It was felt when it woke up from the real-time rain.

This new trick.

After the Great Sage calculates it, then the new trick will be directly mastered by himself.

Of course, there will be no change in the Chakra in the body, only when he converts the Chakra consumption with the help of the Escape Technique.

This new force can manifest itself.

Shi Yu closed his eyes and began to carefully feel the new technique.

Follow the memory in your head.

Start erupting at the same time with boiling and ice!

The two chakras flowed in the body, and then collided together, which was different from the very smooth and peaceful formation of a new escape technique that Shi Yu imagined.

These two forces collided violently in Shi Yu’s body and fused together in a very violent way.

If it weren’t for the fact that Shi Yu’s physique had already improved a lot, I am afraid that this collision in the body alone would have caused Shi Yu to lose half his life.

A new power is born.

It flowed rapidly in Shi Yu’s body.

Chakra is constantly responsible for the nature of change.


Shi Yu opened his eyes and stretched out his right hand to activate the technique.

Above Shi Yu’s palm, a white thing slowly diffused.

As the chakra of the rain continued to consume, this white mass gradually expanded, and soon occupied most of the room.

Shi Yu looked at these white similar gases in front of him in a daze, but 690 didn’t feel like a gas thing.

“What is it?”

[Great Sage: New Tricks]

Shi Yu pouted helplessly, let’s study it yourself!

I raised my hand and touched these white things, and the soft feeling seemed to be more than just gas.

But with a little force, it directly turned into a state of gas, shrouding Shi Yu’s hand directly.

However, even in the state of turning into gas, it basically maintains its original shape.

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment.


“Is this a cloud?”

There is no too strong feeling in the hand, it just feels cool.

[Great Sage: Confirmed, the new skill is named Yundun]

When did you decide on your own?

However, it seems quite appropriate to call it Yundun.

Is this thing offensive?

How does it feel like it’s not very strong?

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring new skills, Yun Duan]

[Cloud: Through the fusion of the double blood succession limit, a special gas similar to a cloud can be formed, with the ability to freely change the temperature and most of the boiling and ice, the specific effect please the host to explore by himself]

Is that the end of the story?

It has the ability to withstand most boiling and ice escape.

So, is the boiling acidity preserved?

Shi Yu was thinking, and suddenly the cloud in front of him suddenly became darker.

Although it did not completely turn into black and black, it became a dark cloud.

At the same time, the pattern has also changed, no longer the previous marshmallow-like cloud, but closer to the fog.

And when it came into contact with Shikamaru and others on the side to see the fruit basket they had brought, they melted it directly.

Looking at the fruit basket that was melted in the blink of an eye, Shi Yu quickly stopped the clouds.

The clouds slowly dissipated.

“It’s so corrosive!”

This is no worse than boiling ~ hot breath blade.

Shi Yu is now a little interested, since this is the case, let’s study the new tricks!

Of course, it still doesn’t work at home, you have to find a more spacious place.

And when I just went out, the rain didn’t have time to go too far.

The wind suddenly appeared and stopped Shi Yu: “Are you going to cultivate again?” ”

Shi Yu nodded, “What’s wrong?” ”

“Go! But next time you practice, don’t fight as hard as before, and you have to take it home in the evening, otherwise your Uncle Masano will also worry! ”

Shi Yu nodded, “Okay, I see!” ”

Shi Yu also knew that this oolong incident was naturally impossible to commit again.

However, this time to develop a new trick, Shi Yu still has to go outside Konoha Village.

The previous rocky forest could not be visited, and it was not too secretive.

I found a hidden mountain forest.

Shi Yu began to try to release Yun Duan’s power.

This is the release of a large cloud and under the control of the rain (CBFB) these clouds, floating to the treetops and stopping and not continuing to liftoff.

And the ordinary state of the cloud does not seem to have any offensive power. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, with Shi Yu’s thoughts, after it began to increase its acidity, it immediately began to change, and all trees shrouded in clouds were directly corroded in an instant.

Directly into a piece of residue.

This is indeed very powerful.

And since it’s a cloud! Then acid rain should be falling!

“The Great Sage begins to analyze the calculus!”


[Analysis completed, it is feasible to use cloud to release acid rain]

【Calculus starts】

[Calculus completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the new skill Yundun ~ Acid Rain]

The analysis and calculation were completed in an instant, not bad!

Now this speed is what Shi Yu wants.

With the sword of the rain, the acid rain fell, and the effect of this acid rain was as terrible as Shi Yu thought.

A large tree was shrouded in acid rain, and it was directly corroded in almost seconds.

Terrible power.

“Cloud! Since it’s clouds, doesn’t it mean that I can control all kinds of weather? ”

【Side-by-side analysis start】

【Cloudy cloud analysis successfully starts calculus】

【Snow cloud analysis successfully starts calculus】

【Thundercloud analysis successfully starts calculus】


【Calculus completed】

In almost less than three seconds, the various cloud patterns envisaged by Shi Yu were successfully calculated!

Cloudy, with the ability to rain and acid rain.

Snow clouds, with the ability to bring snow and hail.

Thundercloud, this needless to say, the longest calculation time took a full two seconds, and you can use the cloud to release thunder.

This is real thunder, not thunder formed by using Chakra’s changes.

The power is not the same, it is the result of using natural changes, which is equivalent to the power of nature.

Of the three different cloud patterns, rainfall and snowfall seem to be the least useful because they do not cause much damage.

However, Shi Yu felt that it could be used as an auxiliary ability, and it was very helpful to cast both water and ice escape.

However, at present, although Yun Dun is very peculiar, Shi Yu feels a problem.

That’s when one-on-one battles are held, and these Yundun ninjutsu may not help much, and the ability to rain and snow can provide a strong assist.

Yun Duan! The most important ability is to deal with a large number of enemies.

The ability to dominate the weather.

Not to mention hail, acid rain, thunder or whatever, even if it is dominated by rain and blizzards.

It was also enough for a large group of ninjas to suffer heavy losses.

And importantly, Shi Yu thought of something that made Shi Yu even more excited.

Since it is a cloud, will its density become a cloud that can carry a certain weight if it is increased!

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