It turns out that there is still such a place in Konoha.

Shi Yu’s eyes lit up.

Let’s just say why there is only lower patience on the training ground, and there is nothing special about general lower patience training.

Basically, the art mastered is not a secret.

If it is some kind of family secret art or something, then these ninjas have a family training ground and will not train with ordinary ninjas.

As for the middle or upper patience, it is a special training ground.

That’s pretty much to do!

Shi Yu looked at the moonlight wind.

“Let’s go! So late, your current strength, graduation must not have any problems! ”

“That’s the end of today’s cultivation!”

Swift Wind said.

Shi Yu nodded in agreement.

If the rain didn’t go back so early in the past, it would be a complete waste of time.

But today is different.

It just so happened that the Great Sage was still constantly calculating the Water Instantaneous Technique, and the only thing Shi Yu could do was to update the skill status.

But now!

But there was something to do.

They went home with the wind, and when they were almost home, the two separated.

Shi Yu also went straight back to his house.

After returning to the house, Shi Yu untied the ninja knife on his body.

Then he changed into a more convenient pair and found a black cloth to cover his face.

This outfit is like preparing to do bad things!

Shi Yu looked at himself in the mirror, basically there would be no problem.

“Thanks to Brother Swift Wind, otherwise I wouldn’t have known that Konoha had such a place.”

“I don’t know if the upper ninja will take time to train at night!”


Today, the rain is going to use it well.

Since it has the ability to penetrate this kind of dream of all men, I am simply sorry not to use it well.

“Tonight, I’m going to peep …”

When the night falls, the rain starts to escape, not only hiding his figure, but even his breath disappears.

Based on the advance inquiry of Hirokazu, the location of the Konoha Advanced Training Venue was determined.

Shi Yu quickly shuttled between the streets of Konoha.

Along the way, many ninjas in the dark parts were also discovered.

In the middle of the night, there were also so many ninjas in the dark department, monitoring Konoha everywhere in Konoha.

However, Shi Yu also felt the horror of escape for the first time.

These dark ninjas didn’t notice him at all, and the most recent time, Shi Yu was standing behind a dark ninja.

The other party had never noticed Shi Yu’s existence.

After the experiment, Shi Yu was more relieved.

These ninjas in the dark part are not weak, and even they cannot detect their existence.

Ordinary upper patience should not be found, as long as they do not provoke any elite upper patience, there should be no problem.

Shi Yu came to the so-called Konoha Advanced Training Ground.

Even at night, the lights are still on.

For Shangnin, they usually have a lot of tasks, rarely have time to train, and holidays are usually used to train and consolidate their strength.

And if you are not particularly tired at night, you will choose to stay in the training venue for a while.

Not to mention getting stronger, you must also maintain a good fighting state.

Shangnin can participate in dangerous missions at any time.

Shi Yu quietly sneaked into it, and the power of the escape once again made Shi Yu feel very good.

No one noticed.

The advanced training ground is not like the Konoha training ground outside, there are many different areas here, and each area is a separate small training ground.

There are also venues that simulate the five different attributes of water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

It is convenient for upper or middle ninja to train their own ninjutsu in a targeted manner.

It’s a completely different place from the open-air Konoha training ground.

It was eight or nine o’clock in the evening, and there were still seven rooms lit up.

There are also seven upper ninja who are cultivating, Shi Yu nodded, and the upper ninja seem to be working hard too!

Shi Yu looked at one of them, which was obviously a small training ground used to train Shui Duan.

Go straight around to the other side and climb carefully through the window.

The layout of the room simulates a river.

This Kami-ninja was standing on a certain stone in the center and was practicing this water ninjutsu.

“Water Escape ~ Water Dragon Bomb!”


The water that swirled up in an instant rose up from around his body, and then converged to form the form of a water dragon.


It slammed into the distant wall, but the fierce impact of the water could not leave a trace on the wall.

The material of the visible walls is also absolutely special.

But now Shi Yu doesn’t care about the material of the wall, but squats in the corner and stares wide-eyed, looking excitedly at the superior Shinobu in front of him.

‘That’s you! ’

‘I hope you cheer me up tonight!’ ’

‘Great Sage, work begins! ’

[Great Sage: Analyzing].




The speed of parsing is not slow!

Very good!

[Great Sage: Because the host’s grasp of water dun has exceeded 99% of water dunjas, the speed of analyzing water dun will be accelerated].

‘The increased control of the water dun also speeds up the analysis of the water dun, which is very reasonable! ’

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a new skill, Water Escape ~ Water Dragon Bullet Technique].

And the acquisition of this ninjutsu directly increased Shi Yu’s calculus progress by 5%!

A water ninjutsu increases the calculus progress by five percent.

This made Shi Yu even more excited, and now he only hoped that this Shangnin could perform two more water ninjutsu.

At this time, in the wall that was previously impacted by the water dragon bullet, a series of dark weapons suddenly appeared.

This Shangnin hurriedly began to seal the seal.

“Water Escape ~ Water Array Wall!”

The water that instantly rose from the front of him directly blocked the attacks of these dark weapons.

“Water Escape ~ Waves!”

A stream of water directly spits out of the mouth, like a column of water the size of a football, directly rushing into the distance.


The impact is amazing.

In terms of impact alone, it is stronger than the water turbulence of the rain.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring new skills, Water Escape ~ Water Array Wall, Water Escape ~ Waves].

Two more water ninjutsu arrived.

This less than ten minutes directly increased the calculation progress by 15%, which directly saved Shi Yu 15 hours of time.

This voyeurism tonight was perfect.

Although he was a shinobi, it was almost the same after the three water ninjutsu and he rested for a while.

Then it seemed that he was planning to leave, and the other Shangnin were similar, and Shi Yu was also ready to leave.

Three water dun ninjutsu have arrived, and today’s harvest is already very good.

Keep peeping tomorrow!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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