Hongdou looked at Shi Yu and the three.

They seem to be Kakashi’s disciples!

No wonder he was so perverted, Kakashi rarely brought the Shinobi class, and the general Shinobi class was basically not recommended to take the Chūnin exam in Kakashi’s hands.

One genius with three monsters.

All right! This doesn’t seem like a big deal either.

“Next, I’ll announce the rules for the second exam!”

There is no need to introduce the heaven and earth scrolls or anything, but due to the large number of people in the second exam, the number of scrolls prepared by Red Bean is almost insufficient.

Originally, there were only 26 groups of shinobi squads, but now it is a whole 50 groups of shinobi squads.

A big reason for this is because Shi Yu, this guy, let twice as many Shinobi pass the first exam.

It’s just that three people “nine seven zero” were eliminated.

Among them, there are 10 groups of the Shinobi Squad of Sand Hidden Village.

Yuyin Village, Group 7!

Kusanagi Village, 2 groups!

Taki Shinobu Village, 1 group!

Konoha Village, Group 29!

Oto-ninja Village, Group 1.

There are a total of fifty groups of Shinobi squads.

Exactly twenty-five Heavenly Scroll Squads, twenty-five Earth Scroll Squads.

Then the lower ninja squad that can pass is at most twenty-five teams.

Referring to a tie, or being solved by a strong team to solve a weak team, then it is a conservative estimate that 10 groups can pass.

In other words, the number of ninjas entering the second half of the second exam should be about thirty, but even this is half as many as the original book.

And in the end, there were fifteen finalists.

Thinking of red beans here makes me feel a headache.

When handing out the scroll, Red Dou also glared at Shi Yu fiercely.

If it weren’t for this stinky imp, his own workload would not have doubled for no reason.

Shi Yu took the Heavenly Scroll in his hand and glanced at Sakura’s scroll, which happened to be the Earth Scroll.

He casually handed the scroll to Sakura, “This is for you!” ”

Sakura and her two cheap teammates were stunned for a moment, what did this mean.

“Shi Yujun, you give me the scroll, then you…”

“Just grab it!”


The two little friends didn’t expect Sakura to have such a big face, so that the crazy Shiyu treated her so favorably.

Sakura was also surprised, could it be that Shiyu liked herself? Why else be so nice to yourself, and it’s too good!

As the squad draws lots to determine the order of departure, one after the other Shinobi squads enter the forest of death.

Shiyu and the others started in the middle part, and Sakura and their squad were similar.

After entering the Forest of Death, Shiyu took Naruto and Sasuke and escorted Sakura and the others to the so-called target location.

Along the way, they also encountered two ninja squads from other villages, but when the other party glanced at the rain, they immediately ran away in fright.

Sasuke felt a little bored: “How did this kind of coward qualify for the Chūnin exam!” ”

After getting Sakura and the others safely, Shiyu and the others began to return.

“What’s next?” Naruto asked.

Sasuke smiled, “Of course it’s a scroll!” ”

Shi Yu nodded, “Not bad!” Grab the scroll, though… How about we split up for better efficiency? ”

Split up?

In this case, even Naruto knew that it was safer to be together.

But Shi Yu obviously didn’t think so, he just seemed to want to snatch the scroll faster.

“Then it’s better to compete with who robs more!”

Sasuke suddenly said such a sentence, which surprised Shi Yu, it didn’t seem like what Sasuke would say!

However, Sasuke is also full of confidence now, much stronger than the current Sasuke in the original book.

Among these shinobi, even I Ai Luo is not necessarily Sasuke’s opponent, but I can say such arrogant words.

Naruto was the one who couldn’t stand Sasuke’s challenge the most, “Okay! Compare and compare! ”

Shi Yu also nodded: “Yes, anyway, this exam is also boring, if you beat all the candidates here, then there will be no later exams!” ”

Shi Yu just said it casually, but Sasuke and Naruto were suddenly stunned.

Oh, yes!

If you beat all the candidates here, then there should be no need for the next exam!

Thinking of this, both of them had some ideas, but Shi Yu was stunned and looked at the two, these two guys should not really plan to do this!

“Then let’s begin!”

Naruto suddenly spoke, and immediately after speaking, he ran straight out in one direction0.

And Sasuke also glanced at Shi Yu, “Let’s start!” ”

Only after the two left, Shi Yu smiled.

“Solve all the candidates? It’s not impossible, but I’m afraid it will ruin some people’s plans! ”

The reason why we propose separate actions is to lure some people out. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shi Yu couldn’t wait to fight that man.

Aunt Orochimaru!


In the forest.

Sasuke kicked a ninja from the Taki Ninja Village against the tree trunk, stared at the other party with cold eyes, and the ninja knife in his hand slowly pierced the opponent’s waist, picking out a scroll.

Grab it.

“You guys are eliminated!”

After speaking, Sasuke disappeared directly.

The other two Taki Shinobu behind him who were knocked to the ground thought back to Sasuke’s shot just now.

“Konoha’s ninja are too strong, we are not a level at all!”

On the other side, Naruto was frantically looking for a target.

“Damn it! Why is there no one? Where did all these guys run to? ”

A man roamed the forest like a headless fly, and the ninja who found him did not move.

Because Naruto’s speed is too fast, this kind of physical skill level strength is not weak!

The ordinary ninja squad found Naruto and did not dare to act rashly.

At the same time, Shi Yu is slowly scattering 1.1 steps in the forest.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of ninja squads, to be precise, I sensed it.

They didn’t dare to make a move on Shi Yu.

Even though Shi Yu looked as if he was undefended, but he was walking around with such swagger, no one dared to make a rash move.

They didn’t want to do it, and Shi Yu naturally didn’t have the strength to fight with these subordinates.

Shi Yu was waiting, the bait was released, and I didn’t believe that I couldn’t catch fish.

Sure enough, soon there was a bait bite.

Sasuke snatched three scrolls, one Heavenly Scroll and two Earth Scrolls.

Easily defeated three Shinobi squads.

When Sasuke was collecting the scroll, I don’t know when there was a large snake hovering on the trunk behind him, spitting Nobuko and staring at Sasuke with wide eyes.

It’s like staring at your prey.

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