I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 850: Add some chips

Today is exactly the 16th birthday of Alexander. The girl called Eric last month and asked him if he had time to come to New York. Eric did not give an accurate answer. Seman and Lee, Eric had no other arrangements tonight, so he came over temporarily.

Taking the elevator to the top floor of the 85-story building, Eric came to the door of the apartment and pressed the doorbell several times. No response, I thought it should be celebrated. Eric also expected this in advance, and the deliberately sent the spare key, so he opened the door and went inside.

Due to the deep-rooted instinct of memory in the memory space, Eric's purchased properties are basically very spacious, and this set is no exception. The double-decker structure has a total area of ​​nearly 1,200 square meters, with four bedrooms and six bathrooms. The room, study, kitchen, dining room, gym and private auditorium are all available. The living room is over 100 square meters and it is very spacious.

This luxury home was the first property purchased by Eric during the oil crisis in Kuwait. It was at the top of the building due to its proximity to Central Park and overlooking the entire Upper East Side. The price was 1200. Ten thousand dollars, with the recovery of the US economy and the recovery of real estate in these years, the price at this time should be close to 20 million US dollars, and the future appreciation space is even more difficult to estimate.

The huge two-storey tempered glass windows on the south and west sides of the living room reflect the brilliance of the entire Manhattan. The interior decoration is mainly warm and light, without turning on the lights, the living room is not dim, and the air is faintly fragrant. Eric can also tell some of the feminine changes that Giselle made to the living room layout.

Putting the cake and bouquet on the long table in the corner of the living room, Eric did not open the interior lighting, and walked quietly to a window.

Every window around the living room has a marble window sill that can accommodate a person. Eric also sees a pillow on the window sill. I want to come to Giselle or Alexander to enjoy the view of Manhattan. The vision of the night is nothing, just a brilliant fall starlight. If it is daytime, standing in front of the window overlooking the metropolis of New York, it really gives the impression of being in the clouds overlooking the beings.

Feel free to sit on the window sill against the pillow and look at the scenery outside the window for a while. Eric raised his wrist and looked at the watch. It was already nine and a half. I don't know if the two Nizis will go crazy outside at midnight. After thinking about it, Eric is still taking out his mobile phone and is planning to call Giselle. The door has already come out to open the door.

Soon, the sound of the intensive high-heeled shoes came from the porch, accompanied by the excitement of the argument, it sounded a lot.

When Eric froze slightly and handed the keys to Giselle, Eric reminded them that they could not bring back messy people. He thought the two girls knew what rules to follow.

The lights quickly lit up, and a group of young and beautiful girls appeared in front of Eric. Because the New York night in April was quite cold, the girls basically wore slim jackets and jeans, and the ratio of devil-like body was one. It’s a wonderful feeling of the legs. Eric also noticed the presence of Giselle and Alexander in the front. Obviously, from the standard tall figure of these girls, they should be the girlfriends in the circle of Giselle and Alexander. Some girls still hold beer snacks and the like, and it seems that they are preparing to hold a rave party in the apartment.

All the girls went into the living room, and Eric swept a circle. No male creatures were found and the expression relaxed.

Because of the short time between getting along, Eric and the two girls did not have much feelings, and the relationship between the two parties was only very simple for each time.

Although promised to Giselle will make her the second Drew, the hearts of the people are always fickle. After a few years, if they want to leave, Eric will not have any nostalgia. The two worlds are human beings. Coupled with the improvement of status and wealth in these years, Eric’s heart is inevitably a bit more indifferent to the human condition. If there are other men in the apartment tonight, Eric will immediately let Giselle and Alexander move out of the apartment and there will be no connection in the future.

"Wow, it’s so big."

"God, this is the ultimate dream of my life."

"If I can live here, I am willing to do anything."


With a burst of excitement or surprise, the girls also noticed Eric, who was sitting on the window sill and looked at them, and everyone was shocked. But then, Alexander first rushed over and said excitedly: "Eric, when did you come over?"

"I just wanted to give you a surprise when I arrived," Eric sat up and smiled and hugged Alexander, who was thrown into his arms, and kissed her face. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, Eric," Alexander said, kissing Eric's face.

Giselle also came over, she was keenly aware of the disappointment that Eric had just flashed in her expression, and remembered Erik’s initial embarrassment.

The other girls have already recognized Eric at this time, and with all kinds of envy in surprise, they know that there is definitely something behind Giselle and Alexander after they know that Giselle and Alexander live in this building. The big man, just that everyone didn't think that this person would be Eric Williams, which definitely exceeded the most daring imagination of everyone.

