Naruto smiled, “Okay, leave me alone, go get busy yourself!”

Saying that, Naruto led Sakura and Sai towards the direction of the Mizukage building.

The people on both sides were stunned for a moment.

“That’s Naruto-sama’s cloak, could this be Konoha’s sixth-generation Hokage-sama??”

“Why? Surprised?”

The people of Wuyin Village said that they have seen this strangely, and it is already a common thing for them to be able to see the shadows of various villages every year.

“That’s the sixth-generation Hokage of Konoha, I heard that it is still the Nine-Tails Human Pillar Force, and it is still a perfect Human Pillar Force!”

A ninja from a small village said, hearing this, the people of the Mist Yin Village pouted, “Human pillar force? We have eight people in the Mist Yin Village!”

I was suddenly choked up by this sentence and couldn’t speak.

Indeed, the tailed beast army owned by Wuyin Village has a full eight people, and everyone from one tail to eight tails is a perfect human pillar force.

Such a situation is just a nine-tailed human pillar force, even if it is a perfect human pillar force!

For Mist Yin, there is really nothing to care about at all.

“The human pillar power of your Wuyin Village has not been snatched from other villages!”

Such a statement may have been angry before for the ninja of the Mist Hidden Village, but now he doesn’t feel it at all.

Twenty years have passed without knowing how many times I have heard this statement.


The 650 misty ninja smiled, “Snatched it? Wasn’t the tailed beast ownerless in the beginning, after all, all the tailed beasts were ownerless in the beginning, and didn’t the other villages also buy it from the first generation?”

“That’s different, that’s the original Naruto-sama in order to balance the strength of the various ninja villages…”

Isn’t we, Lord Mizukage, too, balancing the strength of the various ninja villages?”

“You… You’re using strong words!”

“Hmph, taking away the tailed beasts of each ninja village, in your words just now, can it be regarded as balancing the strength of each ninja village!”

Saying that, this Mist Shinobu smiled.

“You… Then your Wuyin Village is the only family, and other villages will be bullied and oppressed by you?”


The ninja of the mist hidden smiled, “Bullying, our Mist Hidden Village takes the initiative to assign tasks to you every year to help the small ninja village, and also bully you?

I don’t know where you think we are oppressing you!”

The ninja of the little ninja village was stunned for a moment, although he wanted to refute, but he didn’t know where to refute it.

And at this moment, with a few roaring sounds (cech), the huge ship came to shore!

Watching the huge ship moored in the port, a figure appeared from the ship, attracting the attention of everyone in the port.

“That is!”

“After twenty years of sealing the village, I finally showed up, Lord Lei Ying of Yunyin Village!”

“But it doesn’t seem to be the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, but the fifth generation of Lord Thunder Shadow!”

“Is the fifth generation of Thunder Shadow a new Thunder Shadow!”

“Well, I heard that it is because Lord Water Shadow seems to have some disgust for the fourth generation of Lord Leiying, so this time in order to see Lord Water Shadow, I specially promoted the fifth generation of Thunder Shadow to come out!”

“Indeed, it seems that Lord Shui Ying has never felt too good about the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow!”

Saying that, the other mist ninja smiled one after another, revealing a demeanor!

After all, this is the other people’s fear of their Water Shadow Lord, so they have to choose the next Thunder Shadow in advance!

Thinking of this, all the misty Shinobi smiled.

And at this time, Darui looked around and glanced at Bai standing at the port!

“Ah, yes, I didn’t expect it to be Lord Bai from Wuyin Village, waiting for me here?”

Bai smiled: “The visitor is a guest, and it is still an old friend who has not seen him for twenty years, it is normal for me to come out to greet him!”

Darui slowly walked down and looked at the white in front of him.

He brings Guardian Ninja Nozomi, and another Guardian Ninja, Omoi!

Immediately after that, the fifth generation of wind shadow I Ai Luo also walked out.

Twenty years later, my Ai Luo has also become more mature.

The breath on the body is more powerful, worthy of being a genius, although there is no tailed beast, but the strength of my Ai Luo is still not weak. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ]

Even twenty years seem to have become stronger.

“Twenty years, I didn’t expect Wuyin Village to become like this, which completely makes people feel as if they have come to the metropolis of the future!”

I Ai Luo sighed that although in twenty years, Shayin Village has accumulated a lot of wealth, but compared with the Wuyin Village in front of me, even if Shayin Village uses all the money.

I am afraid that it will not be possible to build a metropolis like Mist Hidden Village.

“Welcome Kazekage-sama!”

Shiro said slowly.

Hearing Bai’s voice, I Ai Luo glanced at Bai, and he was stunned for a moment, because the breath emitted by Bai in front of him turned out to be very threatening to him!

This means that the Bai in front of him probably has no less strength than him.

Has the Misty Hidden Village become so strong now!

I Ai Luo was a little surprised, it seems that twenty years has changed the village of Wuyin more terrifying than expected.

“Lord Mizukage has been waiting for a long time!”

At this time, a speedboat rushed towards the harbor of Wuyin Village.

And the breath above made Bai stunned for a moment.

“Sasuke-sama has also arrived!”

Soon the ship landed, and from above came Sasuke Kirikage, who glanced at Iroh and the fifth generation of Rakage Darui.

“Are you all here?”

Shiro nodded respectfully at Sasuke, and then smiled, “Yes, now that the shadows of each village have basically arrived, it’s almost you, Lord Mistikage!”

Hearing this, Sasuke sighed softly, “The last one to arrive, this is not a good habit!”

Saying that, Sasuke actually disappeared directly and instantly and rushed directly towards the interior of the Mist Hidden Village.

Seeing this scene, Darui was a little speechless, Sasuke obviously didn’t want to be the last to arrive, indeed the last one seemed to be a little bad in this case!

If you leave a bad impression on Shui Ying, I’m afraid that the problem of joining the Shadow Palace this time will not be so smooth!

Thunder and lightning instantly bloomed on his body, and he rushed directly towards the location of the Water Shadow Building.

And I Ai Luo also instantly understood Lei Ying’s thoughts, quickly drove the sand, and flew towards the direction of the Water Shadow Building.

The three of them quickly rushed to the Water Shadow Building, Naruto had just walked into the building, and the next second Sasuke appeared directly.

Naruto was stunned for a moment, “Sasuke! Long time no see!”

Hearing this, Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, “Yes, Naruto has not seen you for a long time!”

Immediately after that, there were two breaking wind sounds from the rear, namely the sound of Lei Ying and Wind Shadow rushing over.

“What are they doing?”

Naruto was a little speechless!

Sasuke smiled, “Maybe I don’t want to be the last to arrive!”

What happened to the last one? Could it be that as a shadow, you even care about this kind of thing?

Or is it that the two are secretly fighting over something?

The two arrived at the Water Shadow Building at almost the same time.

Darui and I’ll Airo both looked very good…

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