I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 893: After all, I still can’t hold back.

Simon Fuller noticed that Eric was once again distracted, hesitant to know if he should take the initiative, but he was very sad. It’s a big surprise for him to meet Eric at this party, although the Firefly Group’s record business happens to be the shortcoming of the media group, but in Simon Fuller’s view, this is precisely opportunity. Based on his years of experience in dealing with people, he realized that Eric must be interested in him, otherwise the other party would not talk to him for so long, but the young super tycoon talked with a bit of absent-mindedness. It seems to suddenly remember what it looks like.

Considering that perhaps the topic of the record production process made the other party uninterested, Simon Fuller was planning to talk about Eric's recent "Casino Royale", Diana walked over the crowd and walked over to them. Beside her, she followed her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed.

Notice that Simon Fuller stood beside Eric, and Diana nodded politely to him, and then to Eric, who was back in love: "Hey, Eric, it’s time for the show, and , Tina, are you ready?"

Christina looked at Eric and then nodded to Diana: "Of course, ladies, I have no problem at all times."

"In this case," Diana said to the entourage behind him: "Paul, you bring Miss Aguilera to prepare."

Looking at his entourage with Christina leaving, Diana turned to Eric and Simon Fuller and smiled and asked, "So, what are you talking about?"

Simon Fuller didn't know if Eric was close to Diana's mind, so he didn't take the initiative to talk.

Eric saw that Simon Fuller did not answer and said with a smile: "Some questions about record production, Simon is a very good music producer, I happen to be interested in these, so just talk."

Diana also came to the interest, but she was somewhat regretful. "Speaking, I have always dreamed of producing a record of my own. Unfortunately, there has never been such an opportunity."

Eric said: "If you want, I can help you."

“Really?” Diana looked at Eric and smiled at her lips. “Eric, I will be serious.”

Eric looked at Diana's face without any traces of time, and nodded very calmly: "Of course, if you want, tomorrow we can make people prepare for you."

Dodi Fayed had some dissatisfaction with being neglected. I felt that Eric was obviously starting to 'slap the corner' and quickly rushed towards Diana. The temperature was warm and said: "Dear, William. Mr. Si is a very busy person. If you are interested in making a record, I actually know some music producers."

When Diana heard Dodi Fayed, she suddenly realized that he and Eric seemed to have a bit of a tit-for-tat feeling. His face was faintly shy and shook his head. "Forget it, actually, I sing very badly. ""

On such a chat, on the stage of the banquet hall, with the end of a dance, the host took the stage to introduce the next performance of Christina. In the applause of the guests, the girl went to the stage and the lights in the hall were dark. It’s down.

Some people at the reception have already seen "Royal Casino", recognizing Christina on the stage. Many people have a surprised look. It is obviously doubtful whether the small vase in "Royal Casino" can sing "d- The charm of beautiul.

Eric did not worry about this at all. Although he was born in the wild, if there is only a few vocals, the whole music circle can be more than Christina. Although this Nizi is better at high notes, her bass level. It is definitely more than most professional singers.

Sure enough, after the slow prelude, when the hoarse voice with a little decadent voice sounded in the hall, the original skeptics showed a surprised expression. Some people also look at Eric, they naturally know that Christina is coming with Eric.

"Oh, it's amazing. It's so beautiful, it's unbelievable." Diana sighed in surprise and turned her head to look at Eric, but immediately turned her attention back to Christina. .

Eric put a glass of red wine in his hand and felt the voice of Christina, and then remembered some thoughts after seeing Simon Fuller.

Although the Firefly Group has expanded to a bottleneck, Eric still has no idea to expand the record business. An industry that is destined to decline, although in the western world where copyright protection is very strict, the record industry cannot completely die out, but now it will be a big deal, and it will only be lost in the future.

What's more, if you can completely replace the traditional portable music player, the future output value of the mp3 player can even be worth the entire record industry. All the music-related layouts in the Firefly system are designed to give the mp3 player this hardware. The product provides more complete content and functional services. The technical difficulty of digital music players is not too big. Even if you want to completely bypass the patent barriers set by Firefly Electronics, some deep-rooted electronic giants can launch similar products within two years. However, as long as Firefly creates a complete software and hardware service system around the mp3 player, users can experience more convenience than other similar products from the content acquisition to the purchase payment. Other manufacturers want to threaten similar products. The status of the mp3 player is also destined to be delusional.

However, since I think of the Spice Girls group and "American Idol," Eric will naturally not let go.

He has already been on the phone with the two heads of Firefly Electronics during the day, and the firelyer player will enter the European market next spring. Now that the babes are combined, if they can achieve the influence of the original time and space, this combination can also greatly help the promotion of firelyer in Europe.

