I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 861: Right now

Eric didn't know exactly what Tom Cruise's attitude was, but Paula Wagner clearly hoped to promote this cooperation. To this end, Paula Wagner also said that Tom Cruise can sign three Iron Man films with Fireflies at one time, only to retain the bargaining power of the sequel.

Compared with Tom Cruise's coffee table, this condition is still very sincere. Due to the explosion of the movie market in recent years, the Hollywood star's worth has risen sharply. Now Hollywood's first-line superstars have rarely signed one-time with movie companies. The film was about.

However, this obviously does not meet Eric's requirements.

"Bola, Marvel's film universe plan is a very important layout of fireflies. In order to ensure the implementation of this plan, the bottom line for us to select the core hero role is to sign at least six films. This condition is no exception for anyone. So, the three parts are definitely not working."

Paula Wagner said: "Eric, since you pay so much attention to the Marvel movie universe plan, the fireflies should obviously be more cautious in selecting actors. I think you know for sure, one-time six-piece film, any line in Hollywood. Superstars will not agree."

Eric gently shook his head and said: "I think you may have misunderstood a little. Fireflies hope to sign a long-term contract, but that doesn't mean we are not willing to pay the actors for a more generous pay. We have drawn up a detailed floating pay. In the case of Cruise, if he is willing to sign, we can even take a floating payment mechanism from the first."

Paula Wagner quietly glanced at Avi Arad, who was sitting next to him.

After her contact with Marvel, Avi Arad was very eager for Cruise to play "Iron Man". Everyone just discussed it briefly and rushed to Los Angeles. Therefore, she has not yet come from Avi God. Dekou heard the description of the floating pay plan.

From this small detail, Paula Wagner speculated that Avi Arad may not be too much in favor of Eric's plan. However, it is not difficult to imagine that Eric's one-time six-bundle bundle will definitely discourage more than 90% of Hollywood's first-line superstars. But in the traditional concept of Hollywood, if a big production movie does not have a big star to participate in, how can it succeed?

Even so, Paula Wagner did not show any anomalies, and continued to ask: "Eric, can you say more in detail?"

"Of course," Eric nodded, patiently explaining: "For Cruise, the fireflies can give him a guaranteed pay, and then calculate it according to 1ooo million dollars. Next, the film global box office. Within 300 million U.S. dollars, the basic salary of 1ooo 10,000 USD remains unchanged. From 300 million U.S. dollars to 500 million U.S. dollars, the increase in pay is not too large. For every 100 million U.S. dollars increase, 1 OO million is added, because this is still in the film's return range. The global box office has reached and surpassed 500 million US dollars, taking the highest number of box office multiplied by o million, that is to say, the world's 500 million, Cruise can get 15 million US dollars, 800 million worldwide, Cruise can get 24oo Ten thousand dollars, and so on."

Paula Wagner understands that Eric is simply an example. The detailed rules and regulations involved in a specific compensation contract will certainly reach dozens of pages.

However, Paula Wagner also realized that the overall compensation package is not good. In recent years, the number of movies that have exceeded $100 million in local box office in Hollywood has been close to 2o, which is almost twice that of the early 1990s. However, although Hollywood movies are thriving in the global market as a whole, the number of films that have exceeded $500 million in global box office is still very few.

Take last year, the world's box office over 500 million US dollars in the film, in addition to the "Titanic" this is the only number, only "Matrix", "Mummy 2", "Mission Impossible 2" these three.

Sony's "Black Man 2" and MGM's "Jiao Jiaowa 2" have also brought huge profits to the film company, but the global box office has also stayed within 500 million US dollars.

Because the production cost of mainstream Hollywood commercials has remained within 100 million US dollars, there are very few dollars over 7ooo. A movie global box office can reach 300 million US dollars, and the multi-channel revenues in the later period can already make the film company make a big profit.

Therefore, Eric’s pay-for-conditions, in the eyes of Paula Wagner, are more like an empty-painted pie, although the face is generous.

According to this kind of pay, the actor wants to get 2ooo million dollars, and the global box office needs to reach 700 million US dollars. So, last year, only the "Titanic" and "The Matrix" will be left. "Two parts, "Mummy 2" and "Mission Impossible 2" have more than 600 million global box office. Paula Wagner's even lesser fireflies attempt to achieve the 'mass production' of the Marvel Film Universe program has the potential to easily reach the world's 700 million box office.

In recent years, Cruise has entered the low tide of his career, but since he has played the role of co-investment and producer in most films, even if the participating box office is not very good, he wants to get it from each film. 2ooo million dollars in income, it is still very easy.

Thinking for a moment, Paula Wagner said: "Eric, if I remember correctly, last year, Hollywood's global box office reached 500 million US dollars, but only 5 movies? In this case, you think, the global box office 5 Billion dollars, the protagonist can only get 15o million dollars in pay, is this reasonable?"

Eric’s face with a slight smile, looking at Paula Wagner, said: “Bola, you should understand that if the Marvel movie universe is successful, Cruise will get more than just pay. At least for the next ten years, he will be able to rely on the popularity of this film to stay in the ranks of superstars. I think this is the main reason why you are here today, isn't it?"

Due to the missed "Mission Impossible" series, Cruise's popularity has been declining in recent years. If he encounters one or two box office failures, his loss of the status of a superstar is almost a minute. John Travolta, Richard Gill, and others who had had a moment in the past, basically disappeared into the ranks, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce · Willis and others have also come to the brink of this situation.

