead of time, the monthly shipments can only be maintained at 150,000 units. But after three months, I want to see the results I hope. You know why I will firelyer and Yahoo! The music store is separated. If you can't finish it, I will authorize Nokia to produce an mp3 player."

Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen are a glimpse. Nokia's power is naturally known. Firefly Electronics has already transferred the full set of mp3 player patents to the other party. However, the contract stipulates that Nokia can only R & D and production of mp3 mobile phones, can not involve pure mp3 player products.

But if Eric releases this limit, Firefly Electronics will be harder to compare with Nokia, and may even become a purely technical R&D department.

Eric has given enough support to Firefly Electronics. Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen also know that Eric’s words are completely no jokes. If they don’t do well, all the glorious prospects in the original vision will be The smoke disappeared.

Without bargaining, Bill Olsen took the initiative: "Eric, we will do our best."

Victor McNealy nodded.

Eric smiled and the serious expression gradually dissipated. "So, let's discuss the cooperation plan with Amazon now."

Said, Eric handed two documents similar to Jeff Bezos to the two, saying: "The reason I gave you three months is to promote this program."

Shortly after Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen had just opened, Jeff Bezos, who had read the information quickly, said excitedly: "It’s so wonderful, Eric, this is a genius idea."

Eric nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, I think so."

The project in the hands of Jeff Bezos is naturally the predecessor's famous hunger marketing, which can maximize the consumption of potential buyers and keep the product topic hot for a long time. (To be continued.)

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