As for "American Idol" or the "popular idol" reality show, not only can it bring high ratings to the TV stations in the hands, but if you take the model with the firelyer title, you can even use this. The player is promoted to the world. However, the current firelyer capacity is not enough to support its expansion in the world, Eric intends to postpone the production of 'popular idols'. This interval also happens to be able to combine the Spice Girls.

Of course, if you want to achieve this, you still need a responsible person. Simon Fuller is very suitable.

Thinking about it, Eric told Simon Fuller, who was still standing next to him: "Simon, you just said that you have a record company?"

Simon Fuller, who was also immersed in Christina’s voice, heard this and immediately raised his spirit and nodded: “Yes, Eric, my company is called ‘19 Entertainment’.”

After the Firefly's brand has a record company, Eric understands that Simon Fuller's record company is more similar to Hollywood's many independent film companies. These companies usually choose to be affiliated with some of the largest record groups, sometimes selling some shares to each other, and then collaborating to package some singers to operate. Since it is necessary to hand over the plan to create a hot girl group and pop idol to Simon Fuller, Eric naturally needs to hold the other record company in his hands, and then asks: "Is the company's equity still in your hands? ?"

"Of course," Simon Fuller nodded again. 19 Entertainment was created in 1985. However, for more than a decade, although he has been barely operating, he has never launched a singer who is too good. Naturally, There will be a large record group interested in his small company.

Eric heard the answer from the other party and took out a business card from his pocket and said, "So, I recently wanted to build a band combination that requires people to implement it. Think about it, if you like, Firefly will Acquire your company and then you can take responsibility for this project."

Simon Fuller took the business card respectfully, but when he thought that his company had been acquired, he would be downgraded from the boss to a wage earner. Although he did not expect much, he still said: "Eric, I can keep it. Some shares?"

"The shares are not working, but I will give you enough options."

Eric shook his head and said that although Simon Fuller played a very important role in the process of creating a hot girl group and a 'popular idol', he was not only quickly smashed by the babes, but later. American Idol and other programs have gradually thought of this, this person should be good in creativity, but certainly lacks sufficient execution power, plus Eric is not familiar with Simon Fuller, naturally will not give each other from the beginning Equity.

Simon Fuller has actually made up his mind not to let go of this opportunity. You know, this is Eric Williams. How many people in the world have the opportunity to work directly with Eric Williams? Who has not cooperated with the other party after the cooperation? It’s crazy to let go of this opportunity. However, since the request to retain shares was rejected, he did not want to be too urgent, saying: "So, Eric, I think about it, I will reply you tomorrow."

Eric nodded and said, "No problem, I am waiting for your good news."

The two continued to chat, Christina on the stage ended, and the ballroom remembered a lot of applause than the beginning.

As the lights in the hall lit up again, looking at Christina coming to this side, and Diana, who was still on the other side of Eric, Simon Fuller did not stop and raised a toast at Eric. Just walked towards him.

Listening to the praise of the people around, Christina's face fluttered to the side of Eric, but before she came and heard Eric's compliment, Diana took her hand and took it to her: "Tina, I can't think of you. so smart."

Eric looked at Diana and kissed Christina intimately, hanging herself aside, didn't mind, took a glass of wine from the passing waiter, was looking for other guests to chat, Dodi Fay Germany has come over at this time.

Unrecognized to look at Christina's petite figure, Dodi Fayed told Eric: "Good girl, isn't it?"

Eric raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Of course."

"In this case," Dodi Fayed lowered his voice and said: "Eric, you shouldn't come close to Diana again."

Eric looked at the two women who had been together with one big and one relative, and turned to go to the buffet table where there were fewer people, and Dodi Fayed saw Eric without paying attention to himself. Followed, learned Eric's appearance, took the plate and picked up the food.

Eric put a small cake on his plate and saw what Dodi Fayed wanted to say. He first said: "So, are you serious about her?"

"Of course," Dodi Fayed nodded without hesitation, saying: "I have already proposed to marry her."

"Oh," Eric laughed. "Say, you should have grown up in the UK?"

Dodi Fayed saw Eric suddenly turn away from the topic and warned: "Is there any problem?"

Due to the open financial market and special tax system, London is the most influential city for billionaires in the world. Many rich families in the Middle East and Russia live here most of the time. Many people even choose immigrants and their children grow up. And education is basically in the UK. Therefore, many wealthy children grew up under the influence of British culture and basically regarded themselves as British. Eric guessed the opponent from the London accent of Dodi Fayed. Probably the same.

