I'm In Konoha, Life Becomes A Game

Chapter 131 Rage Obito! Kamui Space: I'm not clean anymore, woo woo...

Uchiha Obito, who transformed into a 'Rage Child' from pain, evolved into Mangekyō from 2-Tomoe, and wanted to escape from this hellish reality, awakened the power of Kamui, a rare space-type Mangekyō.

after that.

He put on a mask of escapism and performed Project Tsuki no Me as 'Uchiha Madara'. His own combat power may not reach the level of Kage-level, but with Kamui's specialness, he is able to face the When facing many strong people, it is easy to do.

It can be said that Kamui space is Obito's biggest trump card!

But now, he was attacked in Kamui space!

That was something that had never happened in more than ten years.

He even arrogantly believed that it was a mysterious space that only his pair of Mangekyō could enter. Besides himself, only the spicy "843" chicken Kakashi could enter after opening his left eye that also had Mangekyō. .

But according to his long-term observations, Kakashi has not grown at all, and Sharingan is still only 3-Tomoe.

Mangekyō had it long ago, but Kakashi didn't find it, so...

Not to mention exercising 'Kamui'.

So, who is this time?

Obito was lost in thought.

He was sure it wasn't an illusion!

On a cube, Obito stood up slowly. Under the spiral mask that exposed his right eye, his expression was extremely solemn.

Think of this.

Uchiha Obito took a deep look at Kakashi outside the Kamui space, and he didn't stop here anymore. He started a carpet search all over the Kamui space, trying to find that hateful guy.

Uchiha Obito: Totally crazy!

at the same time.

After Chiba kicked the 'Chi-Han Obito' in the Kamui space, he returned to his home with a deep sense of merit and fame. At this time, it was already past twelve in the morning, and it was close to one, and he went straight to sleep.

Perhaps Kakashi should thank himself, Chiba thought.

Otherwise he has to be...

The night passed quickly.

The next morning.

Everything was silent, and the eastern horizon shone with a trace of light, carefully soaking the light blue sky, and after a while, the sun rose completely, and the whole world was clear, the sun shining through the faint mist, gently. Sprinkle on everything, do not have a pleasing feeling.

Chiba wakes up according to her biological clock as always.

Open the window.

Feeling the fresh air unique to the morning, the morning is full of vigor, the light pierces the deep darkness and brings hope, it is another beautiful day.

He had a faint smile on his face.

With such a sigh of relief in my heart, I went to clean up.

He still has an A-level mission to do.

However, some people are happy and some are sad!

In the land of fire.

A silent forest, a lake.

A group of Uzumaki suddenly appeared.

From the Uzumaki, a figure walked out.

On his face, he wears a single-eye mask with orange stripes and black stripes, short hair, wearing a black robe and a black bodysuit. The eye under the mask can be easily seen, it is a scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan!

He appeared without saying a word.

But if there are people around, you will definitely find that this guy's aura is unusual, or very terrifying, as if the dark clouds shrouded in the sky, will bring down a storm in this world at any time.

Uchiha Obito is irritable.

The expression under the mask is even more uncertain!

Has his Kamui space been tampered with?

And, probably left someone else's liquid...

How does this keep Obito from getting angry?

He obviously just wanted to take a look at Rin and Kakashi secretly, what's wrong with him?

But now, something strange happened.

There is resentment in my heart and I can't express it.

This makes Obito feel bad!

"Could it be that Black Zetsu guy..."

He lowered his head and looked at his own reflection in the water. By now, he could no longer look back. In this case, he left this hypocritical real world and turned to create a perfect world with Lin, Kakashi, and master and mother. The world is his only choice!

In his heart, there is a spell, which means that he is a pawn of Uchiha Madara.  …

Black Zetsu is the one who watches him instead of Uchiha Madara.

That guy still has a guard against him!

But, does Black Zetsu have the means to be able to enter the Kamui space?

This question must now be marked with a question mark.

Black Zetsu didn't trust him, how could he ever trust him?

Temporary cooperation is just to get what we need.

Moreover, Obito still has his own little Jiujiu in his heart, he is doing something in secret, even Black Zetsu doesn't know that the alliance they formed Project Tsuki no Me is all based on cheating.

Relationships are not secure.

The "Xiao" organization, which is a tool person, is also in this state. Either they only want to pursue their own art, or they only want money, or they believe in the "Evil God Lord", or they are spies.

So many people have different ideas.

The only guy who is unswervingly working hard to realize Project Tsuki no Me, in total, it is estimated that only Uchiha... Hoshigaki Kisame is the only one.

time flies.

at this time.

It was noon, and Obito stood alone here for a long time, thinking a lot.

He himself also began to prepare for the future.

Uchiha Obito looked straight ahead.

Still silent.

It was only at this time that 2.8, the illusory Uzumaki, had enveloped his entire body and disappeared in place.

When he came and went, it was quiet and no one noticed.

the other side.

After Chiba packed up, he picked up a mission document at the Hokage office, and left the village straight away. The defense and patrol mission of the northern border of the Fire Nation was only a C-level task before, but now it is A-level!

If it is true that Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village are doing something, it may even be promoted to an S-rank mission this time.

Chiba didn't care.

Since his debut, the mission escalation events he has experienced are not once or twice...

(ps: Thanks to '18xx42' for your big reward and support! The author of Xiaopujie is very grateful!).

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