A grove outside Konoha Village.

Old place.

Shi Yu came here with the Ninja Saber, and this place seemed to have become Shi Yu’s secret cultivation base.

Basically, no one will bother.

Shi Yu pulled out the ninja knife, and the scabbard was thrown casually towards the tree on the side.


A crisp sound sounded, and the scabbard pierced directly into the trunk.

Shi Yu’s current pure physical strength, a random blow may have a strength of thousands of catties.

The strength of the physique is basically ten times that of the physique of ordinary ninjas.

Purely in terms of physical strength, it is already similar to the American team!

Holding the ninja knife, he came to the middle of the clearing, and the surrounding lawn had long disappeared.

It turned into a bare gravel ground

These are all traces left by Shi Yu’s cultivation here.

The moonlight fell overhead

Shi Yu’s shadow was pulled for a long time.

Holding the knife in one hand, Shi Yu gently exhaled in front of him.

“Then start trying it now! Can the calculus power achieve the effect I want? ”

[Great Sage: Whether to start thinking acceleration].

Think ~ accelerate??

Shi Yu was confused again.

“This is also … New capabilities? ”

[Great Sage: The original ability was only damaged before].

Shi Yu sighed, “Is there any other ability that has been repaired?” ”

[Great Sage: No


“If you fix any ability next time, please let me know as soon as possible!”

[Great Sage: Understood


Obviously, I had to take the initiative to apply for a start-up before, but I didn’t tell myself if my ability was repaired.

The skill of the Great Sage made Shi Yu a little speechless now.

“Think about what acceleration is!”

[Great Sage: As the name suggests, the speed of perception is increased to a thousand times, and at the same time, the host’s thinking ability can be strengthened to a certain extent, and the development of new abilities can also play a good role].

Perception speed increased by a thousand times!

What is that concept, just like a light flying over, others only feel that their eyes are bright.

Shi Yu, on the other hand, can see the light, how many strands it is divided into, and when it is seen by itself.

Any objective information, Shi Yu can feel far more than others.

It is naturally effective for the development of new skills.

[Calculus begins].

[Preliminary calculations are being made based on the host’s ideas and skills].

[Current Combination Skill, Konoha Ryu Sword Art – Water Escape].


Well here we go!

Don’t you need to do anything yourself?

[Great Sage: The host can use the water to fuse into the sword art while performing the Konoha Flow Sword Art, and the data and information generated will be analyzed by me, which can speed up the calculation].

Shi Yu looked at the progress of the calculation without moving.

Just wait and wait, and I don’t know when the calculation will be completed.

Let’s cooperate with it yourself!

Thinking about the blessing of the ability to accelerate, when Shi Yu performed the Konoha Flow Sword Technique, he found that he seemed to be able to do better.

At the same time, while controlling Chakra to change its nature, it seems to be completely comfortable.

Cast the sword art with all your strength once, and change the nature of Chakra again.

Attach the chakra to the blade.

Trying to do the release, there doesn’t seem to be much of a problem either.

Before, Shi Yu thought that he might have to work hard for a long time to barely achieve this step.

I didn’t expect it to succeed all of a sudden now.

The blade glows blue, and a faint stream of water is circulating on the blade.





The speed of the calculation suddenly increased, and Shi Yu was a little unexpected.

However, this kind of calculation speed is not easy to ask for

Fusion water attribute Chakra casts the first form of Konoha Flow Sword Art, and the water attribute Chakra begins to change.

Even though Shi Yu was preoccupied with his control power, he still couldn’t avoid the temporary lifting of the attachment state of the water attribute Chakra.

It seems that when performing swordsmanship, it is indeed not so easy to exert the power of Chakra’s nature change at the same time.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this kind of sword art would have rotted the street a long time ago.

However, Shi Yu’s failure directly increased the calculation progress by 10%.

This made Shi Yu very speechless!

How can I fail, but it’s still a good thing.

However, Shi Yu was not convinced, and in the case of thinking acceleration, Shi Yu seemed to have grasped something.

The second time combined with Shui Dun to cast the Konoha Flow Sword Technique, the water attribute Chakra was still firmly attached to the blade.

However, the speed that consumes Chakra in this process is quite a lot!

From the first form, the second form to the tenth form, Shi Yu only lasted halfway, that is, the fifth form began, there was no way to maintain this state.

And Chakra’s consumption is beyond Shi Yu’s imagination.

The simple sword technique coupled with the change in the nature of Chakra is nothing to the power that erupts.

Compared to the consumed Chakra, Shi Yu felt that the sword art fusion Chakra attribute was simply a waste of Chakra, and it was no wonder that there was no sword art in the ninja world that fused the Chakra attribute at all.

Because the gains outweigh the losses, naturally no one is willing to work hard in this regard.

[Calculus completed].

[Combined skill Konoha Ryu Sword Art – Water Escape].

[According to the host’s idea, calculate the new skill Water Breath Success].

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring a new skill, Water Breath Sword Art].

In an instant, Shi Yu’s mind seemed to explode like a memory, and countless techniques about water breathing suddenly emerged.

“Really… Was it successful? ”

Shi Yu gripped the ninja knife tightly, his gaze instantly became extremely disgusting, and then stared ahead.

A knife was swung suddenly, and at the moment when the knife was swung out, the sound of water flowed.

One Type – Surface Slash!!

Shi Yu felt a trace of blockage and discomfort.

But the moment the water swept through, the wooden stake in front of the knife was cut off, and the cut was very neat.

Shi Yu’s blade did not touch the stake at all, it was all the credit of the water attribute Chakra.

The second type – water wheel! Three Shapes – Flowing Dance! Unbridled type – tide of blows! Wu Zhi Type – Dry Heavenly Rain! Riku no Type – Twist the whirlpool! Yuki no Type – Shizuku Ripple Stabb! Taki no Type – Taki pot! Jiu no Type – Water Droplets! Pick up the type – life flow!

And the last … The Type of Pick-up-!!!

After using a set of water breaths, the moves have tended to be consistent with Shi Yu’s memory.

But in terms of power, after the Wu type, the power does not seem to have increased much, but the power has weakened.

The tricks in the back are not as good as the previous ones!

[Great Sage: Can continue to calculate, thereby increasing the power of the skill until the appearance in the host’s memory is fully realized].

That is to say, the calculation ability is insufficient, and now it is only roughly calculated, and if you want to truly become the breath of water, you need to continue to calculate.

“It seems that the role of the skill bar is coming!”

Put the Water Breath Sword Art into the skill bar to increase experience.

With the accumulation of experience in the skill column, you can achieve the same effect as in memory when you let the great sage perform calculations.

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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