In order to maintain popularity, Arnold Schwarzenegger took over the role of the frozen man in "Batman and Robin" last year, trying to make a different path by playing the villain, and even in the director's career, Mel Gibson also made good achievements. They all began to seek to restart the "Fatal Weapons" series. Therefore, Tom Cruise is seeking to appear in "Iron Man" at this time, and the deeper purpose is not so difficult to guess.

Paula Wagner was not embarrassed by Eric’s break, and her face still had a decent smile. “Eric, I think this is a win-win situation, as long as you can relax the contract restrictions. Some, everyone can get great benefits. What's more, if the Iron Man series is successful, even if the three contracts expire, Tommy will be very happy to renew the contract."

Eric said that in the style of the price of Cruise, the fireflies can be very unhappy.

Gently shaking his head, Eric said: "Bola, I think we should have a hard time agreeing, but in addition to "Iron Man", if Cruise wants to cooperate with Fireflies, we are very welcome. ”

Paula Wagner was a bit disappointed. With the cooperation of Paramount and Sony, Cruise can also get the biggest production and marketing resources, but the fireflies with many high-quality projects will certainly not give them this kind of preferential treatment. Therefore, Eric's solicitation is not very attractive to her. Paula Wagner remembers the recent dispute between Fireflies and Paramount, thinking that Eric said this may be the attack on Paramount. After all, The Cruise/Wagner production company is basically affiliated with Paramount.

Since it was known that Cruise could not agree with the compensation plan proposed by Eric, Eric did not have the slightest concession, and the two sides did not continue to talk.

After lunch, Paula Wagner hurried away, and she flew back to New York in the afternoon to take charge of the new film that Cruz was filming.

Avi Arad is not in a hurry to return. He will stay in Los Angeles for a few days. However, after Paula Wagner’s departure, Avi Arad is disappointed. He knows little about Hollywood, so he Like the peripheral investors in Hollywood, they are accustomed to the big director and big star strategy.

In Eric’s memory, Marvel’s first-class hero, the “Dream Team,” is Tom Cruise, who plays Iron Man, Brad Pitt, who plays Raytheon, and Edward Norton, who plays the Hulk. The final result is that everyone knows that the full rise of Marvel-level heroes also proves the correctness of the strategy of using potential directors and second- and third-line newcomers.

If Marvel's original concept of 'Dream Team' is reached, the result is hard to predict, just like Warner's "Batman" series in recent years, because the main creation has to pay with the producers every time, the script Waiting for a pull, four Batman, for three protagonists, two directors, the strong instability of this main team, and eventually led to a different Batman series.

Eric did not explain too much to Avi Arad. The two talked about some trivial things that Marvel Films had prepared, and Eric sent Avi Arad to leave the manor.

Christina is a bit depressed today. She received Eric’s call to the manor for the weekend. Just early in the morning, the girl named Miranda Kerr was uninvited and forcibly broke into two people. The 'two-person world', near noon, two more guests arrived, Eric will leave Los Angeles tomorrow, it can be said that this weekend is really a bit bad.

It was not until two in the afternoon that the two guests left and Eric was able to get free.

But at this time, watching Miranda a pair of ridiculous kittens slammed into Eric, Christina was even more depressed, she was actually cautious in front of Eric, never dare to look like this The girl is so arrogant.

Christina even had some doubts. The 'kitten' who sat on Eric's lap didn't know that she was a lion in Hollywood. She was too confident that the lion would not eat her bite. What?

Miranda Kerr was too lazy to ignore the little emotions of Christina's entangled depression and grievances. The relatives slammed on Eric and stared at his neck. "Eric, I saw "Royal in the newspaper." The "Casino" screening will be held in London, and you will definitely go right?"

Eric held Miranda's little waist with both hands, not letting her stick too close, laughing: "Yeah, but certainly can't take you, so don't think about it."

"I hate it, I haven't asked it yet," Miranda grabbed Eric's shirt collar and twitched it. "I asked you to help me celebrate my birthday last year. Didn't see your shadow, hey, how are you going to compensate me?"

Eric knows that Giselle will definitely not tell Miranda about their global travel, just smiled: "Oh, what compensation do you want?"

Miranda straightened his body and gently twisted his waist and said: "The TV show on the Disney Channel that I am currently playing is simply boring. Eric, you see, can I play Gewen, "Spider-Man" Gwen Stacy in the middle?"

"Oh, this can't be done, so that it will be time for you to play a female classmate around Gwen."

"Too much sincerity, I don't want these little characters in the corners," Miranda shook his head in dissatisfaction, his eyes turned and said: "That, me, I and Christina just saw a lot in your garage." The car, hey, so many good cars, it’s a waste, you haven’t played it a few times, right?”

Eric smiled and pushed the girl out, holding her little waist and not letting her move again. "If you want, at least you have to wait until you are sixteen, but now you can't."

Miranda looked at Christina next to her eyes and turned her eyes. "I don't think it's sixteen years old now, Eric, you can definitely help me with a driver's license, right?"

"Yeah, so I can't help you," Eric laughed, pinching his face on the girl's face and saying, "Don't be so restless, it's still far less than the age at which you drive, in case something happens. I can't explain it to your parents."

Miranda pleaded for a while, seeing Eric never let go, and changed the conditions, said: "That's it, you drive me, um, how about my way with Christina, now." Continued.) 8

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