The amount of Chakra increased, and now Shi Yu felt as if his body was filled with various powers.

And this feeling of power makes Shi Yu want to break out Chakra anytime and anywhere.

The rising desire to fight is somewhat difficult to contain.


You can only wrap your whole body in cold air and force yourself to calm down.

When the cold air is wrapped around the rain, it seems as if you can walk with your own ice and snow special effects.

This concludes the ninjutsu experiment, and Shiyu prepares to return to the village.

From the Land of Snow to the present, the rain has not rested properly.

However, soon after returning to the village, Shi Yu had not yet returned home.

Halfway through, he was directly blocked by a ninja from the dark department.

“Moonlight rain!”

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, what does it mean that the ninja in the dark department appeared in an upright manner?

Did I expose it yesterday?

Probably not! Even if it is exposed, it will not come to you now!

“I am! What’s going on? ”

The other party stood in front of Shi Yu and inexplicably felt a coldness.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky, obviously the sun is big now, and the climate should be very warm at this time.

How suddenly it feels so cold 730.

Shi Yu coughed lightly, and he also found that the other party seemed to be something wrong, and soon understood that it was affected by his own cold.

There is no way to suppress yourself without the cold now, and the rain will feel as if it is so hot that Chakra seems to gush out.

“Naruto-sama called you! Take a trip to the Hokage Building! ”


Ape flying sun chopping to find himself? Do what?

“I know!” Shi Yu nodded.

After saying that, the other party disappeared, and Shi Yu turned his head and walked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

Not so long ago.

Hinata called a group of Konoha Shinobu.

And the purpose of calling them over is also very simple, the Chūnin exam is about to begin, and before starting, it is necessary to confirm those who are shinobi to participate.

Whether these ninja squads led by these upper ninja participate or not will be recommended by their upper ninja.

However, regardless of whether the Kami-Shinobi instructor recommends taking the exam or not, basically after one year, the Kami-Shinobi instructor is no longer on a mission with the Shimo-Shinobi team.

Of course, if you want to carry out tasks together, it is usually just a squad with great potential, and the upper ninja instructor will always be there.

“I, Kakashi, push (abch) recommend the seventh class to participate in this Zhongnin assessment!”

Kakashi was the first instructor to stand up and recommend his squad to take the exam.

The other Shangnin were stunned for a moment.

You must know that the Shinobi team led by Kakashi should have just graduated and not even been a year old!

This is directly taking the Chūnin exam?

“I recommend it…”

“I Ape Flying Asma recommends…”

“I recommend Metkay…”

The first to recommend Shinobu to take the Chu Shinobi exam are all the teachers of the Shinobi Squad who have not graduated for a long time.

Many of the upper ninja who have been teaching patience for several years are silent.

Seeing this, Richo smiled.

After so many years, it was finally Konoha’s turn to harvest a bumper harvest.

One after another, there are other Shangnin who recommend their squads to take the Chūnin exam.

“Kakashi! Do you recommend your class to take the Chu Ninja Exam? I remember you just took them on a few tasks! ”

At this time, the person who opened his mouth to ask was Matkai!

“Yes, only took them on two missions!”


Matkai was speechless, “Just completed two tasks, you recommend them to take the Zhongnin exam?” Even if you don’t want to take the Shinobi class, don’t do this! ”

As a good friend, Kai felt that Kakashi was very irresponsible.

“I can indeed do without them!”

“After all, they are now basically able to complete A-tasks independently, and even S-level tasks have no problems!”

Kakashi’s words were very flat, but after speaking, the other upper Shinobi were directly stunned, and Kakashi Kiki actually gave such a high evaluation to a group of lower Shinobi.

The Shinobi Squad performs A- and S-class missions alone? Are you kidding?

“Kakashi, what did you say?”

Kakashi looked at Kai, “Two missions performed by the seventh class, one A mission, encountered Momochi and did not chop, and I did not make a move during the whole process, Momochi was defeated by them again!” ”

“The second mission, although it was only A-level at the beginning, is actually the difficulty of an S-level mission, overthrowing a corrupt small state regime!”

After speaking, all the upper Shinobi closed their mouths and looked at Kakashi dumbfounded.

It is worthy of being a Konoha technician, copying the ninja flag Kiki Kakashi, and the shinobi imps he carries are all demons.

I just graduated and ran to perform these tasks!

Hong smiled: “Two tasks, one S-level and one A-grade, the little ghost of the seventh class is quite capable!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Okay!” At this time, the sun cut out and ended.

“I have received all your recommendations, go back and tell your Shinobi squad to get ready!”

Hinata slowly stood up, “This time the Zhongnin exam will be different from the past, and there may be a little more villages to participate!” ”

Hearing this, Kai, Kakashi, Sunset Red, Asma, and the others all showed puzzled expressions.

Could it be that the third generation of Hokage also invited some village to take the Chūnin exam?

Of course, if it is a ninja of a small country, the three generations should not specifically say such a sentence, then it means that there are other five major ninja villages who decided to participate in Konoha’s Zhongnin exam?

In the past, except for the Alliance Shayin Village, no other village would participate!

One after another, the group of Kami-Shinobi left the Hokage Building.

And when these Shangren left here, Shi Yu just arrived.

The oncoming cold wind made these Shangnin stunned for a moment.

They all turned their heads to look in the direction of Shi Yu.

They were pretty sure that this cold wind was coming from Shi Yu’s body.

Little ghost who walks with his own cold, what is the situation?

“Shi Yu!”

Suddenly Kakashi opened his mouth to stop Shi Yu, and Shi Yu looked back at Kakashi, “Kakashi-sensei!” ”

Hong on the side turned around and heard Shi Yu’s voice and glanced at Shi Yu.

Is this Kakashi’s subordinates?

What an eccentric brat, there was some kind of cold energy surging on his body!

“Here you are…”

“Three generations of adults called me!”

Hearing this, Kakashi nodded, “Go!” ”

Looking back, Kakashi wondered, was it the power of the ice! How does this kid seem to be uncontrollable!

Inside the Hokage office.

The third generation was also stunned for a moment, and he could clearly feel the cold aura lingering on Shi Yu’s body.

But he didn’t care too much, maybe Shi Yu was practicing the control of Bing Duan?

“Xiao Yu, grandpa heard about your performance in this mission, due to some special reasons, this mission level can still only be rated A!”

“Although the reward for you is the payment of S-level tasks, there is still a difference, so I think I will give everyone in your seventh class a small reward.”

“I can teach you a ninjutsu…”

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