I'm In Konoha, Life Becomes A Game

Chapter 65: The Pot King and the Snake, the Crash Plan! (For the first order)


At this moment, two kunai suddenly pierced the window and flew in, with a black cloth hanging on it, covering Senai Ibis, and then another high-profile figure appeared, wearing a fishnet suit. 's boss.

Mitarashi Anko!

Chiba is not surprised.

He already knew about this plot, the little butterfly he came from has changed a lot of things, but most of the plot trajectory is still in accordance with the original plot development. Mitarashi Anko.


Every time he sees Anko, Chiba's mind always sees ghost images of bloggers turning sweet potatoes, which makes him sigh, how can a good lady become so sloppy.

'Is that kid?

Mitarashi Anko saw Chiba at a glance, with silver hair and red eyes... This kind of appearance is rarely seen in the whole ~ Konoha.

Anko remembers seeing him not long ago when she was drinking Anko soup and eating meatballs at the meatball shop.

The memory is quite deep.

Mitarashi Anko looked straight at Chiba, as if the hunter saw his prey, and licked the corner of his mouth wildly.

"Cough cough.

Ibiza's voice came from behind the black curtain.

For a moment, the air became slightly embarrassing.

"Hmph, Ibizi, why are there so many people left in the first exam? You, the chief examiner, seem to be very unqualified. 35 Anko regained his senses and roughly counted the number of people left in the entire classroom.

snorted coldly.

"But that's okay.

"In the second exam, I will reduce your number to less than half!

Anko's words made the whole examination room panic.

The rest of the people have no clue.

The atmosphere is tense!

The location of the second exam was at the No. 44 practice ground in Konoha Village, commonly known as the Forest of Death. Mitarashi Anko informed them that the candidates would gather in the Forest of Death tomorrow morning and left.

This also heralds the end of the first exam!

Many people gave up on the last tenth question.

After knowing the truth, all they had left in their hearts was remorse, and they only hated that they didn't persevere. If they persisted, maybe they wouldn't have been brushed down directly in the first exam.

Some even took anger at Naruto.

Complaining in my heart why Naruto didn't make his appalling declaration sooner!

This is outrageous!


Chiba sent Ino and Hinata home respectively. Tomorrow is the examination of the forest of death, and they have to go back to prepare. As the children of the big family, it is understandable to open some small stoves in secret.

Chiba went straight to the training ground.

Daily practice began.

He never slackens.

a month later.

In the fourth exam of the Chūnin exam, Sand Shinobi and Otokage will unite to attack and start a plan called 'Konoha Collapse', in which Third Hokage will die in this plan, that is his role as 'Shūnō' A battle!

Chiba didn't want to get involved in that fight.

After that day, he will die as a hero protecting Konoha, not old age, which is a fig leaf that Orochimaru left to his teacher.

Third Generation is getting old.

The old ambitions are long gone, and the battle is dead...

Don't lose your reputation!

It was getting dark.

Dark clouds shrouded the light of the moon, making the whole Konoha seem to fall into darkness.

Hokage office, the lights are still on.

Third Hokage is observing other people in Shinobi Village through the crystal ball. If there is someone who is in trouble, he will be the first to find out. The joint examination with Chūnin is a major event that has attracted much attention. A stroke, he did not want to encounter any mishaps.

These days, Third Generation doesn't even peep at women's bathhouses.

"However, what is this ominous premonition?"

He silently picked up the pouch and took a breath.

Light smoke curls.

root's house.


In Konoha 56, after the Uchiha clan was destroyed, the Third Generation ordered the cancellation of Danzo Hokage's assistant position, and the "root" he led was also disbanded under this circumstance, but recently, Danzo has started to rebuild the root organization.

 …. Flowers …

Also negotiated with Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened one eye and closed the other.

His days were quite nourishing.

The figure of Orochimaru quietly appeared in front of Danzo.

"Orochimaru, Konoha's S-rank betrayal, dare to come before this old man? 39

On Danzo, a dark aura rolled over.

"Lord Danzo, I have a plan, are you interested in working together? 99

Orochimaru didn't care about Danzo's 'righteous' words.

That's pretty obvious!

This righteous appearance doesn't really suit you at all, so don't mess around. Orochimaru knows what this old guy thinks. He has done all kinds of dark things in his life to become Hokage, and they are also old 'buddies'.

previous human trials.

Danzo's right arm is his achievement!

"Then, let's hear it."

Danzo snorted coldly.

well known.

"True Fragrance Theorem", everything can't escape, and Danzo is of course included.

The conspiracy of the pot king and the snake!

Late at night.

In the original base, it was empty again, and only Danzo was left. The figure of Orochimaru appeared earlier, as if there was an illusion, Shimura Danzō stroked the bandage on his arm with a calm expression.

"Hiruzen, your time is over! Next, it's the old man's time!"

"The seat of Hokage belongs to the old man! 99

"That day, soon..."

Danzo gave a gloomy smile.

In this Konoha, if Sarutobi goes, who is most qualified to take over the Fifth Hokage?

Sarutobi Asuma?

Hatake Kakashi?

Will not work!

In Danzo's view, the only one who can become the Fifth Hokage is himself. He is the elder of Konoha Village. He has attracted the support of the two elders, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu. With some family patriarchs, it is not easy for him to become Hokage. loose?

He has now started unpacking to celebrate.

(ps: I'm so sleepy, there are only eight updates for the time being today, I'll make up some more tomorrow~, (*^▽^*)) Work.

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