After hearing this voice, Ye Fan looked back and found that it was actually a somewhat familiar figure.

He has a notebook in his hand and his hair is a little long.

Isn't this the guy from Saint Rudolph who plays intelligence tennis?

What's it called...... Watching the beginning of the month?

What is he here?

Saint Rudolph's game seems to be over, why did he suddenly come to the Ice Emperor?

Did he come to collect information about the Ice Emperor Tennis Club, or did he come to investigate himself?

Ye Fan didn't speak, but he already had some guesses in his heart.

"Don't doubt it, I'm just here for you. "

Guan Yue said with a soft smile, and slowly walked in front of Ye Fan.

"Since we're all smart people, I'll just say it, I want you to play in this tournament and help us win the championship. "

All Metropolitan Assemblies?

Ye Fan lowered his eyelids slightly, if he remembered correctly, there would be more than 1/4 finals of the official Qingxue and St. Rudolph.

He should have discovered some contradictions between himself and Qingxue, and he also deduced that this time their school will match Qingxue.

That's why you came here to call yourself out, right?

"You seem to be very confident, I will help you. "

Ye Fan said.

Guan Yue smiled softly and closed the book in his hand.

"Fudo Mine is a little-known school, and he doesn't even appear in my script. "

"For their match, my script inferred that Qingxue won, and although there may be an accident in the second singles, they won in the end. "

"But I didn't expect that this time something would happen that was beyond my script. "

Guan Yue turned her head slightly to look at Ye Fan in front of her.

"The day before the race, and you happened to go to Fudo Peak, and then Fudo Peak had all the information of all the positive selections of Qingxue. "

"You are a genius boy who was expelled from Qingxue, if there is nothing to do with this, it is a bit unacceptable. "

"Anyway, you just happen to have a grudge, and we St. Rudolph will be against Qingxue, why not do it? Isn't helping yourself by helping me?"

Guanyue said very confidently.

Judging by the information he has gathered so far

Ye Fan would never refuse his proposal.

After all, ......

Although I don't know what happened in Qingxue.

But Ye Fan absolutely hates this school very much.

Or definitely hate the coach of the youth tennis club.

Isn't that just the right thing for him to take advantage of?

"You're right, I really won't refuse you. "

"I can really help you, too. "

Ye Fan said with a chuckle.

Guanyue had a winning expression on his face.

"Sure enough, I knew you ......."

"But my appearance fee is very expensive. "


Guan Yueyue's words were interrupted by Ye Fan before he finished speaking, and then he was a little stunned.

What is called the appearance fee is expensive?

Ye Fan looked at Guanyue with disdain.

"You don't really think I'm going to help you for nothing, do you? Or do you think that all the information I gave to Fudo Peak is free?"


The perfect expression on Guan Yue's face was almost cracked.

Do you still want money?

Isn't Ye Fan simply having a grudge against Qingxue?

How to ......

"If you want me to help you play, yes, 1 million games. "

"If you want to win, 5 million! "

Guan Yue was a little stunned, and then reflected, looking at Ye Fan so seriously, it didn't seem like he was joking.

"What's the difference between helping me win and winning the championship?"

When Ye Fan heard this, he looked at the moon like a fool.

"You don't really think that after you win a game with Qingxue, you can win the championship of the Tokyo Federation, right?"

Come on, it was just the quarterfinals.

Even if Qingxue loses, it is possible to enter the loser group.

When the time comes, it is also possible to chase the championship position.

Ye Fan's obviously disdainful eyes made the corners of Guan Yue's mouth twitch slightly.

It's already 5 million just to win, so how much does it cost to win the championship?

And although it is rumored that Ye Fan's strength is indeed very strong,

But he never saw it with his own eyes.

He's going to need to take a good look.

"In that case, then I'll choose the package to win first. "

Ye Fan raised his eyes slightly, looking at the moon in front of him.

This person should have investigated himself in advance.

It's just that you may still be a little reluctant to believe those information, otherwise you won't be able to choose to win. Instead of choosing to win the championship.

After all, the two options are only a few words apart

But in reality, the gap is too far.

"I'll be there on the day of the conference. "

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he sorted out his tennis bag, and then turned around and left.

Guanyue looked at the back of Ye Fan leaving.

He looked at the notebook in his hand again.

"I'm really looking forward to how this script will be played. "

It was the first time something had happened outside of his script.

He spent a full 5 million, Ye Fan must not let me down.

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