But then, they also feel right. Of course, in front of this type of top-level mansion, those rich people usually only serve as their own residence, and only people like Eric Williams will be so relaxed and spacious. Take out a set of penthouses on the top floor of Madison Avenue and let them live for lovers.

Eric again hugged with Giselle and whispered a few words. He looked up at the beautiful stunners in the group of expressions that were obviously eager to try. He smiled and said, "Hey, girls."

Eric said that the tone of this sentence mimicked the usual opening remarks of Charlie Townsend, the behind-the-scenes of the detectives in "The Charlie", and the three angels. Obviously, this group of girls have basically seen "Charlie's Baby". He almost replied in unison: "Hey, Eric."

"Well, it seems that you have all seen the movie," Eric smiled. He took a can of beer from the girl standing in the front row and looked at it. "This is a party." Ah, but these beeres are not very good. I am sending someone to come over."

Said, Eric sat back on the window sill, took out the phone and dialed the assistant's phone, and looked up at the girls in front of him. He said, "Peter, let people send some party drinks, probably, twenty people. Share, hurry up."

See Eric hang up the phone, a bold girl will pre-emptively said: "Eric, we have only fifteen people, 20 people, are you going to drunk us?"

Eric showed some bad expressions and said, "Why not, maybe I will do something too much, and the people who are afraid can leave early, maybe it will be late."

"Ah," the girls made a half-truth scream, and there were a few girls who looked hesitant, but no one was willing to turn and leave.

Eric smiled and clap his hands and said, "Well, get ready, move the table and chairs in the middle to the corner, and, is there a good music record at home?"

After Eric’s words, he looked at Giselle. Giselle nodded and said, “In the living room upstairs, Eric, let’s change the clothes and take the record down.”

That being said, Giselle took Alexander and walked up the stairs, and the other girls consciously began to move the furniture in the living room.

Being pulled upstairs by Giselle, Alexander licked the painful wrist that was caught and complained: "Why are you doing, I don't want to change clothes."

Giselle blinked at Alexander and continued to walk towards the bedroom. He said angrily: "I blame you, what kind of party you have to hold at home, now it’s good, send a group of small Bicchi to Eric."

Alexander certainly can't notice the group of girlfriends watching Eric's eyes, some guilty constricted neck, she is only sixteen years old, after all, has the girl's vanity, originally wanted to show off to the girlfriends The luxury apartment, I did not expect to be self-defeating. Having a squatting kitten behind Giselle, Alexander still argued a little: "You, you clearly agreed."

Giselle did not return, went to the bedroom to open the closet, picked up the clothes and said: "If someone proposes to throw you away from here, I will agree."

Alexander didn't dare to talk back, probed his hand and stretched out his hand, picked out his favorite dress and was about to change it. The bedroom door was knocked.

Giselle and Alexander turned their heads at the same time. Several girls had come over and looked at the closet of Giselle and Alexander with their eyes. One of the girls said: "Giselle, we can wear a few skirts. Next?"

Alexander habitually smiled and was about to speak. He felt a sigh of Giselle at the waist.

Warning Alexander closed his mouth, Giselle also smiled on his face, refused but did not hesitate, said: "Sorry, Karen, I am not used to wearing my clothes."

The girl named Karen was not discouraged and turned to Alexander: "That, ale, you..."

Alexander shook his head quickly: "I, I am not used to it."

Another girl around Karen turned his eyes and pulled his companion. He smiled slyly: "Karen, it’s better to go down with Eric, maybe he will let the Chanel store send a skirt directly. Come over, certainly not worse than the inside of Giselle's wardrobe. I want to buy Chanel for a long time."

The other girls are not stupid, laughing and appreciating.

Giselle couldn't wait to marry Alexander again. He reluctantly let go of his body and said, "Okay, just pick it up, you guys."


A few girls didn't mind Giselle's words, laughing and screaming. After a while, other girls rushed to the floor to borrow clothes. Giselle simply turned a blind eye and quickly changed a purple dress and turned to In the living room, I picked up the music albums I needed to use, and when Alexander followed, Giselle said, "ale, wait until the gums stick to Eric, don't give those guys a chance, you know?"

"Know it, I know," Alexander nodded quickly, but still did not forget to mutter: "Gumball is the same, hey, disgusting."

Giselle immediately raised a disc in his hand and took it on Alexander's head: "I still don't blame you."

Alexander was too lazy to resist, let Giselle hit himself and said: "I just think, do you need to be so nervous? You are now the fastest-growing newcomer in the fashion industry. It is the tension that I am right. You have gone through dozens of top brand shows in both fashion weeks, and it’s in the early stages. Eric will give me the opportunity this fall, and if he looks at other girls, I will be miserable."

