Shi Yu couldn’t help but laugh as he lay on the stone now.

The immortal body solved the crisis, and finally did not have to worry about losing his mind and running away.

However, having an immortal body does not mean that you have mastered immortal arts.

But that is also a matter of time, after all, with the body of an immortal, the sensitivity to natural energy itself is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Even the reason why the immortal body is powerful is not only because of cultivating immortal arts.

Even if you perform ordinary ninjutsu, the cells consume too much energy and will automatically absorb natural energy to replenish it.

In other words, the resilience is far beyond that of ordinary ninjas, which is why the Thousand Hand Pillar can hang the tailed beast.

Just relying on Mu Duan, he can knead the tailed beast like a chicken cub.

And now Shi Yu has the same ability.

Just when Shi Yu got up and wanted to try to develop Mu Duan, with the body of an immortal as a backing, how about exerting the power of Mu Duan?

Is there a difference between it and the column?

It shouldn’t make much difference!

[The current Great Sage’s calculus power has returned to 75%]

【Analytical calculus ability improved】

[Thinking acceleration increased to 500 times]

【Indian Destruction Recovery 80%】

Suddenly, Shi Yu was directly stunned for 26 minutes.

“That’s a 25% increase!”

Shi Yu was surprised!

“If you develop a wooden dun, will it directly increase by 25%?”

And along with other abilities, it has also improved a lot.

That’s too much!

That’s more than the clouds have increased.

[Great Sage: Not only because of the development of Mu Duan, but also because of the completion of the analysis of intercolumn cells]

Intercolumn cells?

“Resolving intercolumnar cells allows you to recover so quickly?”

[Great Sage: The more things I analyze, the more conducive it will be for my recovery]

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment.

“In other words, actually constantly parsing, parsing anything can speed up your recovery?”

[Great Sage: Yes]

When talking here, Yu felt that the whole person was not good.

This great sage always does not tell himself the most important things, but allows himself to guess and experiment slowly.

Now that it is seventy-five percent, if we continue to analyze it, wouldn’t it mean that soon the Great Sage will be able to completely repair it.

At that time, the Great Sage can begin to assist the other two active skills to repair.

Shi Yu took out the storage scroll and took out the Sharingan.

The Sharingan you got from Danzo, what if you analyze the Sharingan!

When I thought about it, Yu began to get a little excited.

Maybe even if you can’t fully recover, I’m afraid it’s not much worse!

“Analyze this pair of chakra eyes!”

[Great Sage: Analyzing]

【Estimated analysis time 3 hours】

Three hours?

So fast?

By the way, the efficiency of parsing has also been improved, which is 25%, so it is normal for the parsing speed to speed up.

Expect how terrifying the Great Sage’s analysis speed will be after full recovery.

Shi Yu’s eyes lit up.

Now that the Great Sage was busy analyzing the Sharingan, Shi Yu’s desire to develop Mu Duan’s ninjutsu could only be temporarily postponed.

However, it is still possible to try simple Mudun control using Mudu’s Chakra.

Three hours was a short time, and it passed quickly.

Shi Yu was not even fully proficient in Mu Duan’s Chakra, and the analysis had already been completed.

[Great Sage: Analytical calculus completed]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining insight enhancement, while thinking about the acceleration effect has been enhanced]

[Since the host does not have the Sharingan, other abilities cannot be obtained]

Insight enhancement?

Shi Yu looked around, and his insight had indeed increased.

Without turning on thinking acceleration, Shi Yu can see very subtle things, which is about three times stronger than Shi Yu’s ordinary state.

The effect of thinking about acceleration is enhanced, and to what extent it is enhanced when the rain does not have time to experiment.

Next second.

[Active Skill 3: The Great Sage completes the repair and all abilities are restored]

This time it’s a hint from the system.

“This is restored?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Did analyzing the Sharingan Eye completely restore the Great Sage?

So fast?

An intercolumn cell and a writing wheel eye, parsed these two things and directly recovered.

This is also too…

Knowing this, Shiyu directly analyzed Sasuke.

[Great Sage: If you want to deeply analyze the character, you need the host and the other party to touch, or use Chakra as a medium, ordinary analysis can only simply analyze the other party’s various data, or show more obvious skills]

In other words, the power of the deep bloodline cannot be analyzed.

Hearing the voice of the Great Sage, the current tense rain can not be deep or superficial.

“Great Sage, are you fully recovered?”

[Great Sage: Yes]

“Is there any new ability effect after recovery?”

【Great Sage: Current】

【Analytical calculus ability fully restored】

[The Indian abandonment is fully restored, and the host does not need to use any skills for printing]

[The thinking acceleration effect is fully restored, and the current thinking is accelerated by 700 times]

“Seven… Seven hundred! ”

The previous three hundred times faster thinking made Shi Yu feel that the enemy was basically a flaw.

And now in the state of seven hundred times faster thinking, Shi Yu does not know what it will become. 867 is also quite terrifying to the bonus of cultivation.

The effects of various abilities that such a skill as the Great Sage possess at the same time are simply too perverted.

But that’s not the point, the point is that now the Great Sage can help other skills to fix!

“Great Sage, can you start repairing other skills now?”

[Great Sage: Yes, please ask which skill the host will repair first]

Which skill to fix first, of course, is Active Skill 1: Gluttony.

After fixing this skill, Shi Yu didn’t have to work hard to slowly analyze the calculation of what blood succession limit he wanted to obtain.

You only need to directly devour and absorb this power, and you can directly master it.

If it was the kind of effect that Shi Yu imagined, then the power of the gluttonous eater was not weaker than that of the Great Sage at all.

[Great Sage: Start repairing active skill 1 gluttony]

“How long do you expect it to be repaired?”

[Great Sage: It is estimated that it will take three days to recover the active skill 1 Gluttony to reach the debatable state, with 10% ability]


Is it so little?

[Great Sage: If you rely on system repair, it is estimated that it will take 3,000 days]

Three? Three thousand?

Depend on!

If it weren’t for the Great Sage, I am afraid that if you want to see the gluttony launched, it would be the Lifetime series.

“Okay! Start fixing! “。

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