“Now my Chakra amount has reached the level of Zhongnin!”

“Compared to ordinary Shinobi, my Chakra amount is already six or seven times that of theirs!”

This amount of chakra is in the ninja school, and among the current students, I am afraid that there is no other person besides Naruto who has more chakra than Shiyu.

Even among the ninjas who are already shinobi, except for those who have not been promoted to shinobi for more than ten years.

The other lower ninja chakra amount will definitely not be more than Shi Yu.

Knock knock!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Shi Yu, are you up?”

The voice outside the door sounded, this sound was familiar to Shi Yu, wasn’t this the moonlight wind?

Running to yourself early in the morning?

Opening the door, Shi Yu looked at the moonlight wind standing outside, with severe dark circles and a pale face.

Although he was like this yesterday, he seems to be a little weaker today.

“Brother Swift Wind, are you looking for me early in the morning?”

Hearing this, the moonlight smiled bitterly helplessly: “Didn’t you just say it, just call my brother!” ”

“Forget it, you are used to calling it that!”

Saying that, he took out the ninjutsu scroll in his arms and threw it to Shi Yu.

“This is the illusion you wanted yesterday, I found one for you, but it’s just the simplest basic visual illusion!”

“It’s okay to deal with some ordinary people, but it’s basically useless to deal with ninjas!”

Shi Yu scratched his head embarrassedly.

The other party helped him find the illusion scroll, but he even changed the name back to others.

“Have you had breakfast?” When he heard this, Yu shook his head!

“Get dressed and follow me! Go to the street and I’ll treat you to breakfast! ”

“Good! Right away! ”

After putting away the illusion scroll given by the wind, Shi Yu returned to the room to quickly wash and tidy up.

The wind at the door looked at Shi Yu’s dress differently today than before, so it looked even more imposing.

And it feels like a different person.

Now the rain is shining, which is very eye-catching.

“This dress makes you look a lot more handsome, so you should have dressed up like this before!”

Saying that, Swift Wind smiled, I don’t know why Shi Yu suddenly changed his dress style, but this age plus yesterday Shi Yu said that he had an appointment with his classmates.

Probably to attract the attention of female classmates!

It’s nice to be young!

“By the way, bring your wooden sword with you!”

When he heard this, Yu casually took the wooden sword at the door.

“Brother Swift Wind, do we want to train swordsmanship again?”

“Of course!” Swift Wind looked at Shi Yu very seriously, “Your talent in swordsmanship must not be wasted, so I will supervise your swordsmanship training!” ”

“But I have a task this afternoon, and there is nothing to do in the morning, so I will accompany you to practice swordsmanship!”


Shi Yu originally had his own plans.

Compared to practicing swordsmanship, Yu wanted to experience the effect of hanging illusion on the skill bar immediately.

But now it seems that it is impossible in the morning, so wait until the afternoon to try it!

A very nutritious breakfast was eaten casually on the street.

This time he did not go to Konoha’s training ground, and the wind brought Shiyu to a secluded forest on the outskirts of Konoha’s village.

“Okay, let’s practice swordsmanship here!”

Saying that, Swift Wind leaned under a big tree and looked at Shi Yu, “You start with basic swordsmanship!” ”

“Every day we need to consolidate, start with the foundation, lay the foundation to be able to build taller buildings!”

That’s a good statement.

Shi Yu shrugged and walked to the center of the clearing with a wooden sword.

He clenched his fist gently.

Feeling the power, Rain had a smile on her face.

In one night, Shi Yu not only increased the amount of Chakra, but also strengthened his physique.

Although the progress is not as exaggerated as the amount of Chakra, it is also amazing.

Now it is more than twice as strong as before.

And the physical skills hanging on the skill bar will not only increase Shi Yu’s strength, but also increase his physique, speed, reflexes, etc.

In other words, the speed of the rain and the physique have also been strengthened to twice the original.

This is only because of hanging a physical skill, if you hang seven physical skills, maybe it is not a problem to really rely on the physique to become a god.

‘That’s right! What if you hang Konoha Ryu Swordsmanship! ’

Shi Yu glanced at the wind on the side.

Swordsmanship and physical skills, although there are some differences, are also essentially the ability to fight in close combat.

Physical arts can enhance your physique, so swordsmanship should also be able to!

Change your skills and give it a try!

Skill installed successfully

[Passive Skill 7: Konoha Ryu Sword Art].

Shi Yu let out a soft breath and began to practice basic swordsmanship according to the requirements of the moonlight wind.

As soon as he made a move, Moonlight Swift nodded with great satisfaction.

The basic swordsmanship was still extremely solid, and even he couldn’t say anything wrong.

A set of basic swordsmanship exercises ended in less than thirty seconds.

[Passive skill 7 completes one run].

Will it take about 30 seconds to complete a run?

That’s a little longer than the physical technique!

However, Shi Yu suddenly felt that his fingers seemed to become much more flexible, and suddenly shot out with his sword.

A sword stabbed out.

The speed has increased by about a third!

The wooden sword cut through the air and faintly emitted a sound of breaking wind.

The moonlight wind, which originally looked a little sleepy sitting under the tree, suddenly came to the spirit.

He stared at Shi Yu.

‘The speed of the sword is faster and more accurate than yesterday! ’

‘They have all reached the almost perfect Konoha Flow sword technique, can they even make a breakthrough in a short period of time? ’

This is no longer a kendo genius, this is a kendo genius!


Shi Yu cast the Konoha Flow Sword Technique, not only was the speed faster, but even the reaction power was increased a lot.

Ten-style Konoha Flow Sword Art, one second and one style, it takes ten seconds to complete the cast.

And it took Sasuke seven seconds to cast the Konoha Ryu Sword Technique.

After putting away the wooden sword, Shi Yu seemed to understand the effect of hanging the sword art on the skill bar.

If you say that physical skills are all-round to strengthen yourself.

Then although swordsmanship also belongs to the category of physical arts, it is more targeted.

The main increase in swordsmanship is reflexes, speed, and swordsmanship itself.

And the sword art itself enhances not power, but an enhancement of experience and skill, and most importantly, the speed, accuracy, and strength of the sword art!

Of course, Shi Yu’s physique should also increase, but the effect of increasing is not as good as physical skills.

‘Each has its own good, compared to physical skills, sword skills are hung on the skill column, which can increase my combat effectiveness at this stage faster! ’

‘The world’s martial arts are only fast and unbroken! ’

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