“Now the emotions of the Hyuga clan ninjas in the village are very strong!”

“Everyone is asking us to save Hinata!”

Tsunade said helplessly, but at this time, Shiyu became the water shadow agent of the Mist Hidden Village, which undoubtedly made the ninjas of the Hyuga clan more emotional.

It is equivalent to stimulating them in disguise.

If the rain continues like this, it will soon become the shadow of the water in the Misty Hidden Village.

Will you be able to rescue Miss Hinata, the princess of the Hyuga clan, from the Village of Mist?

It may never be possible again!

It is precisely because of this thought that the people of the Hyuga clan will have stronger emotions.

“Hiashi should know the specific situation!”

Jiraiya said.

However, Tsunade leaned back in his chair slightly, “Although Hiashi knows, he probably doesn’t want to see his daughter trapped in the Mist Hidden Village for the rest of her life!” ”

Looking down and thinking for a while, Zi Lai smiled helplessly, “How about I go talk to Shi Yu and exchange other things for Hinata?” ”

Wen Yan Tsunade shook his head, “No matter what you use, it is estimated that there is no way to exchange Hinata back!” ”

Jiraiya doesn’t quite understand that Hinata is so heavy to Shiyu?

Why? 29

“Okay! You don’t have to worry about this matter, I’ll handle it, you go to Myoki Mountain to teach Naruto well!” ”

Tsunade thought to Naruto, “If the power of the Nine Tails in his body can be controlled, then there will be one less major hidden danger for Konoha.” ”

“Then I’ll go to Myoku Mountain! To be honest, I haven’t been back for a long time! ”

Only after Jiraiya left did Tsunade think.

“Twelve-year-old agent Mizukage, the rest of the ninja world doesn’t know what the reaction will be!”

Tsunade smiled and put the information aside and waited for the other villages’ reactions.

And at this moment, getting this information, for another village, actually seems to be a direct help.

Sand Hidden Village!

Due to the death of the fourth generation of Kazekage, the village took over a grudge with Konoha, and the alliance was shattered.

As a result, Sunahide had to pay for the attack on Konoha.

Recently, it was okay, because the three generations of Hokage Ape Hibiki were first seriously injured and then died, and a battle for the position of Hokage broke out within Konoha.

The things that led to Konoha and Sunahide dragged on without settlement.

Konoha’s side is still busy with Hokage’s affairs, who has the kung fu to care about this matter.

But now it’s different, Konoha’s Hokage decided, and the next thing is the problem of Sand Hidden Village.

The high-level of Shayin Village is very melancholy, and there is not even a suitable candidate for the wind shadow in the village, so it is a pill for Shayin Village.

And at this desperate moment, the matter of the twelve-year-old ninja of the Mist Hidden Village becoming the agent of Water Shadow made the high-level of Sand Hidden seem to have found a way.

“Since the Misty Hidden Village is able to make a twelve-year-old imp become an agent Water Shadow! So why can’t we in Shayin Village! ”

“There are almost no Shinobi who are capable of serving as Kazekage from now on, but among the younger generation, there are not unheard of people who have the potential to become Kazekage.”

“The son of the fourth generation of Wind Shadow, I love Luo is fully capable!”

“But he’s a personal pillar force!”

“What’s wrong with the human pillar force, isn’t the agent Shui Ying of Wuyin Village the same human pillar force?”


The people of Shayin Village began to quarrel over this issue.

Direction of Iwahide Village.

The third generation of Tokage two-day scale, Onoki looked at the information in his hand: “Is this information true?” ”

“Yes, Tsuchikage-sama!”

“Hmph! Let a twelve-year-old milky little ghost become a water shadow, it seems that there are no people in Wuyin Village! ”

Onoki didn’t feel that there was anything worth caring about, the only thing worth caring about was that the village seemed to have taken away the tailed beast that belonged to Taki Shinobu Village.

And what is even more ridiculous is that this tailed beast was used by Konoha to trade to the Mist Hidden Village.

Yunyin Village.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying was looking out the window at the moment and thinking about the problem of Wuyin Village. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Before Wuyin Village did not unseal the village, the situation was simply not too good for Yunyin Village.

The huge sea area is that Yunyin Village has the final say, except for the sea area near the Wuyin Village, other sea areas are considered to be the jurisdiction of Yunyin Village.

However, now that Wuyin Village has officially opened its village, the competition on the sea has suddenly become much more intense.

The previous island scramble was really not just for one island.

Rather, for the control of the sea near the islands.

As the hinterland of the ninja world, Konoha has many merchants coming and going, but the sea trade is also prosperous.

The control of the sea area determined that the village could get more money from the sea, and Yunyin Village was reduced by one-third because of the development of Wuyin Village.

This made Lei Ying very unhappy.

“Water Shadow is seriously injured and unconscious, and a person Zhuli Little Ghost becomes Water Shadow agent, hum!”

Thinking of this, the fourth generation of Lei Ying smiled: “Azabuyi, send an invitation to Wuyin Village, and let the people of Wuyin Village come to Yunyin Village to discuss the problems of the sea area!” ”

The invitation of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and still discussing the issue of the sea area, then if you don’t come, it is equivalent to falling into the downwind.

At that time, Wuyin Village wants to compete with Yunyin for control of a certain sea area as it did last time, but it will not be able to stand.

Invite you to discuss that you are not coming, but sneak up on you behind your back.

This is quite immoral, and Yunyin also has an interface to accuse Wuyin.

Azabui also understood the truth and agreed with the decision of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.

At this time, it is the best time to invite Wuyin Village, when the time comes, there will only be one little ghost who can come to Wuyin Village, if he really comes, Yunyin Village can also give him a dismount.

The major ninja villages reacted differently to the fact that Shi Yu, a little ghost, became an agent water shadow.

At the same time, the other side.

Inside the Xiao organization base. 580 Obito was a little flustered: “If you continue to wait like this, the Moon Eye plan is likely to be directly exposed!” ”

The ghost mackerel was brought back to Wuyin Village by Shi Yu, and the ghost mackerel was not 100% clear about the various situations of the Xiao organization, and also understood seven seven eight eight.

Although the Ghost Eye Plan of the Moon Eye is not known in detail, it also knows an approximate one.

If it is exposed to other ninja villages by Shiyu.

At that time, the organization still wants to continue planning, it is simply a dream.

“Nope! Gotta speed up! ”

“Can’t wait any longer!”

Thinking of this, I brought soil and prepared to go and talk to Nagato.

It is necessary to start planning immediately, and the tailed beast capture without further ado.

Starting from Ichio, and following behind Obito, looking at Hei Jue, who was so flustered, he seemed even more worried.

The power of that moonlight rain was very strong, and it was indeed the biggest obstruction to the Moon Eye plan.

A way must be found to eradicate it as soon as possible.

Mist Hidden Village!

Shi Yu spends his morning working on all kinds of documents.

For the management of Wuyin Village, Shi Yu also understood a rough idea, which was nothing more than the daily ninjas’ task arrangement, overall planning, and so on.

Then there is the question of the development of the village, what to build, the operation of funds, and so on.

These things are not a problem for Shi Yu, after all, with the help of great sages, these problems that give Zhaomei a headache, Shi Yu can give the best and perfect solution! ! .

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