"Is everything you understand?"

"I am not a fool," Alexander grinned, feeling the figure of a girl outside the door swaying, subconsciously turned his head and looked back. He said: "I just think that since it is all right, regret is useless."

Giselle gave a look at Alexander, and did not say anything, but she was not as relaxed as Alexander.

Although Eric spent a year, she pushed her to a position that many models could not reach in a lifetime, but in fact, she is currently only a newcomer with a good debut potential, due to age restrictions and other factors. She hasn't got any brand endorsements, and it's incomparable with the supermodels at the top of the industry pyramid.

In recent years, as the market share of Vimy Nei has risen from 10% to 40%, the company has also spared no effort to build the Vimy Angel brand. Together with the media resources of the Firefly Group, the number of the Vimy Angels The ten supermodels not only have the highest exposure and top income in the industry, but also can be said to monopolize most of the high-end brand resources in the fashion industry.

There is a popular opinion in the fashion world. If you can't get on the big show, you won't be worthy of the title of supermodel. Similarly, you can't get into the top circle of the industry. The number of the Victorian Angels has been maintained at around forty people, and the entire industry has hundreds of thousands of practitioners. It can be imagined how competitive the competition is. Without the support of the founder of Eric, the great show, Even if you are lucky enough to get the qualification of Wei Mi's catwalk, it is hard to make it even harder to go further. The internal division of the Vimy Corps is also highly competitive.

Giselle has always knew that she is not beautiful enough. She still doesn't understand why Eric has chosen herself in the first place, but she definitely pays more attention to this opportunity than anyone else. She once vowed not to experience it again in this life. Losing $50 means feeling the same as the sky. If, because of this mistake today, let other girls around us get Eric's favor and even replace her and Alexander's status, she estimates that she will really find a place to cry.

Giselle picked a few records and took Alexander down the stairs. At this time, the fluorescent lamp in the living room was turned off, leaving only a few pale yellow wall lights, and a long table was filled with various Drinks and confectionery, and even a bunch of party toys.

But what makes Giselle even more concerned is that a group of girls have now changed into long skirts and even small hot pants, which are mostly her clothes. I don’t know what it will be tonight. Most of her income in the past year has been spent on this. After all, this is essential for girls. Alexander hasn't made any money at all. Although no one in this mansion will pay rent to them, living in this environment will cost thousands of dollars per month. The lives of the two of them are not at all plentiful. . Giselle certainly thought about Eric, but she instinctively felt that a rich man would not like a woman who asked for money. She didn't want Eric to resent herself.

Looking at Eric, who was still sitting on the window sill while being surrounded by several girls, Giselle stuffed the record in his hand to Alexander and then walked over.

Eric didn't know what to say. He laughed at the girls around him. A girl even wanted to lean back so softly. Giselle squeezed over and sat on the edge of the window sill, at all the girls. Surprised and envious eyes, the slender body leaned against Eric's arms, and the whole person did not have the brilliance when he was just getting along with Alexander, like a little wild cat that only put his paws, and his head in Eric. He squatted on his cheek and asked in a hoarse voice: "Eric, what are you talking about?"

Eric also minded Giselle's obvious thoughts, reaching out to grab the girl's thin waist, bowed down on the two lips and kissed, laughing: "When I talk about Hollywood, I know a lot of gossip inside."

As he spoke, the action music was heard in the living room, and the girls began to dance unconsciously.

Eric saw that the girls were too open to laugh and said: "Let's go dancing, I like to see how you dance."

Eric spoke, the girls were no longer restrained, and soon gathered in the middle of the living room, screaming and dancing as the music cheered, and there were also girls who boldly looked at Eric and twisted their bodies. Bold teasing action. Although it can't create the frenetic atmosphere in the nightclub in a short time, but looking at a group of girls whose values ​​and body are above 80 points, they dance like a boneless mermaid. The visual sensory stimulation can definitely make a man boil.

Seeing that Alexander also joined the crowd, and waving to the side, Giselle got up and said: "Eric, let's go dancing too."

"I can do it, you go," Eric shook his head with a smile.

Giselle was not willing to give a group of two-eyed little female wolves a chance to take the opportunity to take off the shoes on Eric’s feet and pull his hand spoiled and insisted: “Come, you It’s boring not to dance."

Eric did not resist too much, took off his jacket, and followed the strength of Giselle to the center of the living room, and the girls soon surrounded him.

Taking advantage of Giselle's skillful fluttering with the music, after a moment, Eric felt that Giselle's soft body was sticking to him more tightly, and at the same time mingled in his ear: "Ai Rick, let's go to the bedroom."

