I'm In Konoha, Life Becomes A Game

Chapter 192 An excellent ninja with six years of practice and one year of regularity...

Konoha Village.

A bustling commercial street, Chiba and Hanabi found Ino and Hinata who were shopping here. They were also a little surprised when they saw Chiba and Hanabi. They had made an appointment to go shopping together early today to buy clothes, and then dress up. , We went to find Chiba together beautifully, but I didn't expect Chiba and Hanabi to come together.

The two of them also joined the team shopping.

There is no task today, and there is always nothing wrong with them cultivating feelings for each other.

Although there is more Hanabi.

But as the saying goes.

My sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law...


Over the years, it was not a day or two for her to follow Chiba and the others to make light bulbs. Chiba and the others were used to having a light bulb with such a large wattage around them.

A visit is a morning.

Hinata Ino and the others did not stop until three poles in the sun.

Chiba expressed helplessness.

As a ninja who has practiced for a year, he claims that his achievements are barely extraordinary. On the personal attribute panel, Chiba's Chakra volume has successfully exceeded 50,000 stalls, totaling more than 55,000.

It's terrifying!


He has 06 on his body, Uzumaki family physique, Senju Sage Body, Nine Tails Chakra seeds, perfect Sage Mode...

These qualities, even if they are brought out individually, are already terrifying!

Any one of them can support a ninja to reach the pinnacle of the ninja world, but these are all condensed into one person!

But Chiba isn't trying to brag or anything.

He was going to say the exact opposite.

Six-year trainee, one-year regular ninja, Orochimaru, Erwei Jinchūriki, Eight Tails Jinchūriki, the white mask in the duel space, dirty soil Sarutobi, Senju Hashirama, which is the weaker guy?

They are all famous ninjas in the ninja world!

But they were all defeated by Chiba.


Even so, Chiba said that he couldn't stand it when he was shopping. In his previous life, he had seen some jokes, such as the five-year retired soldier king, tired of shopping with his girlfriend... He also read it as a joke.

In the past life, as a single Wang, Chiba didn't know much.

But now he says he seems to understand.

Go shopping.

No matter which world you put it in, it seems to be the innate ability of girls!

They bought something.

Chiba was sent home with Flying Thunder God first, and then returned empty-handed.

"Where are we going to eat then?

A smile appeared on Chiba's face.

After shopping.

The exhaustion was immediately swept away, just like the chicken blood was hit in an instant, and the resurrection was full of blood. This feeling even Chiba himself was a little puzzled, because he didn't have a special time to control these things, everything was in accordance with the laws of nature developed.


This 'shopping' has some kind of metaphysical buff blessing in it?

Chiba had a guess in his mind.

"Um... how about going to the meatball shop?"

Ino thought about it and said.

She has no taboos.

Except for sashimi, other foods are acceptable. In the past, they often went to BBQ Q and Ichira Ramen, and they seldom went to the three-color meatballs and Anko soup of the equally famous snack meatball shop in Konoha Village.

There is no reason for him.

After all, she is a girl. Even if she becomes a ninja, she still puts a lot of effort into body management. Not everyone is like the big Anko, who thinks she will not gain weight. become sweet potatoes...

It is estimated that even Anko himself did not expect that.

But Anko has also changed.

She used to eat every day.

But after Chiba said something inadvertently, she changed it, and now it only comes once or twice a month, and the change is still huge.


Hinata nodded.

"What does Chiba think?"

She looked at Chiba.

This kind of issue, they make suggestions, and finally Chiba has to decide.

"I have no opinion."

Chiba spreads his hands.

Just eat.

not to mention.

Three-color balls, the taste itself is good, among the fans of his previous life, it may be far less famous than Yile Ramen, but in today's world, Konoha is a store that is enough to compete with Yile Ramen.

Loved by many people.

After the decision.

They went straight to the food street on the other side of the commercial street, and Hanabi pouted to keep up. On this issue, as a super-wattage light bulb, she has no decision-making power at all.

Can only keep up.

Three-color meatball shop.

There were a lot of people at this time, Chiba and the others took a seat and ordered four Anko soup and many three-color balls.


A familiar figure walked in, wearing a beige trench coat lined with fishnets, outlining her beautiful figure, she walked in carelessly and asked the boss to order some Anko soup as usual, she just wanted to find a seat to sit Down, but saw a familiar figure.

"That's... Chiba?"

Anko couldn't help but light up.

She walked right over.

"Do you mind if I sit here?

With a shallow smile on Anko's face, she said without any embarrassment. From her expression, she didn't see too many other expressions, as if she was going to sit with an acquaintance and have a meal together. , no other ideas.

Ino and Hinata didn't think too much.

Just wanted to agree.

At this moment...

Hanabi spoke.


Hanabi snorted softly, my sister and the others were deceived by this woman, but she won't. This woman is very clever at first sight, even if she is an acquaintance, but there are so many seats next to her? Say hello and sit next to him Is it not good?

Here, four of them, just finished their seats.

"There is no place here again. 35

Hanabi said calmly.

"It's okay, I'll just sit next to Chiba-kun.

Anko narrowed his eyes.

She looked at Hanabi.


This girl, who is too young and owns an airport, is nothing to be afraid of.


Hanabi refused again.

Everyone looked at her.

Hanabi suddenly mumbled: "Hmph... I'm sitting next to my brother-in-law, and this is for you."

"So it's my brother-in-law..."

Anko teased.

"No Road Race!

Hanabi's reaction, like a cat's tail being stepped on, is very cute.

(ps: Thanks to 'Silk De Gorgeous' for the great monthly ticket support!).

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