I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 875: Strong drawing

Kim Kardashian didn't sleep all night because she had been entangled in what Eric had asked her name yesterday.

Kim Kardashian instinctively felt that Eric was definitely interested in her. At first she was quite excited. If she could marry such a big man, no one would treat her as an air again.

But after a whole day, Eric did not have any special attitude towards her, which made her both disappointed and disappointed. After the party ended, she turned over and over in the bed for a few hours, and looked out the window and revealed the light. When I came out, I didn't expect to see Eric wake up so early, sitting in the yard and reading the newspaper.

When I heard Eric greet her, Kim Kardashian quickly responded: "Early, good morning, Mr. Williams."

With that said, Kim Kardashian stood in the same place for a moment, seeing Eric again paying attention to the newspaper in his hand, hesitating, walked gently and sat down on the other side of the long table. The probe has a lot of brains, and there is nothing to say: "Mr. Williams, are you reading the Los Angeles Times?"


Eric responded with a sigh of relief. He took a mouthful of milk and sipped his mouth. He squinted at Kim Kardashian next to him, but saw her sitting across the long table, her body slightly leaning towards her side, because she only wore one piece. The white close-up vest, the two bulging buds on the chest like being placed on the table, this visual stimulation suddenly made Eric slammed and a milk sprayed out.

Kim Kardashian had noticed Erik’s eyes and was a little proud. When he saw him, he quickly got up and came over: "Mr. Williams, you are fine."

Eric put his hand and saw Kim Kardashian handing over the box of paper towels on the table. He quickly took it and pointed to the opposite side of the long table: "You don't come over, sit across."

Kim Kardashian squatted down, and some of them were reluctant to go back, but they still intentionally continued to pose their posture. When Eric cleaned the milk stains on his clothes, Kim Kardashian hesitated, suddenly Road: "Mr. Williams, me, this is true."

Eric reopened a newspaper and slammed it: "Looking like a fake."

"No, really," Kim Kardashian shook his head and looked around the empty man. He dared to say: "If you don't believe it, you can touch it, you must feel it."

"Forget it, I won't give you an identification certificate if I touch it," Eric shook his head with a smile and said: "Are you from New York?"

Kim Kardashian heard Eric take the initiative to ask her questions and quickly said, "Yeah, how do you know?"

Eric shrugged: "I just think that the Hilton family must live in New York."

Kim Kardashian didn't want Eric to always treat her as the follower of Paris Hilton. The words were scattered and explained: "I, I am just a classmate, she came to Los Angeles for a summer vacation, and, um, I Living in Dad's house, he is a businessman. He used to be a record company. He is now doing juice business."

Eric felt that something was wrong. He looked up and asked, "Your father is Robert Kardashian?"

Kim Kardashian’s eyes suddenly lit up and nodded quickly: “Yes, Mr. Williams, do you know him?”

now it's right.

Robert Kardashian, the famous defender of Simpson's wife-killing case.

But what is wrong is that these are obviously the memories of Eric’s past lives. According to the information in his mind, Simpson’s wife-killing case should have occurred in 1994, because of the deep ethnic issues involved, plus the recent riots in Los Angeles. The big background, this unsolved case almost touched the nerves of the whole United States in the original time and space, it was a sensation.

However, this time and space, now in 1997, Eric has not heard any news of Simpson’s wife-killing case. It seems that some things have changed again.

"It seems to have heard who said," Eric perfunctored Kim Kardashian, but suddenly he gave birth to a thought, "I heard you say that your parents should be divorced?"

"Yeah, my stepfather is Bruce Jenner. He used to be an Olympic champion, but now his main focus is on TV shows."

"Oh, what about your mother?"

