“The first mission of our seventh squad is a C-level mission, escorting a bridge builder from the Land of Waves back to the Land of Waves!”

“For some special reasons, there may be enemies to intercept him, we need to protect his safety and return him safely to the country of waves!”

After listening to the general content of the mission, neither Naruto nor Sasuke felt much.

I thought it was just a normal situation.

However, only Shi Yu knew that this was not normal, too abnormal.

The seventh class in the anime has taken on a lot of D-level tasks, what weeding! Catch pets! or something like that.

I’ve been busy for more than a month!

How to get to his own place, he directly asked to escort Zner home!

Could it be that it was because of himself that it caused a certain impact?

“But the person we need to escort has just arrived in Konoha, and it seems that he still needs to rest in Konoha for a day to talk about some materials needed to build the bridge!”

“So we have to wait for him for a day before we can leave tomorrow!”

“Well, that’s basically it for today, let’s all go back! Get ready to leave tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. on time! ”

Speaking of being on time, Kakashi glanced at Shiyu, “I hope no one will be late tomorrow, otherwise I won’t be 19 and wait for someone!” ”

He stared at Shi Yu, “Do you think anyone will be late tomorrow?” ”

Shi Yu shook his head helplessly, “No!” ”

“Very good! That’s it! With that, Kakashi disappeared.

The three of them could only leave separately.

Shiyu was helpless, the devil knew that Kakashi would be on time, and this late king would actually be on time?

“Shi Yu!”

After Sasuke left, Naruto suddenly opened his mouth to stop Shiyu, who was also about to leave.

Shiyu looked back at Naruto, “What’s wrong?” ”

Naruto rubbed his hands a little embarrassed, “That, Shiyu, can you teach me some more ninjutsu!” ”

“Eh! Of course, if there is no difficulty, it is nothing, I just ask casually! ”

Naruto’s desire to become stronger seemed stronger than the original, and at the same time smarter, he actually knew to ask himself for help.

But it’s normal, and he has taught him the art of shadow doppelganger.

And as a little ghost, who doesn’t want to learn a few more ninjutsu!

During the battle for the bell, Naruto saw Sasuke release the fire again.

Shi Yu’s amazing sword skills seemed to be just a shadow avatar for himself.

Compared to the two companions, Naruto felt that his combat power was too weak.

Shi Yu looked at Naruto and thought for a moment, and this time Naruto’s heart was very apprehensive.

Fortunately, Shi Yu didn’t think about it for too long, just thought for a few seconds before answering: “Good!” OK! ”

“Really? Great, Shi Yu, you are simply interesting, I thank you so much! ”

Naruto rushed straight up and hooked Shi Yu’s neck.

“All right! If you are grateful, you don’t have to, we are also companions, and it’s okay to help each other! ”

“Let’s go! Find a little secret place and teach you ninjutsu! ”

Naruto’s Chakra is of the wind attribute.

Shi Yu now has only one wind attribute ninjutsu, Feng Dun ~ Beast Wave Palm.

This wind ninjutsu is not strong, but it is definitely very practical, consuming less chakra, and the power is still good.

If Naruto could master it, he would have added a little more attack.

At the same time, it is more like a ninja, otherwise there will be no ninjutsu all day, just a shadow avatar and a rubbing ball, which is too cheap.

Although rubbing balls directly into gods …

Wait a minute!

Rub the balls.

Shi Yu frowned, with his current Chakra control level, it is not difficult to rub a ball!

Maybe give it a try.

Coming to the outside of Konoha Village, this time I didn’t go to a place as far as the waterfall, but just randomly found a forest and started.

Shi Yu first taught Naruto or Feng Dun ~ Beast Wave Palm!

Sealing, and how to mobilize Chakra, Shiyu told Naruto one by one.

Although the current Naruto has not yet mastered the nature change of the wind attribute, as a Naruto who was born with the wind attribute Chakra.

The Chakra itself has the power of the wind attribute.

The change in nature can only be regarded as professional training, and only after mastering it can the full power of a ninjutsu truly explode.

But it doesn’t matter anything.

“The order of the seal, and Chakra’s control are probably understood?”

Naruto nodded, “Got it!” ”

“Then you can try it!”

Naruto began to try for the first time, but he understood Chakra’s control, but it was not so simple to master.

The first release of ninjutsu failed.

The second time was also a failure.

Five times in a row, Naruto couldn’t let out even a breeze in a row.

Naruto himself was a little discouraged, but Shiyu was not in a hurry.

While in his mind, he instructed the great sage. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

According to my thoughts, calculate the spiral pill!

[Great Sage: Calculus]




According to the situation of Shi Yu and the level of control of Chakra, it is not difficult to calculate a spiral pill at all.

Shi Yu looked at Naruto’s cultivation progress for Wind Escape ~ Beast Wave Palm, which was simply slow.

He spoke, “Naruto creates some shadow doppelgangers and lets the shadow doppelgangers cultivate together like you!” ”

“Shadow doppelganger?”

“Shadow avatar, shadow avatar can be said to be the outer 280 hang of cultivation, let the shadow avatar participate in cultivation, the shadow avatar cultivation will get understanding, and it will also be obtained by you with the lifting of the shadow avatar!” Multiplier! ”

And this method, Naruto suddenly got excited.

A thousand shadow doppelgangers appeared, looking at the dense shadow doppelganger, worthy of being the protagonist.

Shi Yu, who was practicing together with the previous doppelganger, finally saw it.

Before it was turtle speed progress, then thousands of shadow doppelgangers came out, even if the turtle speed progress was superimposed, it directly became a rocket.

Naruto successfully released a wind escape ~ beast wave palm, looking at the marks left by the wind blade cut on the trunk.

Shi Yu nodded: “Very good, I’ll teach you a new technique next!” ”

“You don’t need to be stamped to be able to use it.”

Don’t need to stamp?

Naruto was stunned for a moment, is there still this ninjutsu?

“This technique is called…”

[Congratulations to the host for mastering the new skill, spiral pill]

“Spiral pill!”

Saying that, Shi Yu opened his hand, and Chakra was instantly used in his hand, and a spiral pill was formed in a moment almost in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the blue ball of light in Shi Yu’s hand, Shi Yu hit the tree.

Suddenly, the big tree was directly stopped and broken!

Looking at this power, Naruto couldn’t bear it, “I must learn this!” ”

Shi Yu smiled: “Good!” This teaches you! “。

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