The base of Yuyin Village, now looking at the whirlpool Ashina on the side with a blank face.

“Patriarch Vortex, what are you going to do next?”

Hearing this, Uzumaki Ashina frowned and looked at him very suspiciously: “Of course, to Wuyin Village!” ”

Going to Mist Hidden Village?

Why did he want to go to Wuyin Village?

The whirlpool Ashina, who was completely modified by Shi Yu with the art of other heavenly gods, now regarded himself as a part of the Mist Hidden Village.

Hearing the other party’s words, Zhu Ma was stunned for a moment.

“You’re going to Wuyin Village?”

However, Ashina didn’t want to say anything more to the pillars, just turned around and left.

Watching Ashina leave, Zhuma didn’t know whether to chase or not.

But in the next second, Ashina’s body directly turned into ashes and dissipated.

This scene made the pillars suddenly stunned.

This is the art of rebirth of the soil!

Pillar sighed.

Now I don’t have to bear the “277” heart to be lifted from the art of soil rebirth.

But a person who had died a long time ago was now suddenly resurrected.

What should I do now?

Suicide again! Return to the world of the dead?

Although I don’t dare to do it between the columns, I always feel a bit of a pity!

How about I go back to Konoha?”

Thinking of this, the pillars frowned, which is indeed a good way.

And at this moment, suddenly a breath came.

The pillars were stunned for a moment.

Looking at the three people who kept coming from outside the abandoned factory not far away.

Looking at the brace on their foreheads, it is the symbol of Konoha ninjas.

They are the ninjas of Konoha.

Suddenly, the pillars came to the spirit, and I didn’t expect to be able to see the ninja of Konoha at this time.

The pillars ran directly towards that side excitedly.

However, in the next second, the leading ninja, a little ghost, actually rushed up directly, and the two doppelgangers, one left and one right, seemed to want to attack him!

Pillars are helpless, he is the original Hokage of Konoha! This imp actually wanted to attack himself.

“Wait! I am not an enemy! I am the original Hokage of Konoha! My name is Senjukuma! ”

Naruto who was controlling the doppelganger towards the pillars.

Now I only know that the Chakra fluctuations on the body of the pillar are very terrifying, and if you let the other party approach rashly, once the other party suddenly strikes, then Sakura and Sasui may not be able to stop it.

That’s why the doppelganger wanted to stop the other party.

But suddenly hearing the other party say such a sentence, Naruto was stunned.

Even Sakura and Sasui were stunned.

What does the other person say?

Is he Konoha’s original Hokage Senjukuma?

What kind of joke, Senjukuma is a person who has been dead for an unknown amount of time, this guy even if he is a ninja impersonating Konoha, he will choose a living person!


In an instant, the doppelganger gathered Chakra, and a spiral pill smashed directly towards the pillar.

The columns are very helpless.

While dodging, he emphasized, “I’m really the Hokage of Konoha!” ”

Saying that, Pillar casually solved Naruto’s two doppelgangers.

Put your hands together.

Mu Dun launched!

The Mudu Vineman that broke through the ground in an instant expanded rapidly.

Quickly winding in Naruto’s direction.

Naruto dodged, but both Sakura and Sasui were directly trapped.

Sakura looked at Ki Dun Fujiman, who trapped herself, in surprise, “This is… Mu Duan… How can it be? ”

Moreover, it was such a strong wooden dun that it spread and covered such a large area almost instantly.

Could this person really be Konoha’s original Hokage?

“The original Hokage is dead, this person may have obtained the same wooden ability as the first adult through some special method!”

Hearing several people say this, the pillars were even more helpless.

“I was originally dead, and I was channeled by an unknown reincarnation from dirt.”

“But then I encountered the water shadow of Mist Hidden Village, and he used a strange technique to directly revive me in place, so I became like this!”

“I’m really the original Hokage of Konoha!”

Suddenly, Naruto appeared directly in front of him in an instant, and the kunai in his hand had the effect of a vacuum blade, directly aimed at the throat between the pillars.

“Who did you just say you met?”

There was some accident between the pillars, this little devil was actually able to wrap the wind escape around the weapon, not bad!

“I met the water shadow of Mist Hidden Village!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Water Shadow of Wuyin Village, is his name Shi Yu?”

Pillar nodded, “That’s the name!” ”

“He resurrected you?”

Naruto was even more incomprehensible, “Why did he resurrect you?” ”

Wen Yan thought for a while, “The only possibility is that he wants me to get rid of the control of the Dirty Earth Reincarnation Spellcaster, so he resurrected me, and the resurrected me is not controlled by the Spellcaster!” ”

Naruto carefully looked at the pillars in front of him, as Naruto who often played pranks on Hokage Rock.

I was still impressed by the statues of the first generation.

Looking at the man in front of him, it is indeed 99% similar to the statue of the original generation……….

“Sakura, Sasui, this guy really looks like the statue of the original Hokage!”

Hearing this, the two glanced at each other.

No way! Could it really be the original Hokage-sama?

They just went out of the village to investigate the Xiao Organization, and they accidentally picked up Naruto-sama?

Are you kidding?

Is this serious?


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

And at this time Naruto looked in that direction, “Someone fighting over there?” ”

Hearing this, Zhujian nodded: “What ninja sword seven people from Mist Hidden Village just now, and Thunder Shadow from Yunyin Village took the ninja over, it seems that a ninja named Sasuke is over there, and they all rushed over!” ”

“Sasuke!” Naruto’s eyes changed instantly, “Sasuke over there?” ”

Seeing that Naruto seemed to know Sasuke as well, Pillar didn’t understand even more, “Is Sasuke a celebrity in this world?” ”

Sakura also looked a little excited, making the pillars confused, how did it feel as if everyone knew this one named Sasuke?

Sasui smiled, “Sasuke is not a celebrity, this one in front of you is the real Naruto!” ”

intercolumn”? ”

Naruto glanced at the pillars, “My name is Naruto Uzumaki!” ”

Eh~ okay! It turned out to be such a Naruto!

Zhujian smiled helplessly.

“Let’s go over there too!” Naruto said and looked at the pillars, “You said that you are the original Hokage of Konoha, but now we can’t determine your identity, if you are really the original Hokage of Konoha, then you will assist us in our mission!” ”


The corners of the mouth between the pillars twitched slightly: “What task?” 5.5″

Naruto looked in Sasuke’s direction, “Mission to capture the renegade Sasuke back to Konoha!” ”


Is it any wonder that Konoha’s ninjas also know Sasuke, it turns out to be Konoha’s rebel ninja?

“No problem!” Pillar nodded.


Mist Hidden Village.

Shi Yu looked at the village that had basically been restored.

I am very satisfied with the current strength.

Looking at the one tail and two tails who were casually imprisoned by Shi Yu on the side, plus the three tails in Shi Yu’s body, and the three, four, five, six, and seven tails of Wuyin Village.

Now Shi Yu is equivalent to having obtained eight tailed beasts!!!

If the four generations of filthy soil are reborn, then the last nine tails can also be obtained!

Shi Yu’s eyes flashed with a dark light!

But now I have to go to Yuyin Village, Sasuke is still there, and Orochimaru is nowhere to be seen! .

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