I'm In Konoha, Life Becomes A Game

Chapter 204 Tsunade: Broke my heart for Senju

Hokage Office.

After Chiba left.

Tsunade put his chin on his hands, and thoughtfully, Princess Temari of Sunagakure was interested in Chiba, she had already seen it, and even a long time ago, Sunagakure sent Konoha the intention of marriage.

Tsunade doesn't want an arranged marriage, though.

'Marriage' is not impossible.

But have to change the way.

For example, the two of them, after getting along, fell in love...

There is no coercion or involuntary, which is good.

Tsunade took a deep breath.

In order to let the Senju family flourish and restore their former glory, she can be said to be heartbroken...

Tsunade doesn't mess with mandarin ducks.

Before she does this kind of thing, she will make a long foreshadowing and plan, for example, create various encounters, let them cultivate feelings, and once the feelings are cultivated, it is called mutual love, not a mess of mandarin ducks. .

This is Tsunade's million-dollar little trick.

"I feel like I'm evolving more and more in the direction of a prostitute."

Tsunade muttered to himself.

Some speechless.


Shizune also nodded indistinctly, indeed, Tsunade-sama wasn't like that in 890, but he met Chiba in Tanzujie a few years ago, when he learned that he was the last hope of the Senju clan...

Tsunade-sama directly evolved into what he is now.

Almost stunned.

Shizune said that he was also deeply affected by it!

Now, Tsunade-sama has a rare awakening of himself, and Shizune expresses that he is very happy.

Just when Shizune was thinking about it.


Tsunade's voice continued to come out.


she shouted.


Shizune hugged the dolphin, and without thinking for a while, responded directly.

"Really don't think about Chiba? After this village, there is no such shop. 35

Tsunade looked at Shizune, the 'Hundred Healings Mark' was preserved, the delicate face that had not experienced the wasting of time, was suddenly dotted with a little smile, it looked very warm, and it was like a spring breeze...

Shizune: ((⊙⊙))0

"Master Tsunade..."

She stomped her feet a little embarrassedly.

I do not know what to think.


There was a little crimson on her face again.

Tsunade just smiled and said nothing.

Shizune's state at this time has already explained everything!

So she chose to keep silent.

At this time, it is not good to say more than one sentence. If Shizune makes up his mind, it may have an unexpected effect.

Tsunade stood up, walked to the window, and looked up at Hokage Rock.

His eyes finally fell on the first and second rock statues.

Those are First Generation and Second Generation Hokage.

Besides being Hokage, they have a common identity.


Senju family!

old days.

The Senju clan of the forest, combined with the Uchiha clan, is the suppression of the ninja world, how brilliant? Now after decades of ups and downs, there are not one clan in ten, and the remaining direct line is even only herself.

Chiba is also an accident.

Before the Senju clan did have a policy of integrating into Konoha, but they were ordinary clansmen, but there were no real direct clan members, but at that time, there were also a small number of direct clan members who finally chose to join that team.

Chiba's grandfather is one of them.

Tsunade had no intention of getting married and having children.

But he couldn't bear the blood of the Senju clan to wither.

So Chiba came into being.

Tsunade doesn't do it herself, but she can entrust everything to Chiba!

"Grandpa, we are one step closer to the revival of the Senju clan..."

Tsunade muttered to himself in a low voice.

the other side.

After Chiba left Konoha Village, he has been moving in the direction of Sunagakure. The last time he met Temari and the others was two or three years ago. At that time, Chiba did not leave Flying Thunder God on Temari. imprint.

Otherwise it's easy.

Why hurry?

A Flying Thunder God flew directly over, Chiba's terrifying amount of Chakra was enough to make him ignore the far distance between countries, the ends of the earth are placed on Chiba's body, and it can only be called the end of the world!

But obviously.

Chiba did not leave the imprint of Flying Thunder God there. Konoha and Sand Shinobi fought hotly over the years, and Sunagakure also paid a big price to make Konoha give up most of the missions in the Land of Winds.

As a result, Sunagakure slowly developed.

It can be said that Sunagakure's strength has recovered so well in the past two years, and there is also the reason for Konoha Village. If Konoha Village is a little dark-hearted, Sunagakure has grown up, and it is estimated that one-third of its current strength is enough!

Speaking of the Flying Thunder God mark placed in the outer village, the two members of Cloud Shinobi Village have one on Wooden Golem. When they went to the Snow Country again to perform a mission, Chiba left a mark on Fenghua Xiaoxue's body...

cough cough.

After that, there is nothing else for the time being.

Shaking his head, no more thought.

Chiba continued on her way.

At this time, he has no teammates to "hold back". If he is alone, with his physical strength value of 33,000, he can already do it. The recovery of physical strength is faster than the consumption rate!

He walked without sleep.

It is also a practice...

In the dark night, ninjas are running.

Like a streamer in the dark night!

That silvery light looks extraordinarily bright, and the technology of the ninja world is a bit crooked, but there are basic means of transportation. With the passage of time, the train has successfully spread from the country of iron to the world of ninjas.

In some countries, the construction of special tracks for trains has already begun.

However, even if these means of transportation are popularized, running and physical training still cannot be pulled down. Let’s not mention the difference between Hokage running and modern running. When ninjas are on their way, they basically walk on foot. !

In the future, after the thunder cars, trains, and flying machines were all popularized, they still chose to travel on foot. The reason is very simple.

That's purely because it's much faster than the average person!

To be able to walk in areas without roads, to run thousands of miles without sleep, for ninjas, their own legs are the most reliable means of transportation, not to mention, this is in the nighttime desert where you can't expect a stable road. ...

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