I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 44 Junior Brother? Fuyue? (The third one! Ask for flowers! Ask for collection!)

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

After saying goodbye to the four masters and apprentices, Bai Jie did not rush to leave immediately. Instead, he deliberately took the Sagami Mountain as the center, and searched around the area for dozens of kilometers, as if he was looking for something. ".

But obviously, Bai Jie's luck was not very good this time, and he didn't find his goal as he hoped. After a month of searching without results, he gave up his original plan and started to move slowly in one direction.

And the end point of that direction is nothing else, it is Momoyama where Kuwashima Chigoro is.

To be honest, the time of this trip is not too long, it only takes more than two months before and after, but the harvest is not unreasonable, and the breath of water alone is already worthwhile.

Therefore, when the second goal could not be achieved, Bai Jie was too lazy to hang around outside, and was ready to go back to see his cheap teacher first, and then go to the final selection of the ghost killing team after this winter.

"Well, I don't know how the old man has been doing these days. He should be very lonely without me. If you have time, you can pay attention to whether there are any more talented children, and bring him back to relieve his boredom... Well, it's better to be a junior sister!"

Bai Jie thought about this, and the steps under his feet could not help but brisk, and because he was going back the same way, he didn't encounter anything worth noting during the period...


You said that on the way, there were more than 50 ghosts, big and small, that were hacked to death?

Can that be regarded as something worth noting?

In short, the world of the strong is so unpretentious and boring.



"Yo! Ajie, you're back... Look, this is the new junior brother that this old man has recruited for you. He is a very... um... quite talented child."

It seems that Bai Jie has long since known that Bai Jie will return to Momoyama today. Bai Jie has just stepped into the house where he had lived for three months when he saw Kuwashima Cigoro standing in the courtyard, smiling at him. He waved his hand, and at the same time introduced a young man standing beside him.

I originally wanted to praise this child for his talent, but after seeing Bai Jie, I recalled the performance of the other party in the past three months, but I couldn't say anything about this praise, and finally I could only use a "fairly good." " to describe.


After listening to Kuwashima Jigoro's words, Bai Jie's eyes fell on the black-haired, thick-browed boy in front of him.

Hmm... not a junior sister, bad review!

After confirming the other party's gender, Bai Jie's mouth twitched in an untraceable way, thinking that he was really worrying for nothing, the old man seemed to be doing pretty well after he left, and even had time to look for his disciples. Just... eh? and many more!

As if remembering something, Bai Jie's expression suddenly froze, then narrowed his eyes, and finally looked at the younger brother in front of him seriously.

His appearance is quite handsome, but his eyes are a little too arrogant, he looks very awkward, and there are too many jewelry on his body, either a Tomoe pendant on his neck, or a few bracelets on his wrist, compared to Tomoe Yoshiyoshi. Well-behaved children like Qiantu always seem a bit bells and whistles.

Of course, the most awkward thing for Bai Jie is that this guy is not a yellow hair!

No, I clearly remember that the boy who can breathe thunder is a little yellow hair who loves to cry. Could it be that I am acting?

"Fuyue, this is the senior Bai Jie that the old man and you mentioned. He has already started his apprenticeship half a year ago, and he is very proficient in the breath of thunder and the sword type he wants to match, even not much worse than the old man. In the future, if you If you have any questions about your practice, you can ask your senior brother for advice.”

It seemed that the atmosphere was a little cold, and Kuwashima Cigoro, a little old man who was usually a little serious, actually took the initiative to introduce his eldest disciple to the boy with a smile.

[Tsk, it just happened to be half a year earlier! 】

Fu Yue frowned, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Bai Jie looked at Fuyue for a while, nodded, and then asked Kuwashima Cigoro, "Master, you haven't taught him the breath of thunder, have you?"

"Ah? No, no, Fuyue is still in the stage of laying the foundation, but he has a good talent. I will be ready to teach in a few days..."

Kuwashima Cigoro was a little surprised why Bai Jie asked this question, but he still explained his education plan.

"Have you not learned yet...that's fine."

Bai Jie whispered to himself, then put the sun blade in his hand on the ground, and said with a blank face: "Boy, now I'll give you one last chance, leave Taoshan, and you will never see the old man from now on, as for The matter of master and apprentice, you should also treat it as never happened."

"Huh??" Kuwashima Cigoro.

"???" Fu Yue.

After a moment of silence, this young man named Fuyue burst out first: "What do you mean!? Are you looking down on me!!!"

To be honest, it's really not that Fu Yue has a big temper. After all, Bai Jie's words just now almost threw his dignity on the ground, and he stepped on it a few times, and everyone would explode. In fact, if he didn't take into account Kuangdao Ciwulang is on the side, and Fuyue is probably ready to do it.

"Bai Jie... who are you?" Kuwashima Cigoro couldn't understand Bai Jie's mind. Why did he have such a big opinion about his new disciple.

"If the swordsman of the Ghost Killing Squad becomes a ghost, then the trainer who taught him the breathing method will cut himself off... Well, although Mr. Rintaki said that this is just an unwritten rule, I think it's such a silly thing. You should do it."

Bai Jie said calmly, but the content inside made Kuwashima Jigoro very moved.

"What! That old man really didn't hold the door. He can talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Kuangdao Cigoro whispered, but a smile appeared on his face, but remembering what Bai Jie said to Fuyue just now, he patiently persuaded him: "Ajie, although Fuyue is a little grumpy, The old man can guarantee that he, like you, is a very good child, and will never fall into a ghost!"

"You've only known him for two months, so why can you make such a guarantee?"

Bai Jie shook his head, "I wouldn't give my trust to a stranger at will, and I don't want to come back someday, only to see your guts spilling all over the floor."

Hey... trouble!

After all, he was the master who taught him [Breath of Thunder], so Bai Jie couldn't just watch the other side cut his belly.

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