"She is called Chris," Kim Kardashian said, and it was close: "My mother likes "The Bridge", she often said that one day she will also participate in a reality show. ""

Eric didn't expect Kim Kardashian to suddenly mention this. I remembered the idea of ​​a real life show about Hollywood girls yesterday. This project definitely needs a producer. He and Shantou are not likely to be personally involved. Bruce Jenner and Chris Jenner are obviously suitable for the couple who used to walk with the Kardashian family in the original time and space. Perhaps the two will lack some experience in the production of programs, but in the film industry, there are millions of Hollywood employees, and there is no shortage of technical production talents. What is lacking is the idea of ​​being able to get better and the execution of these ideas. Force, this point, the past life in the hype is nothing to do with the Jenner couple is definitely beyond the ordinary producer too much.

After rationalizing his thoughts, Eric smiled and asked: "Is your mother really interested in reality shows?"

Kim Kardashian was somewhat unclear, but he nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's it," Eric looked around and simply took a piece of paper from the newspaper at hand, found a pen on it and wrote a number on it, handed it to Kim Kardashian, saying: "This is me. Call the assistant office's office and give it to your mother. Of course, you are not saying that your stepfather's current energy is on the TV program. If so, he can also participate."

Kim Kardashian took the newspaper with the phone number. Although she is still in high school, she is not lacking in her life experience because she is a child from a small to a big living environment. At this time, she instinctively feels At that time, my family may have changed dramatically because of this newspaper. Holding the number in her hand, she began to stutter and said: "Wei, Mr. Williams, I, then, then?"

"Remember the Hollywood girl life reality show that I mentioned yesterday, tell them this, a week to make a reality show plan to show me first, if I am satisfied, this project You can let your stepfather and mother serve as producers."

"Ah," Kim Kardashian felt a little unbelievable, producer, in Hollywood, this is the most powerful class. Moreover, the producers of TV shows are even bigger than the filmmakers, and they look at the numbers on the paper. Kim Kardashian still asks indefinitely: "Wei, Mr. Williams, you won't, Are you kidding me?"

Eric shook his head and smiled. "You have such a big chest. I am afraid that you can't understand it."

Kim Kardashian really couldn’t understand the stalk, but his face was hot and said: "But my stepfather and mother are in New York, and my mother has to take care of my two sisters, Kendal and Kelly. Not less than three years old."

Eric shrugged and said: "This is not my business. If you can't see the plan book in a week, it will be fine."

Kim Kardashian did not dare to bargain with Eric, and nodded, "Oh, okay."

Because it was summer and weekend, the girls basically woke up near noon. After the twins got up, Eric let them drive to return to Shantou’s mansion in the Trausdale Manor. In the morning, they handled some work emails. I wanted to write the outline of "Speed ​​and Passion" in the afternoon. After a group of gimmicks got up, they all came over, and they took Eric and went crazy for a long time.

Three days after the weekend, "Lion King 2" took the top spot in the list at the first weekend box office of $38.9 million. The second place in the "air prison" box number was only 24.1 million, which was more than $14 million.

Compared with the box office of "The Fifth Element", which was pitted by Sony in May, it has only more than 22 million US dollars at the box office. The box office performance of "Air Prison" is obviously not so bad, but even if it does not say that the fireflies have just broken 600 million in North America. The Titanic, which is officially downgraded by the US dollar, is only compared with the "Lion King". The box office figures of "Air Prison" can only be regarded as failure.

At the same time, due to the number of ticket-selling countries that opened overseas during the same period, the box office performance also failed to meet expectations. In addition, the reputation of "Air Prison" was barely reaching the passing line. The box office forecasting agency and the firefly issuing department had the original "Air Prison". The $300 million global box office is expected to be significantly lower.

Taking into account the subsequent big films such as "Godzilla" and "Batman and Robin", "Hollywood Reporter" even lowered the North American box office of "Air Prison" to 80 million US dollars, global expectations There are only 180 million. The Firefly Group also reduced the global box office forecast for Air Prison to $200 million. According to this estimate, "Air Prison" is unlikely to bring profits to the fireflies at the box office. The company can only pin its profit prospects on the later video tapes and surrounding distribution.

