I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 252 Magic Knife! Magic Dao! (Second update! Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly ticket!)


Looking at the dangerous mountains and rivers in front of him, Bai Jie frowned slightly.

Because of the knowledge and background of many worlds, in Bai Jie's cognition, no matter whether it is gods, Buddhas, fairy, or demons, it is actually nothing more than the difference in cultivation methods. Demons, defined by their actions of good and evil, are quite different.

But in fact, among the people in this world, there are too many people whose view of good and evil is not completely correct. They only judge the character of others based on their own notions. The demons defined in this case are also It's just a fictional statement.

However, in this place, Bai Jie felt a very unusual qi movement, which was diffused in the air and immersed in the rocks. Over time, it formed such a dangerous place where everything went extinct, from shallow to deep.

As a traveler, Bai Jie knew who the owner of this mountain road was, and coupled with his powerful spiritual power to search and investigate, he naturally guessed the changes here.

"Such a sharp sword intent!

Bai Jie stretched out his hand and rubbed the edges and corners of the rocks, but he felt like he was touching a peerless magic weapon. His heart moved slightly, thinking that this earth's surface with a radius of ten miles was all because of this sword intent.

Thinking of this, his fingertips stroking the edges and corners of rocks and stones exerted a little force, and then saw that the body that Jian Wuming was difficult to cut open that day, at this moment, like a mortal body, a clear wound was opened.

It's just that the wound has completely healed before the blood flows from it, and there is no difference from before.

"The first name is really extraordinary!"

He sighed softly, and Bai Jie's eyes showed a little more interest. If it was what he thought, then this trip would be a little more fun.

The rivers and lakes of Shenzhou have ebb and flow for thousands of years.

Even if there are occasional times when the martial arts are not connected, there will still be a few arrogant heroes who are famous all over the world.

Today's Shenzhou Jianghu, because of the existence of the Jianghu Billboard, the rising star is of course the Liangyu Ranking, and then push it up, that is Bai Jie, Wuming, Li Chungang and other peerless great masters in the world, standing in the martial arts. the pinnacle of...

And this is just the rivers and lakes of this era. As early as more than 30 years ago, when the Baixiaotang and the imperial court had not issued the Jianghu Billboard, there were also peerless figures of their own in this rivers and lakes.

And among them, the "first evil" || Emperor" had to be mentioned.

In the past, Longhu Mountain was closed for a short time due to changes. Shaolin and the Demon Sect fought fiercely, and both sides suffered in the end. The nameless natural sword embryo has not yet debuted, and the sword god Li Chungang is just a mediocre young swordsman. Dugu swordsman is still in Dongying. Creating Holy Spirit Swordsmanship with his lover Miyamoto Xueling...

Apart from these few people and forces, there were very few warriors who could truly be called top masters in the rivers and lakes at that time.

However, in the years when the three sects of Buddhism, Taoism and Demons were not visible and several kendo masters had not yet been born, there was still a "number one" who dominated the arena.

Speaking of which, this person's life is also quite surprising. It is said that after he came out of his mother's womb, everything must be the first.

He has the first surname and is also the first eldest son in the family.

This person has been able to read the Four Books and Five Classics since he was four years old, and he can master the chess, chess, calligraphy and painting as soon as he learns it, which is astonishing.

As for martial arts, his talent is even more outstanding. Since he started martial arts at the age of six, he has already seen great things for the first time. A year later, he has grown out of the blue and is better than the blue. He doesn't need to be taught by others. A bit of genius.

After waiting for an adult, it is even more amazing and talented. Before the age of 30, he stepped into the scene, and he has eighteen martial arts skills, such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds, and he has extremely deep attainments.

When holding the sword, he is the kun among the swords, and when holding the sword, he is stronger than the Emperor of Swords, worthy of the first name.

But unfortunately, although he has learned everything in his life and is a Grandmaster, he is also troubled by it.

It's just because he has learned 99% of the martial arts in this world, and he has even practiced them to the level of number one in the world, but these martial arts still have a way to crack them, and they can't achieve true perfection.

In this way, even if he is a Grandmaster, he is still not perfect.

Proud by nature, he wants to be the first in everything, how can he be willing to have such a defect, so he began to retreat and practice, vowing to create the most perfect and flawless martial arts in the world.

This should have been an extremely difficult task, but it seemed that his sincerity moved God, and after three years of seclusion, he really made him realize an incredible and perfect sword technique.

But the first time this sword technique was used, he killed his own parents and children.

Everything in this world is flawed, and the heaven and the earth are inevitable.

If there is no shortage, how can it be controlled by mortals?

In the end, this so-called flawless sword technique was exchanged for the tragic death of Aiko, and the "magic sword" was born in response to the situation.

In the end, after realizing the danger of the "magic knife", the man who was called "the first evil emperor" by the people of the rivers and lakes, in order not to be controlled by this knife technique and become a lunatic who only knew how to kill, he had to come to this righteous and evil way. In the middle, Feng Dao retired and could not escape from the world.

"I want to see if this magic sword is as evil as the legend..."

Looking back at the story about the first evil emperor and the magic knife in his memory, Bai Jie smiled slightly, and then he sensed the source of the sword intent that could destroy all things in front of him, and walked slowly.


After the dull collision sound, a stone door carved with black and white on the surface burst open, revealing the dark space inside.

Seeing this, Bai Jie just looked at it for a while, and then walked in without hesitation.

The next moment, the stone gate behind him suddenly closed, and a few lights suddenly lit up in the darkness inside, swaying and swaying, revealing the true content of this space within the stone gate.

This place is a grotto, and bookshelves are placed on the walls around it. There are a lot of books on it, and the layout is very elegant.

However, Bai Jie had no intention of paying any attention to these things. Almost at the moment when the lights came on, his eyes turned to a corner not far away.

There was an unremarkable stone bed, on which sat a vaguely hunched figure, his head bowed, playing with the game of chess in front of him.

Seemingly feeling an unfamiliar (Zhao's) breath approaching, the hunched figure was slightly startled, and then slowly raised his head.

In the darkness, two swaying blood-colored flames ignited in the air.

".~Who are you?"

The incomparably hoarse voice seemed to be squeezed out of a rag. It was both ugly and strange. With only three words, it was like three different people talking, and it was changing.

But more terrifying than the sound is his face!

The man in front of him with freckles and beards, with a long beard three feet long, looks no different from an ordinary old man, but his face is half black and half white, like yin and yang.

The white half seemed calm and unwavering, but actually endured the pain, but the black half was full of twisted colors, ferocious and terrifying.

There is no doubt that this person is the "first evil emperor" who created the magic knife!

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