After all, this body has the vitality of young people. In the depths of a soft jade, it is too abnormal if there is no reaction. But Eric was not so eager to wait. He didn't respond to Giselle's question. Instead, he reached out and pulled Alexander next to him. He gathered Giselle and her together and smiled. "You both show me."

Giselle certainly knew what Eric's specific requirements were, obediently did not resist, and hugged with Alexander. The two danced naturally and kissed naturally, and there was a burst of laughter and screams.

Eric looked at the performances of the two girls and felt that a few girls who were scorned by his side came together more intimately, laughing and reaching out to catch a girl around him in his arms.

The girl is also tall, short blonde, with a slightly tender baby face, big eyes, small face, thin lips, painted with a touch of smoky makeup, like a real Barbie. Even more surprising is the girl's slender waist, the real surplus and a grip, Eric's big hands can almost all circle.

"Your waist is so thin, I am suddenly curious, are you sixteen?"

Because of the hustle and bustle, the girl can also feel the change of Eric's body, her face is reddish, but she does not break Eric's arms, but instead squats on Eric's waist, gently rubs it and hears Eyre. Ke's question, replied: "Eric, I am twenty-one years old."

"Wow, I really can't see it. I just thought I was committing a crime."

“Oh,” the girl smiled and took the initiative: “My name is Qus Gaofu.”

Eric’s memory doesn’t have this name, and it’s not too interesting. Maybe you won’t see each other after tonight, but he still responds thoughtfully: “Gaofu, is this a German surname?”

Qus Gaofu shook his head and said: "Of course not, the orthodox English surname, like you."

Eric looked down at the girl's face, especially the girl's lips, which was obviously similar to Diane Kruger, and said: "But I think you must have Germanic origin, right?"

Qus Goff nodded and said, "Yes, from my mother."

"Then she must be a big beauty," Eric smiled and complimented.

"I think so too," Qusie Gaofu smiled, looking at Eric with a gaze.

A few short conversations let her unconsciously put down the original incompatibility, and inexplicably felt a good impression on Eric. After a while, the girl boldly raised her toes and kissed Eric.

Eric is not the kind of person who likes to kiss strange girls. His cleanliness is actually quite serious. Although sometimes the relationship with the women around him develops quite rapidly, it is mainly because he was familiar with them in his previous life.

Slightly turning away from the lips that the girl had brought in, Eric ceremonially kissed her on her white cheeks and smiled. "I don't want our relationship to develop too fast."

Qus Gaofu was disappointed, but did not show it. She still smiled and said: "Eric, I am tired, are we going to drink?"

"Okay, but you have to be careful, but I really like to get drunk."

Qus Gaofu did not fear, laughing: "Why didn't I drunk you?"

"Well, let's try."

At the end of a record cycle, the girls were all tired and they were about to take a break. Only then did everyone discover that Eric and a few girls were already on a sofa. He held a bottle cap in his hand and reached out. Not far away, an empty glass on the floor was thrown away.

The glass slammed and the bottle cap fell accurately into the cup.

"Ah, I hate it, I lost it."

Several girls around him complained softly, but did not hesitate to drink the drinks in their hands, and then like a group of crazy cats, said: "Come back, come again."

"Are you sure?" Eric asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course."

"Okay," Eric said, and then a bottle cap was thrown out, and the ringtone came again.

The other girls also came around and watched Eric throw the cap into the glass twice in a row. He said, "Wow, no, no, Eric, you must be cheating."

Eric smiled. Strictly speaking, he was also cheating. Because when he went to nightclubs, he used to play this game. It should be considered as practice, but luck tonight seems to be exceptional.

Looking at the side of the song, Gao Fufu slammed his right hand, seemingly want to check if there is any sight on the top, let the girls toss, Eric laughed: "Forget it. Don't bully you, or if we change a game, you pick it up."

Immediately, a girl raised a pair of poker in her hand: "How about playing cards, so Eric can't cheat?"

Eric nodded and said: "Well, everyone comes together, play simple, everyone draws one, the number is smaller than me, if everyone's cards are bigger than mine, then I drink."

"Wow, how can we win?"

"How can you do this."

"Eric is too shameless."

It was a slap in the face, and Eric laughed. "That's how to add some chips and gamble. I am good at this."

Qus Gaofu smiled and said: "Then we can't afford to play with you."

"Well, you don't have to pay, I lose once, $100,000, plus a private jet to send you to any city in the world to travel and shop, Renton, Paris, Tokyo, wherever you want to go." , you have to add some chips, how?" (To be continued.)

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