I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 854: Do you want to know what is different?

Cindy sighed a little bit: "Thousands of dollars, I think for these tens of billions of dollars, they will definitely fight the lawsuit. I saw in the article yesterday that Sony was originally for the video recorder." It’s a ten-year lawsuit with Disney and Universal.”

Eric smiled and said: "What you see is definitely the kind of newspaper that likes to listen to the eyeballs. They don't mention the most important point. It is the result of the Sony video recorder case that is very favorable to irelyer in case law. What's more, if irelyer is popular, it will provide the federal government with a large number of taxes and jobs every year. Do you think the federal court may suppress the potential taxpayers for the Japanese?"

Local protectionism exists in any country or region. If the traditional portable music player core patent is in the hands of American companies, involving tens of billions of dollars of huge interest disputes, Firefly Electronics may encounter some trouble, but these patents are in the hands of the Japanese, even the United States. Local traditional player manufacturers pay large patent license fees to Japanese companies every year.

In this case, the Federal Court of San Francisco is willing to see the ghosts for the Japanese.

Chris recently mentioned from a phone call from San Francisco that the federal court in San Francisco is likely to directly dismiss Sony’s lawsuit against the other two major record companies and will not file a case.

Cindy listened quietly to the side, and at the end he asked with interest: "What is the case law?"

"You won't be interested," Eric shook his head, looking at Cindy with a smile. "I'm curious, you suddenly asked what to do?"

"Actually, this is the case," Cindy did not show the embarrassment of Eric. The expression was still very serious: "You didn't recommend me to invest in technology stocks last year? So I will pay more attention to this information. ”

Eric probably understood and smiled: "Do you really buy it?"

Cindy stretched out two white, slender fingers and shook: "20 million dollars, all bought the four stocks you mentioned last year and I."

Eric really couldn’t remember it. He asked, "Which four stocks?"

"It's aol, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel," Cindy said, suddenly widening his eyes: "God, you forgot, but that's most of my savings."

Eric quickly made a gesture of depression: "Don't be so fussed, and you must have made it right?"

Cindy also realized that she was overreacted. Due to the identity of the two people, there were already guests who frequently looked at this side. At this time, a large gaze was seen in a bright light.

Covering the red wine and taking a sip, Cindy was a little excited and depressed: "Yeah, it’s crazy. These stocks have more than doubled in a year. Now the stock value in my hands is close. $50 million. I never thought I would have that much money before."

Eric actually has the same feeling. The Clover Fund has been continuously investing money in the Nasdaq market. The current book income is even more amazing than the small plates in the hands of Cindy.

"What then?" Eric asked with a smile, knowing that Cindy would definitely not mention it for no reason.

Cindy is no longer around the circle, slowly cutting the squid on the plate, saying: "Recently my agent suggested that I clear all the stocks as soon as possible, but I am not sure, so I would like to ask your opinion first."

Eric wondered: "What reason does the other party explain? I mean, why do you suddenly suggest that you clear the position?"

“Well,” Cindy nodded. “He said that the economic crisis that may occur in Southeast Asia will spread to North America, causing the Nasdaq market to collapse.”

The Nasdaq index is currently close to 1500 points, almost doubling compared to three years ago.

Therefore, the voice of the Nasdaq is long on the investment market. In this world, only Eric alone can be sure that the Nasdaq index is far from reaching the limit.

However, if Cindy’s stockbrokers use the Nasdaq’s false reason to lobby her to sell the stock, Eric will not feel any surprise. Stock brokers, customers often buy and sell stocks to earn more commissions. Very common behavior, but the other side has used the reason that the Southeast Asian economic crisis may hit North America.

After thinking about it, Eric said: "Cindy, I don't know how your stockbroker's ability is. But if it is me, I will definitely do it now."

Cindy blinked and asked the same question as Eric: "What then?"

Eric took a sip of wine and said: "Now no one can be sure whether the Southeast Asian economy will really be in crisis. Therefore, once this prediction comes true, I will definitely become the kind of stock with special vision in your eyes. Broker, you will trust me more in the future. In this case, if the North American stock market is not affected, but continue to triumph, when I give a reasonable reason, you will definitely continue to follow my advice and re-buy. This time, two commissions will be available."

Cindy obviously couldn't keep up with Eric's thoughts, and her thoughts turned a big circle. When Eric cleaned up the last bit of food on her plate, she only figured out something, saying: "You mean, Did the guy deliberately lie to me?"

Eric shrugged: "Just like this, I don't know your stockbroker. Maybe he is really thinking about the customer. Who knows."

"But," Cindy's tableware was drawn in a fine porcelain plate twice. "You just seem to be saying, um, the Southeast Asian economic crisis will happen, but it will not affect the North American stock market. Is that true? But It seems unreasonable. Although I don't know much about these things, I also think that it should have an impact."

Eric said: "Of course it will have an impact, but the impact is exactly the opposite of what your stockbroker described. So, do you know what the biggest impact of the two world wars on the global economic landscape?"

Cindy shook his head: "I don't know, I can't be interested in things like snoring."

Eric reluctantly said: "Are you not in college?"

Cindy raised a good-looking face: "Of course, the Department of Chemical Engineering at Northwestern University, although read only for a year, I still remember the molecular formula of water, h... well, ho2, right?"

