“Shi Yu, why are you wearing another village’s forehead!”

Naruto’s question silenced Shiyu for a few seconds.

“Why is it not good-looking?”

Naruto shook his head, “That’s not pretty, don’t you know how handsome this guy is!” ”

“But you seem to have grown a lot taller!”

Saying that, Shi Yu was already half a head taller than Naruto.

“Are you really Shi Yu?”

When Shi Yu heard this, he smiled: “What do you think!” ”

Naruto glanced at the ninja slashing moon behind Shiyu, people may be fake, but Shiyu’s things will not be fake.

Especially this ninja knife chopping the moon, which was given to Shi Yu by Miss Tiantian of the ninja called Senior Sister.

It is impossible for Shi Yu to lose this knife.

Is it really rain?

What did the rain do here then? Why is he here?

Naruto just wanted to ask, but was diverted by Shiyu. “Three Five Zero” “Come and try this!” ”

Giving Naruto a bowl of octopus balls, Naruto looked at the balls in his hand.

“Then you’re welcome!”

Saying that, Naruto began to gulp, but when he looked up again, Shi Yu was gone.

Naruto stood in place and looked around, but did not find Shiyu’s figure.

And this time.

A voice came from inside.

“Boy! Your friend doesn’t seem to be Konoha’s ninja anymore! ”

The moment he heard this voice, Naruto was stunned for a moment: “You are finally willing to speak?” ”


After the tsundere Ninetails snorted, it quieted down again.

Because it knew that Naruto’s thoughts were messed up now.

Naruto also felt that Shiyu no longer seemed to be Konoha’s ninja, but he didn’t want to believe his thoughts.

“I have to find Shi Yu and ask clearly!”

Nine-tails: “Don’t you want Tsunade?” ”

Naruto didn’t reply, and Tsunade was less important to Naruto than Shiyu.

Shiyu stood on the roof and looked at Naruto who left.

“Sure enough, meeting something will indeed be very troublesome!”

Find Tsunade as soon as possible, let Tsunade treat Yuri, and get out of here quickly when it’s over.

Time rain is gone!

Rush towards where Tsunade is.

Use the avatar to bring back the food you bought.

Shiyu, on the other hand, was heading straight for the edge of town, and Tsunade was still sleeping in his room.

I didn’t know that not only Zi Lai was looking for her frantically now, but even Shi Yu was looking for her.

The rain fell on Tsunade’s window.

Looking at Tsunade, who was lying in a big word and sleeping in large characters, there was nothing that a woman should look like.

Shi Yu entered the room silently.

Then he looked at Tsunade in front of him.

“There’s a job!”

“Pick up?”

Suddenly, Shi Yu’s voice sounded, and Tsunade, who was sleeping, immediately did it directly and looked at Shi Yu with a solemn face.

Being able to enter her room quietly shows that the person who came is not simple.

And when he saw the rain clearly, Tsunade was stunned for a moment, a half-grown brat.

What is this situation?

Outside the door, Shizune also rushed in: “Who?” ”

The two looked at Shi Yu sitting on the table.

I looked at the forehead on Shi Yu’s head.

Tsunade: “Kiri Shinobu? ”

Shizune: “What did Kirito-sama come to Tsunade-sama for?” Do you want to make a move against Tsunade-sama? ”

Tsunade didn’t think it, but found it interesting: “It seems that the village has been closed for a long time, are there still ninjas walking around?” ”

Shi Yu glanced at Tsunade.

“It has long been unblocked, but there is no noise!”

Tsunade: “Oh? So since that’s the case, what do you come to me for? Mist imps? ”

Shi Yu: “If I want you to make a move, I will be alone, my friend!” ”

Tsunade: “Who do you think you are!” I’m one of Konoha’s Three Shinobi, Tsunade-hime! You say help you, help you? ”

Shi Yu raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

“If you can cure her, I will give you a hundred million rewards!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A hundred million?

These three words seemed to smash Tsunade too much in an instant.

That’s money she never dreamed of! Who is the little ghost in front of you?

Prince Wuyin?

I even gave so much when I opened my mouth!

“You say a hundred million, you can give…”

Just as Tsunade questioned Shi Yu, Shi Yu casually threw out a wad of money.

“See a doctor first, if you can cure it, give money first and heal later!”

That’s reliable.

If the other party can’t afford to give money, he has nothing to lose.

“Okay, I’ll go see it with you!”

Shizune: “Tsunade-sama, could this be a trap?” ”

Tsunade ignored Shizune, “Where are the people?” ”

“Right in town, another place!”

“Take me!” Tsunade picked up the money on the ground and counted it quickly, and it was fifty thousand.

Is this kid really the Prince of Wuyin?

Maybe it’s a child of a big family!

In order to save a lover or best friend or something, it is not impossible to be willing to spend a lot of money…..


It was to lure Tsunade away.

He even brought it back to Mist Hidden Village directly, so as to avoid meeting Naruto.

Otherwise, Shi Yu really doesn’t know how to face Naruto, and according to Naruto’s personality, he will definitely say: I must bring you back to Konoha!

Such words!

Shi Yu didn’t seem like he wanted to be the object of Naruto’s thoughts, not because he was afraid but because he felt too troublesome.

Return to Shiro and Yuri with Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at Yuri Yuri, who was lying pale on the bed.

Now Shizune is also relieved, this is not some trap, but a real need to save people.

Tsunade carefully examined Yuri.

Then his face was solemn.

Needless to say, Shiyu had already followed Tsunade out.

“Can it be cured?”

Wen Yan Tsunade nodded, “If it can be cured, it can be cured, but I can’t do it now!” ”

Shizune on the side heard Tsunade’s words and immediately understood, it was not difficult to cure that little girl, but it was difficult to have surgery.

And Tsunade-sama is now afraid of blood, and it is impossible to operate on people at all.

Ninja surgery requires not only disembodiment, but also the use of a chakra scalpel to cut certain parts and use the power of chakra to perform some kind of treatment.

The procedure is quite cumbersome.

“Two hundred million!”

Shi Yu suddenly opened his mouth and raised the price again.

And this price increase made Tsunade’s breathing faster, so bold, this kid’s eyelids doubled without 0.9 blinking.

Taking a deep breath to adjust his emotions, Tsunade waved his hand, “It’s not a problem of money, but my own problem.” ”

Shi Yu frowned: “Blood phobia?” ”

Hearing this, Tsunade suddenly raised his head and looked at Shi Yu in surprise, why would Shi Yu know this secret, it stands to reason that no one else in this world can know his problem except for silence!

Tsunade’s gaze towards Shiyu became much more gloomy.

If there is a hemorrhophobic Tsunade, then the problem becomes troublesome.

Shiyu didn’t dare to say that she would untie Tsunade’s heart knot, and if she wanted Tsunade to recover, I was afraid it would be better for Naruto to untie her heart!

But the question is, after untying his heart, is Tsunade still willing to treat Yuri?

“Who are you? Seems to know me well! Even this secret is known, how did you Wuyin know this secret? ”

Tsunade’s face burst with bruises, as if he was ready to start.

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