“Don’t worry, our mission is to rescue as many Konoha ninjas as possible.”

Bai nodded to Tiantian, and then signaled Tiantian’s reassurance.

And in the next second, Tiantian and Xiao Li were instantly transferred to Wuyin Village by the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Came to the outside of the Water Shadow Building in Wuyin Village, and specially prepared the acceptance platform.

Looking at the dazzling sunlight above his head every day, the whole person was completely stunned.

Myself where is this?

Could it be that he arrived at Wuyin Village?

The surrounding medical ninjas directly surrounded them.

After briefly checking the situation for Tiantian and Xiao Li, he immediately began to treat the two.

Directly to Wuyin Village Hospital.

And Tiantian looked at the people around him, and his gaze quickly locked on Terumi’s body.

She had seen this former Mizukage during the Konoha Naka Shinobi exam.

“Lord Mizukage!”

Zhao Meiyu “083” heard Tiantian’s voice and immediately approached: “Child, rest assured, this is very safe in Wuyin Village, rest assured to receive treatment!” We will take care of the rest in Wuyin Village! ”

Tiantian nodded, and she was still very relieved about Shui Ying’s words.

After all, this is what Lord Mizukage said himself.

Tiantian was finally relieved now, even when she saw Bai and the others, she was not really relaxed.

After all, who knows what the people of Wuyin Village are for.

Now that he really began to receive treatment, and found that Wuyin Village really had no other purpose, Tian Tian Cai really felt safe.

This time, Mist Hidden Village is really for the entire ninja world, not simply thinking about itself.

Konoha Village!

Shiro and the others continued to search for other Konoha ninjas, and one after another, they teleported more than a dozen people towards the Misty Hidden Village with the Flying Thunder God Teleportation.

Even in an abandoned building in Konoha Village, Bai and the others finally found another person that Shi Yu named to find him.

“You are Ino Yamanaka!”

Looking at the pale female ninja in front of her, who couldn’t even lift a trace of spirit, and was dying and about to pass out.

Shiro asked in a low voice, and Ino frowned, “You guys… Mist Shinobu? …… What to do… Is it? ”

She probably wanted to ask Shiro why these Mist Shinobi came to Konoha now?

Here’s why.

However, it was so weak that it seemed impossible to even say a complete sentence.

And at this moment, Inuzuka on the side frowned, “Kirihide Village, do you want to take advantage of this time to attack Konoha?” If yes, you guys don’t have to bother, Konoha has been destroyed by another group of guys, you can roll! ”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the next second a ninja knife appeared directly in front of him.

No more cold eyes look at Inuzuka Ya: “Boy! Talk, be careful! Don’t think you’re amazing, you look like a dog now, but you seem to be a ninja of the Konoha Inuzuka clan! It would have been a pack of dogs! ”

Inuzuka gritted his teeth gently, saying that because he didn’t cut it again, now he didn’t even have the strength to do it.

I can only stare and look angrily at it and not cut it again.

Yuri Yuri: “Don’t cut the seniors, let alone say two words, our mission is to rescue as many Konoha ninjas as possible!” ”

Without retracting his ninja knife, he turned his head and stood on the side and looked coldly at the group of imps in front of him.

Shikamaru in the crowd slowly stood up, “Mission… Did the rain make you come? ”

Wen Yanbai raised his head and looked at Shikamaru, “That’s right, the order personally given by Lord Mizukage to rescue as many Konoha ninjas as possible!” ”

Shikamaru was stunned for a moment: “Why?” ”

Yuru: “Because, the target of this group of people is not just Konoha, they want to deal with the entire ninja world!” ”

Shikamaru was stunned for a moment when he heard this, if this is the case, then it makes sense.

Why was Konoha destroyed, and the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village came to support without warning.

And it’s not an ordinary Mist Ninja, and he directly sent out the Ninja Knife Seven.

You must know that this is a ninja directly under the water shadow, except for the water shadow who has the power to order the seven people of the ninja knife, I am afraid that there is no second person in the entire Mist Hidden Village who can command the seven people of the ninja knife.

“When the rain … What about him! ”

Shiro frowned, it stands to reason that he didn’t need to mention the traces of his own water shadow. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, now that Shikamaru asked, fortunately, let’s answer it!

“Mizukage-sama went to rescue the missing Sasuke, so he didn’t come to Konoha!”



It’s no wonder I didn’t see Shi Yu.

Compared to Sasuke, it was more important to Shiyu.

Moreover, Sasuke and the Uchiha clan joined the Mist Hidden Village, and as Mizukage, they naturally had to rescue their own ninjas first.

“I didn’t expect Shi Yu to be able to let go of his emotions towards Konoha!”

Shikamaru smiled, and Shiro on the side smiled lightly, “Mizukage-sama has long been put down, and the person who didn’t put it down is Konoha!” ”

Hearing this, Shikamaru was stunned for a moment0…


Anyone will regret it, even ordinary Konoha ninjas, they will wonder why they didn’t leave Shiyu in Konoha in the first place.

If you stay in Konoha, then the situation is definitely different.

Even this time when it was invaded by the Otsuki clan, when Konoha was struggling to support, there were already ninjas saying that if that person was a ninja of Konoha, then it was now the turn of these people to spread wild on top of Konoha’s head?

I’m afraid it’s impossible to give them 10,000 guts!

“You guys! Is there any other mission this time besides saving Konoha’s ninjas? ”

“Just said that these people are coming for the entire ninja world, who are they, why are they attacking Konoha, and what is the purpose?”

Shikamaru’s question, Shiro sighed, “There is no way to answer all your doubts at once, but what I can tell you is that these people are not people from the ninja world, they are here for the tailed beast, or to destroy the ninja world.” ”

“In other words, they are the enemies of the entire ninja world, and no matter what the village, they will be caught in this storm.”


Suddenly, the battle outside became much more intense.

Shikamaru looked at the dust and smoke rising outside: “There is a battle breaking out, this is… What’s wrong? ”

Shiro said with some concern: “It’s 0.7 Kaguya Kuji, the captain of our Ninja Blade Seven, in order to make it more convenient for us to save Konoha’s ninja, he went alone to attract the attention of the enemy, and is now at war with the entire Otsuki clan!” ”

Hearing this, Shikamaru was stunned for a moment.


Sure enough, as Lord Naruto said, the seven people of the Ninja Knife of Mist Yin, I am afraid that each of them has a level comparable to the shadow level, of course, it does not mean that everyone has reached the strength of the shadow level.

But it can definitely fight shadow-level ninjas.

And there is a strength that threatens the shadow-level ninja.

This is the Ninja Knife Seven of Mist Yin.

It was also after Shi Yu joined the Wuyin Village that the organization established could see Shi Yu’s shadow from the seven people.

Shi Yu’s power not only makes him strong, but also makes others strong.

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