"Well, the water you drink is really special," Eric didn't know if the goblin was maliciously selling. He decided not to discuss the topic of "heavy" hydrogen dioxide. He continued: "Twice The biggest impact of the world war on the global economy is that the collapse of Europe has contributed to the rise of the federation. Similarly, once the Southeast Asian monetary system is attacked and triggered by the economic crisis, the impact is tantamount to a large-scale war. Destroy, the original capital will definitely choose to flee. In Europe, due to the general high welfare and inefficient social system, and the fact that European countries will almost never achieve integration, it is difficult to form too much attraction for capital. Next, North America will once again become the best destination for capital flight. The influx of capital, the most intuitive performance must be the stock market bull market. So, now everything is just the beginning."

Cindy understood this time and nodded. "It seems that I need to change a stockbroker. However, Eric, can I still buy now, and when do you think you will sell these stocks?" Better?"

"Of course, the time to sell," Eric thought, saying: "Yahoo's listing will definitely bring Nasdaq to a high point. Then you will start selling it. Don't go in after the clearance. The field is over."

The memory of the Nasdaq stock market collapsed in March 2000, but in the case of a group of 'big butterflies' that they personally created, Eric determined that the Nasdaq index could no longer follow the original historical trajectory.

Yahoo will probably choose the time from the end of 1998 to the beginning of 1999. As the most watched Internet technology company, Yahoo's listing will definitely drive the whole market to rise. It is indeed a good selling time, Cindy's hands. The stock must have been multiplied several times at the time, and there is no need to be too greedy.

As for the stocks held by the Clover Fund, Eric has a more detailed plan, but these must not be disclosed to Cindy.

Cindy also saw that Eric had a reserved attitude. Although she was curious to know when Yahoo will go public, she also understood the reason why it was just right, and she did not continue to ask questions.

Both of them ate almost the same food, and it was still early. Cindy didn't mean to leave. He ordered coffee and continued to chat with Eric.

Although she often can't keep up with Eric's thoughts, Cindy understands that when I get along with Eric, I get a hundred times more information than those who can only talk about it. Others may be obsessed with her. The beauty, but this is almost irrelevant for Eric. It will only become more and more difficult to want to come out with this man in the future. She cherishes this opportunity very much.

Adding a cube of sugar to the hot coffee and stirring gently, Cindy remembered one thing and asked: "Speaking, Eric, will you still be in New York next month?"

Today is April 25th. On Friday, Eric plans to return to East Hampton on the weekend and fly back to Los Angeles directly from next week. He shook his head and said, "No, I will leave in two days. What happened?"

Cindy regrets a bit: "The next month's 5th met-ball dance, I would have liked to invite you to be a male companion."

Eric also thought about it -

The ball dance, full name is the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art Charity Ball, which is Anna Wintour's personal charity party to fight against the West Coast "Vanity Fair" party, only to invite the most popular celebrity stars every year to participate. When he attended the reception hosted by the Hearst family last weekend, Anna Wintour, who was just present, asked him if he was not interested.

Smiled, Eric said: "Even if I have time, I am sure that I can't be your male companion. Drew will definitely come to join in the fun."

Everyone knows that Eric and Drew have an unusually close relationship. Cindy and Drew have been in contact several times. She is absolutely afraid to compete with Drew because she always feels that there is a kind of hidden behind the baby face. An insane factor that may turn a person's face in an instant. If she had a conflict with Drew, Cindy decided that Eric could not help herself.

Thinking of this, Cindy couldn't help but be curious: "Eric, you and Drew, um, what kind of relationship is it?"

Eric did not evade this problem, and smiled and replied: "It is the kind of relationship you imagined. A tree and a vine are wrapped around, and no one can do without it."

I don't know why, Cindy feels that the picture that Eric has sketched out in a few words has unexpectedly produced a strong feeling of embarrassment.

"Then, wouldn't she mind you... date with us?"

"Of course I care, but Shantou’s outlook on life is not the same as others," Eric thought for a moment and smiled at Cindy. "Do you want to know what is different?"

Cindy shook his head almost instinctively: "I don't want to."

"Oh," Eric smiled and was about to say something. He felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. He shouted out and pointed at Cindy. He got up and walked to the corridor not far away and picked up the phone.

The phone was called by Carlsenberg himself from Los Angeles. The two talked for about ten minutes. Eric returned to his seat and looked at his watch. He said to Cindy: "We may have to leave early."

Cindy automatically forgot the topic that had caused her some regrets, and asked with concern: "What happened?"

Eric called the waiter and handed the credit card over. This is what Cindy said: "Nothing big, today is not Friday. The global box office data of the 18th week of Titanic came out, detailed information. The assistant has already been sent, I want to go back and look."

"Wow, it’s already 18th week," Cindy immediately became interested. "I remember last week it seemed like, um, $1.775 billion. It’s a miracle. How much now?"

"1.852 billion."

Eric reported a number and the mood was not so calm, because this number means that Titanic has successfully broken the record of the previous round of the first round of $1.84 billion and continues to be a brand new one of $2 billion. The record is sprinting.

Kasenberg has just said on the phone that according to the current box office curve of "Titanic", there is no suspense in the global box office sprinting 2 billion US dollars. The only thing that is uncertain is the final potential.

A month ago, when the global box office of "Titanic" broke through 1.5 billion US dollars, the company's top management suggested a grand celebration feast, but it was rejected by Eric. He hoped that it would be more special to break through 1.8 billion at the total box office. After the goal is reached, celebrate again.

In the recent call, Eric and Kasenberg have agreed to hold a grand celebration party in the Titanic model that will be initially built in Firefly Studios next Wednesday, and will also officially announce the Titanic theme exhibition project. . (To be continued.)

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