I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 32: Alexander's Kuwashima Ciwulang (The third update! Ask for flowers! Ask for collecti

[Ding~Acquired Skill~Breath of Thunder~]

If Bai Jie had a system in his mind now, it would probably sound like this sound...

To be honest, for Bai Jie today, as long as he understands the specific principles and usage, it is too simple to learn the breathing method.

After all, the foundation is there, whether it is the world of Lingjian Mountain or the world under one person, breathing and breathing is the most basic required course, and the level is even higher than the breathing method of the ghost world.

Although it is difficult to exert the greatest effect due to the differences in the world, as the saying goes, all methods are inseparable from the same principle. With the theoretical support of the high-rise building, Bai Jie has mastered the core essence of the breathing method at the fastest speed.

"How is it possible...how could it be so fast?!!"

Compared to Bai Jie's calmness, Kuwashima Cigoro was deeply shocked by the speed of his Master's Thunder Breath.

In any case, he never thought that he was simply demonstrating the breath of thunder, and wanted Bai Jie to have a preliminary understanding of the breathing method, but he did not expect that the other party would learn it directly in the next second.

And listening to the sound of breathing, in addition to being slightly jerky, the power contained in it seems to be no less than his own.

This can no longer be described with the word talent, it is like a dream!

"...Xiaojie, tell the old man honestly, has anyone taught you this breathing technique before, and who was your former teacher?"

After a while, Kuwashima Jigoro, who had calmed down his excitement a little, had to ask carefully.

To be reasonable, no matter how outstanding his talent is, he still has to pay attention to the basic method. He really can't believe that Bai Jie can reach such a terrifying level when he first encounters the breathing method. There must be a famous teacher behind him, and the other party is definitely not Ji. Anonymous people.

But in this world, basically the more famous warriors are inextricably linked with the Ghost Killing Squad, but they have never heard of a heaven-defying apprentice.

Although Bai Jie himself has no opinion, but if there is a dispute with others because of his apprentice, it will hurt the peace.

That's why Kuwashima Cigoro has the above questions.

"I haven't learned this breathing method, but similar breathing luck is involved. As for the teacher who taught me these things..." Bai Jie raised his head and looked at the ceiling, thinking of other worlds himself in his mind looks like.

"They...are no longer in this world."

Bai Jie said with a smile.

"Uh... I'm sorry, but it's a pity that these characters haven't been able to meet them." Kuwashima Chigoro also said sadly.

But that's fine, if the other's teacher is gone, then Bai Jie can really decide his own behavior.


A tachi was placed in front of Bai Jie.

Seeing Bai Jie looking at him suspiciously, Kuwashima Cigoro said, "Since you have learned the breathing method, then it is time to learn the matching sword shape... Do you remember what I said to you before, Ghosts have a powerful regeneration ability. Apart from being afraid of sunlight, they are almost immortal. In the dark night, we and other ghost hunters have to fight against them. Only with this kind of knife with gorilla crimson ore, can we inflict damage on ghosts. fatal blow.

So from now on, you should be familiar with the standard sword that is most commonly used by the Ghost Slayer... In the future, even if you pass the final test of the Ghost Slayer and get your own unique sword, it will not be too far from this sword. "

Bai Jie nodded and took the humble blade from Kuwashima Jigoro's hand.

It looks very ordinary, and there is no obvious difference from those standard swords that I have seen in the past, but if you carefully perceive it with mental power, you will find the faint warmth emanating from it, as if there is sunlight lingering on it, full of with strange energy


With a flick of his finger on the blade, Bai Jie quietly listened to the sound of the blade.

"Breath of Thunder... There are six sword shapes in total. Today, I will teach you the first sword shape, Thunderbolt!"

Saying that, Kuwashima Jigoro's expression became serious.

Next is the main event! The move used in conjunction with [Breath of Thunder]——Sword Type!

Originally, I wanted to hone the opponent again, but Bai Jie's master speed on the Breath of Thunder was completely beyond Kuwashima Jigoro's imagination.

Not only that, Kuwashima Cigoro just discovered an even more terrifying phenomenon, that is, after learning the breath of thunder, Bai Jie has maintained the state of [full concentration breathing] until now, and it looks quite relaxed!

You must know that [Full Concentrated Breathing] is one of the prerequisites for becoming a [Column]. It takes at least a few years for ordinary people to achieve this state. Even in the history of the Ghost Slayer team, the talent is the best. [Xiazhu], it is said that it took three full days.

Such a terrifying talent must not be wasted!

At this moment, Kuwashima Ciwulang suddenly had a sense of mission that "the heaven will give great responsibility to the people", and he secretly swore in his heart that he must train Bai Jie to become the most powerful swordsman in the world, and protect this evil ghost. threatened world

Kuwashima Chigoro even had a vague feeling... He felt that the young man in front of him, who had just been admitted to his sect, seemed to be able to end the thousand-year-old grievance between the Ghost Killing Squad and Ghost Dance Tsuji.

"A flash of thunder?"

Bai Jie whispered, but a yellow-haired cartoon image appeared in his mind.

So, is that guy also your disciple...

"Also ask the teacher for advice!"

To be honest, Bai Jie is not very interested in the so-called matching sword types compared to the breathing method. After all, there are too many exquisite sword techniques in the Lingjian Mountain world and the comprehensive martial arts world. Picking any one at random is many times stronger than the swordsmanship that has been passed down for less than five hundred years.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of understanding the world's cultivation system, Bai Jie didn't even bother to learn the breathing method, he only needed to get a sun wheel knife... Of course, he didn't say these words.

For the sake of the health of the elderly, Bai Jie felt that he was still struggling to learn a few tricks.

Anyway, it won't take too long.

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