I'm in Horror World, Taoism Exorcism

Chapter 972 Breaking Di's Arm

In the sky, at some point, a thick cloud of robbery had gathered.

The calamity cloud completely covered the sky, and within the blood-red calamity cloud, there were patches of blood shining, as if there were terrifying beasts walking through it.

Originally, after the first wave of catastrophe, there would be a moment of rest.

However, when Chen Feng took the initiative to provoke, Jieyun seemed to be irritated, and the second wave of Tianjie fell again without reservation.

This time, it was a blue thunderbolt.

The lightning was like a stream of water, rushing down from the clouds, forming an impenetrable rain curtain, as if it wanted to destroy everything.

Thunder becomes liquid, this is the effect that will only be caused after the number of thunder and lightning reaches a certain level.

It can be seen how dense the thunder and lightning are in this wave of catastrophe.

Originally, this kind of situation would not happen in normal catastrophe, even Chen Feng's second wave of catastrophe.

However, God broke in and doubled the power of Tianjie, which caused such a situation.

In the thunderstorm, the figure of God appeared again.

That night of thunder fell on him, as if it was about to melt his body, continuously melting his flesh and blood.

God looked at Chen Feng with helplessness and surprise.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng would be so ruthless, and he didn't take a breath, and inspired Tianjie 907 again.

But he had to admit that this was the only way to interrupt his offensive in this situation.

Although Chen Feng's approach is risky, it is extremely useful.

God is the same as last time, the body is constantly melting and repairing.

The power in his body is also rapidly depleting.

Although, after Evil God, the power in his body has almost reached the level of inexhaustible and inexhaustible, but it has not really reached it after all.

When exhausted to a certain extent, he will also be tired and will work hard.

Facing the rain of thunder, the phantom behind Chen Feng grew taller, and a force arose from his body, protecting Chen Feng inside, while he himself swallowed the thunder into his stomach

Or introduced into the body, leaving only a small amount of thunder power falling on Chen Feng's body, transforming Chen Feng's body.

What the catastrophe brings is not completely destroyed.

Its power can also transform the body and make the Constitution stronger.

When God also felt a little tired, the second wave of catastrophe finally disappeared.

God's eyes locked on Chen Feng at once. (abej)

He was hesitating whether to wait or attack Chen Feng immediately.

God is watching Chen Feng, and Chen Feng is watching him.

God stood still, so he waited and rested for a while.

If God wants to attack him, he immediately summons the third wave of catastrophe.

With his current strength, there is almost no possibility of being attacked by God.

Especially, when his power of space spreads all over the entire space.

Even if it is God, it is impossible to invade his side silently.

God thought for a moment, but decided to approach Chen Feng.

He wants to fight a war of attrition with Chen Feng.

He believed that with his Evil God Constitution, he could drag Chen Feng down ahead of time.

Seeing God approaching, Chen Feng did not hesitate, and the huge figure behind him came out again.

The third wave of Thunder Tribulation belongs to Blue.

Among You Blue's thunderbolts, there are hidden thunderballs, which directly fall down, causing a series of explosion effects.

Under such an explosion, the space could not support at all, but under the power of the catastrophe, the space did not shatter, but remained stable.

But both Chen Feng and God know that once the power of Heavenly Tribulation disappears, the space will be quickly shattered, and space black holes will be created quickly.

Under such a thunder calamity, God couldn't avoid it. The blue thunder ball fell on him, blasting blood holes in his body, but no blood flowed out.

Because before the blood flowed, his body had already recovered.

However, just as he recovered, a new thunderball fell down again.

Once again God has broken and repaired.

But the phantom behind Chen Feng was still able to resist.

God's eyes narrowed, he remembered that before Chen Feng was reincarnated, what he had comprehended was the Dao of Thunder.

This phantom is the incarnation of the Dao of Thunder, so it can forcibly resist such a terrifying catastrophe.

Chen Feng saw that God was extremely struggling in the catastrophe, but in contrast to himself, although he was also a little embarrassed, compared with Di Yi, it was already considered easy.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and a bold idea came up.

God wants to attack him during the thunder disaster, so why can't he attack God during the thunder disaster?

In terms of strength, God is above him, but in this thunder disaster, the gap between the two sides was narrowed by the thunder disaster.

As soon as this idea came out, Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

His gaze began to lock onto God, watching his every move.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared in place.

God immediately noticed this change, but his first reaction was that Chen Feng ran away.

He never thought that Chen Feng would be so bold as to attack him.

He is still looking for traces of Chen Feng, and wants to find Chen Feng.

But at this time, a purple Gold sword suddenly appeared behind him, slashing at him heavily.

The space avenue perfectly concealed Chen Feng's traces, and this terrifying thunder tribulation also covered up the movement of his sneak attack.

When God noticed the blow, he had no time to dodge and counterattack, so he could only turn sideways as much as possible.


A right arm flew from God, was hit by Blue's thunderball, and turned into flying ash.

God's face turned pale, a few strands of dark red blood spilled from his mouth, and his eyes showed murderous intent.

However, when he was about to fight back, Chen Feng had already retreated to the original place, opening the distance between him and God.

Chen Feng knew the gap between himself and God, and he would definitely lose in a reckless situation.

Since the sneak attack failed to kill God, it is even more impossible to have other chances. Therefore, if he failed in one blow, he retreated immediately and never gave God a chance.

No, this blow can't be regarded as fruitless.

After all, a broken arm of God.

God flicked the wound on his right shoulder with his left hand, and the wound began to squirm instantly, and new flesh and blood were growing, and a new arm was about to grow.

However, there is always a force preventing all of this, preventing the arm from growing smoothly.

God knows, that's Chen Feng's calendar of space rules.

With a gloomy face, God mobilized the power in his body to wipe out the power of space rules. .

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