I'm In Konoha, Life Becomes A Game

Chapter 98 Fifth Hokage Tsunade, my Hokage 'sister'?

Fifth Hokage is back!

This news spread like wildfire in Konoha Village. Except for the pot king Danzo, who was hiding in the dark, almost everyone was looking forward to it and was very happy. Has gradually recovered his anger.

But there is no "shadow" in the village, just like there is no backbone, when doing anything, you will feel constrained.

Tsunade returned to the village to serve as Hokage, which was widely expected.

Even though she has been away from the village for a long time, there are still legends about her in the village!

She is the granddaughter of First Generation and Second Hokage, and the apprentice of Third Hokage. She is a famous medical master in the ninja world, one of the legendary... Sannin of Konoha, and the "Princess Katsuyu" on the battlefield.

This is much better than Danzo.

If Danzo succeeds in taking office as Hokage, many ordinary people may wonder, who is this Shimura Danzō? Why haven't we heard of what he did in recent decades?

In fact.

In recent years, Danzo has done a lot of things, but most of them are not visible.

Scattered fishing reels in the village, causing 'Konoha's White Fangya' Hatake Sakumo to commit suicide.

Cooperate with Hanzo to kill Yahiko, let Dawn, who went to the light and pursue the dawn of the dawn, fall into the abyss of darkness, cultivate a super boss for the future Konoha, and directly resist rice and destroy the village.

Together with Orochimaru, human experimental research was conducted, First Hokage cells were transplanted, and Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan was captured.

Participate in the destruction of the Uchiha clan!

Konoha 48 Years Nine Tails Rebellion, Konoha 60 Years "Crash Plan", neither he nor the "Gen Shinobi" he led...

These are all 'credits' to Danzo


He'd rather not say it...

The news of the Fifth Generation's purpose was spread by word of mouth, and Konoha, which has gradually recovered its prosperity, began to become lively. The ninjas who were previously distributed to perform tasks could rush back, and they would rush back as soon as possible to participate in the Fifth Generation's succession ceremony.

She is the expected Hokage!

Hokage Office.

Before Fifth Hokage's succession ceremony, another high-level meeting was opened to discuss the succession ceremony. After everyone left, Tsunade looked at the mountains of documents on the table, and only felt a headache.

She was fooled!


Chiba sent Ino, Hinata and the others home respectively, and then walked towards the house by himself. Speaking of which, he left Konoha, went to find Tsunade, inquired about the news all the way, and finally returned at the short book street...

It's been a month and a half.

"Unconsciously, the duel space seems to be opening again". "

Chiba muttered.

Hyuga clan.

In the room of Hinata and Hanabi, there was still light. Hinata was sitting by the window knitting a scarf, and Hanabi was sitting on the other side, looking at her sister seriously with her hands on her cheeks. She found that her sister was really beautiful.

"Hey, sister.

"What's wrong?"

Hinata smiled.

"It's so beautiful...

"No way.""

Hinata glanced at Hanabi, then reached out and lightly placed her hand between her eyebrows. The moonlight poured down from the sky like a waterfall and fell on their faces, looking like a goddess under the moonlight, very beautiful.

Naruto's house.

Naruto was a little hungry, so he got up and soaked the cup noodles.

He sat there thinking about something.

in the past.

Naruto hates waiting for the noodles to soak for three minutes, but now he feels a little different. He unexpectedly likes to think wildly at this time, Chiba, Sasuke... Summoning Technique, Rasengan...

He must get stronger!

Make people recognize themselves.

Guardian bond...

The border of the Fire Nation.

Kisame and Itachi left quietly. Compared with when they came, there were more ninjas stationed on the border, but for ninjas of their level, it was an easy thing to avoid the inspection.

Enter the realm of the rain country.

The night was dark.

Keep walking.

'Clap, clap...

It's raining.

The pattering rain fell from the sky to the ground, and fell in the woods. The voice was very clear, and the cold rain fell on Itachi's face, and his mood became heavier and heavier.

This time he went to Konoha, his purpose was to shock the high-level people in the village, and at the same time he sent a Tsukuyomi to Sasuke, let him repeat the night of the genocide in the Tsukuyomi world, make him hate himself and become stronger ...

Third Hokage died.

The Fifth Generation, who would it be? Jiraiya, one of Sannin's, will never become Hokage. At this moment, in Itachi's mind, a bandaged, one-eyed figure that looks very dark appeared.

Shimura Danzō...

"`What's the matter, Itachi?"

Kisame asked with a smile.

"No, nothing.

"Speaking of which, there are many powerful ninjas in Mr. Itachi's village." Kisame said with a curved corner of his mouth, but in his mind, he didn't have much interest in Kakashi and Chiba, instead it was the green figure. fresh in memory.

Kisame has a hunch that one day in the future, he will have a battle with that precious beast of Konoha.

He was looking forward to that day.

Kono-tailed beast vs Konoha rare beast.

Nice name!

"never mind.

Itachi said calmly.

"It's raining heavily, Mr. Itachi." Kisame took off the Samehada on his back to shield Itachi from the rain, "Are we going to find a place to shelter from the rain?"

Itachi nodded.

The two of them tacitly did not say anything about the mission.

Capture Nine Tails...

As long as I don't act, it doesn't count as a mission failure!

The next day (for the money).

The weather in Konoha, as always, is very good, the sky is clear and blue, cloudless, as clear as jasper.

The village is very lively.

Today is the day Fifth Hokage officially takes over!

Third Hokage died.

Fifth Hokage succeeds.

Spiritual inheritance.

This is the true 'will of fire' drag.

On top of the Hokage building.

Tsunade stood there with a Hokage hat in his hand.

Below, there are people cheering for it.

This is Fifth Generation's purposeful succession ceremony.

Chiba's mind raced.

Perhaps, he could write a full-mark composition called:

'My Hokage sister'?

(ps: When the comment area is restored, the building will be rebuilt!! Woohoo, I won't give me a monthly ticket, my feelings are faded e=('0`*)))).

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