I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 100 Rest assured, no one will suspect you! (Second! Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly ticke

Hearing his wife's cry, Namikaze Minato immediately recovered from the frustration at work and being ridiculed for his cub-carrying skills. After handing Naruto over to Uchiha Mikoto's care, he hurried into the kitchen.

"The Fourth Generation is really a good husband, and Kushina has made it through..." Uchiha Mikoto sighed while looking at the busy couple in the kitchen.

As a hard-core best friend Kushina has known since childhood, Uchiha Mikoto naturally knows the grievances and sufferings that Kushina has suffered since she became Jinchūriki, but now seeing Namikaze Minato being so obedient to her, and having a common crystallization between the two, naturally Happy for her.

It's just that looking at the pair of honey mixed with oil in the kitchen, there is no one else around, Uchiha Mikoto's heart will inevitably have some inexplicable sourness... There's no way, who makes his dog man a face paralysis who doesn't understand the style, don't talk about it on weekdays It's sweet talk, even the love of the bed...

Thinking of this, Uchiha Mikoto's face flushed slightly, but then he looked at Uchiha Fugaku beside him with a bit of resentment: "Dear, look at how good the relationship between Fourth Generation and Kushina is, really It's enviable, don't you think?

Uchiha Fugaku: 6699

For some reason, he felt that he was inexplicably being connoted, and... suddenly I really wanted to drink wolfberry tea!

Realizing that he couldn't take this topic casually, Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly, smiled stiffly, looked at Bai Jie, who was watching a play and eating melons, and asked:

"Bai Jie-kun, it is said that Lord Danzo deliberately transferred you to the root, ~ what do you think?"

That's right, as it was written at the end of the first volume, since seeing Bai Jie's potential to become the second of Senju Hashirama, Danzo has been greedy for Bai Jie's body...or his bloodline limit , trying to transfer him to the root, waiting for an opportunity to attack him.

However, this idea was strongly rejected by Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who warned him to give up the superfluous ideas, otherwise he would definitely teach the other party in person.

But how unscrupulous the king of the pot is. In the original book, he had a shady PY deal with Orochimaru early, and he did not hesitate to dig the grave of Senju Hashirama, extract the cells of the god of ninjas and inject them into his body. The power of Wood Style.

How could such a guy take mere warnings into account, not to mention that he is still a good friend who has been in love with and killed for many years.

Therefore, in the past month, Shimura Danzō frequently asked Minato to transfer Bai Jie to the root, and even offered to give up his interference with Jinchūriki as a condition. Will not let go.

After all, Bai Jie is his and Kushina's savior. Although he loves his wife very much, it's true, but he can't push Bai Jie into the fire just because of a verbal promise from the other party!

"I don't think so! 35

Bai Jie's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, and his tone was a little cold: "I am average in ability, lazy and afraid of things, except for fighting, I am almost useless, I am afraid that I am not competent for such important things as the roots. The responsibilities of the department, I am afraid that the Lord Danzo will be disappointed.

"is that so………"

Uchiha Fugaku was almost amused by Bai Jie's remarks, but fortunately, he has been in facial paralysis for many years, so he won't easily break the defense: "A few days ago, I heard that Bai Jie-kun once agreed with Danzo-sama's proposal to start a war with Cloud Shinobi. I thought you had a good relationship with Danzo-sama, so maybe you would agree to this request!

"One yard owned by a yard!"

Bai Jie waved his hand: "We can make whatever we want at home, but we still need to know how to choose when it's time to unite with the villains from outside.

"Of course, that's the reason." Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

"Okay, don't talk about work today."

Uchiha Mikoto reached out and patted her husband who successfully changed the subject, and then smiled and teased the two little guys, "Look, how good they are. 99

Bai Jie and Uchiha Fugaku heard the words and looked over.

The two little beanies were having fun, crawling around on the sofa, and occasionally pulling each other's feet.

They are very interested in chasing each other.

At this time, the curtain of the kitchen was lifted, and Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina came out with dishes.

It goes without saying that Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina has witnessed the destruction of the village since he was a child, and he has lived a long hard life. Of course, there is no such thing as devil cooking.


The guests and hosts enjoyed a meal, the men discussed their work at the table, and the women spoke secret words, and the sound of laughter continued to echo in this restaurant, even Uchiha Fugaku was no exception.

Two hours later, when the dinner was over, Kushina took little Naruto back to the room to rest, Uchiha Mikoto also took the sleepy Sasuke to leave in advance, while Uchiha Fugaku and Bai Jie were retained by Namikaze Minato and went to their study room. , apparently to talk about something.

Thinking of this, Bai Jie and Uchiha Fugaku looked at each other, and after a tacit eye contact, they followed Namikaze Minato's footsteps and walked into the study on the second floor.

"Bai Jie-kun, Fugaku-kun, what I'm going to say next may be a bit abrupt, but I personally hope that the two of you can seriously consider it."

Namikaze Minato sat in front of his desk, put his hands and fingers on his chin, and made a classic action similar to "Commander Ikari", the only difference was that he lacked a pair of reflective glasses on his face.

"Are you finally going to do this, Minato-san?"

Seeing this, Bai Jie's eyes suddenly became extremely serious: "Don't worry, the Third Generation and Danzo will be handled by me, as long as you arrange a suitable place and time, I promise to let them die silently, without any People can be suspicious of you!"

Namikaze Minato: 66…”

Uchiha Fugaku:

The air suddenly solidified, and the entire study seemed to have fallen into a strange silence, and the needles could be heard falling.

The three of you look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, especially Uchiha Fugaku, who almost released Sharingan after hearing what Bai Jie said just now.

After an unknown amount of time, Namikaze Minato's cough finally broke the silence.

"Ahem! Uh, Bai Jie-kun, did you misunderstand something, I never thought of hurting Third Generation-sama.

"Just kill Danzo... that's fine!"

"No! No one can be killed! Give me some seriousness, brat!"

. . . . .

. . . . 0.

The second update! Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! Work.

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