"Of course there is nothing," Eric shook his head and smiled. "But perhaps you have regarded yourself as a pure Englishman, but some people don't think so."

Dodi Fayed shrugged indifferently: "I don't care if you think about it."

Eric looked at the other with pity and said, "Yeah, you probably won't care, but if you plan to take King Wells home, someone cares, and cares a lot."

Dodi Fayed’s action paused and stared at Eric and said, “Are you suggesting me?”

Eric didn't care too much about Dodi Fayed's gaze. He continued to pick some fruit salads for himself, only to glance at the other side, and his face was a bit surprised, as if he said to himself: Unbelievable, you can hear that I am suggesting."

After saying this, Eric dropped some hairy Dodi Fayed and walked over to Christina, sighing in his heart, still couldn’t help but intervene, just don’t know Dodi Fay Germany will not figure out what it is.

Looking at the figure that Eric left, Dodi Fayed, standing at the buffet table, kept changing, and Eric had almost just told you that "you stupid people still heard my suggestion." The words hang on the face, although the heart is extremely angry, but in his heart it is difficult to put aside Eric’s words.

Hesitated for a while, Dodi Fayed left the plate in his hand, left the banquet hall alone, went to the garden outside the hall, looked around, and then pulled out his mobile phone and dialed his father Mohammed. Al Feyed's phone. Eric’s words made him feel a sense of crisis inexplicably, but a few words were not enough to make him clear the clues, so he instinctively felt that he should probably know his father. I will talk about this.

And Dodi Fayed said that Eric did not continue to stay at the reception, and Diana left with Christina early.

Early the next morning, Eric was sitting on the lawn in the backyard with Christina for breakfast, and the doorbell of the villa rang quickly.

"Eric was sitting across from Christina and stood up and volunteered to open the door.

Eric thought Peter Ritchie came over and didn't care.

However, a moment later, Christina came with Diana.

Eric was just surprised to stand up, and her eyes were red and her face looked like Diana’s momentum and asked: “Eric, did you say anything to Dodi?”

Eric felt something in his heart, but he spread his hand innocently and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

When I heard that Eric denied, Diana was obviously more angry, her eyes widened, as if to eat Eric: "You, you bastard, you guys are bastards."

Eric felt that if it wasn't for a long time of education, Diana would probably reach out and grab his face. Although the woman did not move, Eric stepped back a small step and said: "Diana, I really don't understand what you are talking about."

Diana was angry and said: "Dordy broke up with me last night. He is now flying back to the plane in Egypt. Now, are you satisfied?"

Eric was inexplicably relieved, but did not expect that Dodi Fayed would be so simple, perhaps it is really a small look at each other.

However, looking at Diana's imposing appearance, Eric had to deal with the problem at hand. He said: "Miss Spencer, I don't understand what you are talking about, and I am not interested in things about you and your boyfriend. Nothing else, please leave."

"Hah, you are a hypocritical guy," Diana sneered, and looked at Eric with a look of disdain. "Don't you drive Doddy to get close to me? Now, you actually let I am leaving. Ha, it’s ridiculous, I just don’t leave, and I’m telling you clearly that you’ll never get what you want, I hate you, you bastard.”

Eric couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect the woman to have such a hysterical side. Looking at Diana, who seemed to be mad at him and wanted to stalemate with him, Eric had to bear the temperament: " I said, Ms. Spencer, I don't know what happened. You were jealous of your boyfriend and have nothing to do with me. Now, please leave, or I will call security."

Diana seems to have ignored everything and raised her voice. "Then you call it, make things big, let everyone see what your **** did."

Eric took a headache and took a shot on the forehead. Seeing that this woman has the ability to look at me positively, my heart is not angry. Although it is impossible to say it forever, but this should be saved as a life, now this is what is going on.

After looking at Diana for a moment, Eric also had no patience. He threw the coffee cup he had just forgotten on the table next to him. He suddenly stepped forward and did not wait for Diana to respond. Get up and walk outside.

"Ah, you bastard, what are you going to do, let me down, help," Diana felt a whirlwind in front of her eyes, realizing her situation, and immediately struggling fiercely, while shouting for help while still working hard at Ereli Behind the gram.

However, how can a small woman who is physically and weakly contend with Eric, and in the twinkling of an eye, they have already passed through the villa to the front yard.

In the gaze that Diana’s driver heard the sound coming in, Eric walked over to the front door and took the woman on his shoulder and threw it away on the lawn outside the gate.

Ignore the maddening voice of the woman outside the gate, Eric drove the driver out, closed the door, and then said to Christina, who ran out: "Call the security, don't let the woman come in later." (To be continued.)

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