Yunyin Village is not close to the sea, but in the midst of mountains.

But Yunyin Village is not too far from the sea.

Under the acceleration of the rain, the water dragon rushed directly onto the land, and rushed through the mountains, smashing straight down towards the villages in the mountains.

Away from the water range, Shi Yu’s water dragon technique could not be maintained for long.

After all, no matter how strong the control of ninjutsu is, there is no way to keep ninjutsu up.

So it will disappear in ten minutes.

But ten minutes is enough.

After two minutes of galloping, Yunyin Village appeared below Shi Yu.

“It’s arrived!”

Shi Yu said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the water dragon suddenly fell straight ~ directly from the clouds.

Smashed towards the cloud-hidden village below.

In Yunyin Village, people are busy as usual.

But with the roar gradually sounded.

Suddenly someone realized something was wrong.

A black shadow appeared, and the black shadow on the ground became larger and larger, covering many houses in an instant.

Someone looked up at the sky.

Suddenly, I saw a small black dot, and then the black dot gradually enlarged.

It soon spread to an enormous extent.

A Yunyin citizen hurriedly shouted, “There is something in the sky, what is it?” ”

As more and more people raised their heads, the sunlight shone through the clouds and fell on the water tornado.

The blue water dragon comes to life in the light of light.

It’s like a real living creature.

The surrounding Yun Ren was also suddenly stunned.

“What is it?”

“It looks like the water has condensed into a dragon shape!”

“Water spout?”


It’s not like ninjas haven’t seen water dragon bullets, but they’ve never seen such a huge water dragon bullet!

Bang bang!!

Suddenly, accompanied by the flow of water, it suddenly exploded in mid-air.

A huge splash burst in the sky.

Immediately after that, like a downpour, water droplets fell and lasted for several minutes.

This torrential rain will cover the entire square.

The people in the square froze, what was going on with this sudden rainstorm?

Yun Ren, who rushed over, was also stunned.

Let’s say it’s ninjutsu! It seems that this is indeed someone’s ninjutsu.

But it didn’t cause any damage, but suddenly it turned into a torrential rainfall, which is why.


Three figures slowly walked out from the torrential rain.

Shiyu took Kuji and Yuri with him, and the three bathed in the torrential rain, but it was as if the raindrops did not wet their clothes.

It seems that the three were deliberately avoided.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the three people, the five or six cloud ninjas around suddenly perked up.

But then noticed the foggy signs on both Yuri and Hisaji.

“Kiri Shinobu?”

Why did Kirito appear here all of a sudden?

The water dragon just now was!

What the hell are they doing?

Water hose bombs carry this they move?

How is this possible? That’s not a ninjutsu specifically designed to move people.

These Yun Ren looked at them with a confused expression.

Yuli Yuli stepped forward: “Wuyin Village, acting as Lord Rain of Water Shadow Water and No Moon, came to Yunyin Village to meet Lei Ying at the invitation of Yunyin Village!” ”

After speaking, Jiuji on the side looked at several Yunnin, “Go and pray to your family Lei Ying!” ”

Hearing this, several Yun Ren immediately reacted.

The village did say today that it was ready to greet the people of Wuyin Village tomorrow.

He even privately ordered that he would give the people of Wuyin Village a horse tomorrow.

But now it seems that it was not they who gave Wuyin Village a horse power, but the other party gave them a horse power.

What is the case.

They should not be able to arrive until tomorrow!

How about today… It’s here!

And it came so early, it wasn’t even noon. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A few Yun Shinobi, who reacted excitedly, immediately went to the direction of the Thunder Shadow Building.

And at the moment there is no need to pray.

Lei Ying has noticed.

After all, the huge water dragon that fell from the sky burst with a terrifying splash.

Yunyin Village suffered a baptism of heavy rain for no reason, and if Lei Ying didn’t notice such a thing, it would be an idiot.

“Did anyone attack the village?”

Lei Ying frowned, and Azabui on the side thought for a while, “Lord Lei Ying, do you say that it will be the people from Mist Hidden Village who have arrived?” ”

Mist Hidden Village?

It takes at least a day to get here from Wuyin Village, even if you take the fastest waterway and make the fastest boat.

It can’t be today!

When thinking about the situation just now, if the water dragon hit and landed in the village, I am afraid that it would cause great damage in the blink of an eye.

But the water dragon exploded in the air, forming a torrential rain to fall.

0 ask for flowers

Although the heavy rains will have a small impact on the village, they will not cause any damage at all.

If you think about it this way, it is indeed very likely that the people from Wuyin Village have arrived.

Otherwise, why was there such a big movement, but it did not cause any damage to the village!

“Is it coming so fast? People from Mist Hidden Village? ”

As he was talking, Darui knocked on the door and came in, his face very panicked.

“Lord Thunder Shadow… The people of Mist Hidden Village… It’s arrived! ”

It turned out to be really a person from Wuyin Village, Lei Ying pointed out the window, “The movement just now…”

“It was made by the people of Wuyin Village, but it didn’t cause any damage, it’s just…”

Saying that, Darui’s face was not very good-looking, but the hands of the people of Wuyin Village made many Yunyin ninjas and the people of Yunyin Village startled.

The strength of a ninja who can control Shui Dun to this point is probably quite amazing.

This was something that no one expected.

Lei Ying’s face is not very good now, the people of Wuyin Village are coming, but Yunyin’s side does not have the slightest preparation, this is clearly to give him an ugly look!

Of course, he was not well-intentioned.

I was going to make the people of Wuyin Village ugly tomorrow.

It’s just that now I was caught off guard.

“Let’s go! Go and see the people of Wuyin Village, what kind of people, Shui Dun can still use it like this! ”

Lei Ying walked directly out of the office.

On the square of Yunyin Village, Shi Yu looked at Yun Ren gathered around.

“Is this Yunnin Village?”

Shi Yu glanced around, seeing that although the strength of these Yunnin was still good, it was not necessarily stronger than that of the Wuyin Village.

“The village is nice, but the hospitality is not very good!”

Shi Yu looked at the time, “It’s been more than ten minutes, and no one from Yunyin Village has come to pick us up?” Didn’t Yunyin Village invite us to come? ”

When the surrounding Yun Ren heard this, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable on his face.

But the other party suddenly arrived, and no one could react!

Just at this moment, a thunderbolt flashed.

“Have the guests of Mist Hidden Village arrived? I’m sorry, the old man is busy dealing with things, and besides, you didn’t say that today will arrive! ”

“So it’s a bit of an oversight!”

Along with the thunder condensing in the crowd, the voice of the fourth generation of thunder shadows sounded.

Then a strong and burly body stepped through the crowd and appeared in front of Shi Yu’s corpse.

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