Lan Dun is a blood succession boundary formed by the fusion of water and thunder.

The power is very strong, because the lightning is difficult to control, but after adding the water flow, the power of the thunder can be condensed.

And easy to control is more handy for attacks, but correspondingly loses a little lightning speed.

However, sacrificing a little speed in exchange for a large increase in power, such a transaction is not a loss.

Great Sage, it shouldn’t take long to calculate Lan Duan!

[Great Sage: If you can use the host’s body, it is estimated that it will only take an hour]

Is it just an hour?

I still remember that when I used to calculate ice escape, boil these tricks, the time of calculation was about one day.

Now it’s just down to an hour, which is pretty good.

Shi Yu nodded.

“Okay! Then come on! ”

[Great Sage: Gaining control of the host’s body]

Shi Yu, who was in God’s perspective, immediately began to feel the changes in his body.


Emerge from the left hand!


Appear from the right hand!

The moment the two forces collided, the process of fusion was not as intense as when the new blood succession limit was fused before.

On the contrary, it seemed very stable, so that Shi Yu could feel that Chakra was merging with each other.

New qualitative changes are being born.

The sound of the burst of thunder and lightning was much smaller, and as the water flow intensified, Lan Duan’s light became more and more dazzling.

Compared with lightning, Lan Duan’s light is more direct, and lightning is crazy all the time for reasons that are difficult to control.

However, after the transformation into Lan Duan, the control was much strengthened, and the change in strength was the most obvious.

However, it is still different from the power that Shi Yu imagined.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like light! And it can barely be regarded as a laser!

Laser and light are still different, light is a form of energy, but laser does gather energy to form a light-like effect.

There is still an essential difference between the two.

Just as Shi Yu sighed silently, the voice of the Great Sage sounded.

[Great Sage: The host can try to blend into the yin, so that Lan Dun can change and transform into the form of light]


Can you still blend into the shadows?

[Great Sage: Mu Dun can be integrated into Yang Dun to form a vine man with amazing power, and Yin Dun can naturally be integrated into the Escape Art]

[Yin dun, can increase the scope of the operation, as well as the release speed, change the nature of the technique, yang dun, can increase the power of the operation, change the limit of the operation]

[The immortal method in the host’s memory ~ Lan Dun Light Fang is precisely integrated into the two changes of yin and yang, causing Lan Dun to burst out with amazing power]

Arashi Wankoya!

So Madara also has the ability to manipulate light attributes?

[Great Sage: Immortal Law ~ Arashi Dun Light Tooth, just a ninjutsu, although through the effect of ninjutsu, the power of Yin and Yang Dun is fused, and Lan Dun is enhanced, but it is not directly fused to form new changes, so Uchiha has not mastered this change in nature]

It means that Madara has only passed the form of the technique and can cast a light-like effect, but he has not really mastered this power.

Blend into the shadows! If you really can turn Arashi into light… Escape?

[Great Sage: Analytical calculus, estimated success rate of more than 80%]

This success rate is amazing!

“Good! Then let’s get started’! ”

Shi Yu said excitedly, but at this time, Shi Yu suddenly remembered.

By the way, how long does it take?

[Great Sage: Estimated time will take three days]

Three days?

Why Does It Take So Long?

[Great Sage: The changes of Yin are very complex, and it takes many attempts to finally achieve the effect that the host wants]

In other words, try it slowly little by little, right?

Shi Yu was speechless!

Three days!

Okay! If I call a stop, stop me as soon as possible.

[Great Sage: Of course]

After the third attribute fused, after the gloomy Chakra began to join, Shi Yu suddenly felt different.

Lan Duan, who had already stabilized in his hand, actually began to become restless.

Then there are various forms.

Turning into a black mass of strange matter, or turning into thunder fire, the creative ability of Yin Dun opened Shi Yu’s eyes.

But when it comes to watching all the different changes.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

Zhao Mei sent someone to check Shi Yu’s situation, and found that Shi Yu seemed to be still practicing some kind of cultivation.

did not leave the Wuyin Village, otherwise it would definitely be a frying pan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But over time.

For two days in a row, the rain did not move at all, as if he did not feel tired at all.

Mist Shinobu, who was in charge of waiting for Shi Yu, was completely frightened by Shi Yu.

For a while, the light of the island did not dissipate.

From time to time, some strange roar erupted, and even the Chakra fluctuations in the air were very strong.

However, over time.

Three days is almost up.

But Shi Yu himself actually felt that it didn’t take long because he was feeling the change of strength the whole time.

When the gloomy Chakra merged, it went through countless attempts by the Great Sage.

Finally determined the right proportions, three different attributes of Chakra blended.

Truly fused together, light! Appeared!

Looking at the little light in his hand that consumed a lot of Chakra, it took to condense.

Shi Yu looked at the light mass in his hand and observed it carefully.

The fusion of the five basic dun can derive different forces, while yang dun and yin dun, one is responsible for kaleidoscopic change, and the other is responsible for injecting stronger power.

With the power of the five dun, then that is to say, any attribute change can theoretically be achieved.

Whether it’s sand, acid, clouds, or light and shadow now.

All can be achieved through various changes in Chakra.

Just like the blood elimination of three generations of earth shadows, dust is also a kind of change.

Great Sage, am I right?

[Great Sage: Theoretically]

Is it just theoretical!

[Great Sage: If you want to achieve, it is not such a simple thing, such as the change of water attributes, if you cannot master it to a certain extent, the use of water attribute Chakra will not be so easy, and it is very difficult to fuse Chakra with two attributes]

Therefore, perhaps the Six Dao Immortals are also all-attribute existences, but they cannot easily use the power of the Blood Succession Limit, because their mastery of nature changes is not necessarily stronger than modern ninjas!

Raising his hand to gather the light in his hand, Shi Yu looked at the sea in the distance.

With a tap of his fingertips, an incomparably amazing shunming light suddenly shot out.

Then when the light burst out! It runs through most of the sea and falls in the ocean.


A terrifying explosion light was produced.

The two Kirito who were guarding Shiyu looked at the sea with stiff expressions, and the sudden explosion seemed to be caused by an attack launched from the island! .

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