Although as long as they are slightly fluent, they know that "Lion King 2" and "Air Prison" do not have much box office competition, but "Lion King 2" far exceeds "Air Prison" at the box office but it is not an issue. The fact that Paramount Pictures, which was suppressed in the early stage of propaganda, is a big victory for the "Leading King" of "Lion King 2". After the first three days of the box office, it can't wait to announce that it will be held. Celebration feast.

Correspondingly, due to Paramount's two consecutive animated films, "The Wind in the Wind" and "The Lion King 2", both achieved box office success, and the fireflies did not even launch an animated film last year, and the industry began to appear. Questioning Eric's decision to sell Disney's hand-drawn animation studios, a San Francisco newspaper even criticized Eric's move to sell Disney's hand-drawn animation studios as 'the most stupid business decision in Hollywood'.

Due to the emergence of these arguments, the performance of the box office of "Nemo", which will be released two weeks later, is even more compelling.

The high-rise inside the fireflies has naturally seen the film "The Story of the Sea", but although everyone is positive about the excellence of "Nemo", most people are not confident that this animated film can surpass "Lion King 2". After all, the release date of "Nemo" was sandwiched between "Godzilla" and "Batman and Robin." But even if you understand this, you can't make any adjustments to the schedule at the moment. Everyone can only secretly expect that Godzilla and Batman and Robin will not be as high as the box office to leave for the Story of the Sea. More living space.

Although the main actors have not yet been determined, the main teams of Spider-Man and Iron Man have been built. Cameron and his old partner Jon Landau are responsible for "Spider-Man". The producer of "Iron Man" is personally owned by Eric. Marvel has also signed a director's contract with Jos Verden.

After the weekend, Eric began a frequent meeting with the head of Marvel Films and the two teams to discuss the scripts, castings, budgets and other issues of Iron Man and Spider-Man.

According to preliminary estimates, it takes half a year for the special effects technology development and testing of the two films.

At the same time, due to the large scale of production, once the project is officially started, the project may bring millions of dollars in losses every day. Therefore, the preparatory work in the early stage also needs to be repeatedly considered in all the details. It will be more than half a year, and even dragging on for a few years is not impossible. The original "Iron Man" of the time and space has been preparing since the 1990s. The official start of shooting is in 2007, and Cameron's "Avatar" sequel is dragged into A series of life years.

Eric certainly won't let the two projects be dragged on for so long.

"Iron Man" has initially drafted the project schedule, the film will be officially launched in March next year, the shooting is expected to take four months, special effects production may take eight months, if all goes well, the film will be in 1999 It was officially completed in March, and the summer file of the year was released.

As for "Spider-Man", Cameron basically overthrew the script of the year and re-started writing a new story.

At the same time, Cameron has recently had a whim, in order to make Peter Parker's lens fluttering between the high-rise buildings in New York more realistic, requiring the digital field to develop a set of special effects software for them, obviously these will take longer At the time, Eric also hopes that this project will be able to start shooting around the end of next year, as long as it can be released in the summer of 2000, even if everything is fine.

At the same time as the two projects of Marvel Film, Eric also took the time to write the outline of "Speed ​​and Passion" and handed it over to Shantou to find a screenwriter to supplement it.

In the past, the history of this series has been stumbling. The first part was successful. It looked more like an accident. The subsequent box office was not ideal. Until the fourth part, the series began to enter. Hollywood mainstream blockbuster.

This time, although Eric does not need to take so many detours, it is impossible to do it all at once. The first episode still uses the first story of the previous life. After all, the success after the fourth part of the series is also the first few. Gradually lay down the results of popularity.

The busy working day soon passed. On June 6th, at the same time that the first week of the "Lion King 2" and "Air Prison" was released at the box office, Sony Pictures' eye-catching "Godzilla" also opened more than 3,300 screens in North America. painting.

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