I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 7 Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan (For flowers! For collection!)


Just when Bai Jie was hesitating whether to get involved in Uchiha's affairs, two figures appeared on the street of Konoha below that made him a little concerned.

Well, there is no need to wonder why Bai Jie can see so far, although he is not from the Hyuga family, but since the superposition of the two worlds' own strengths last night, his physical fitness and fighting ability are not the same.

Clairvoyant Shunfeng Er did not dare to say anything, but the movements in this Konoha Village were almost beyond his control.

"I really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here..."

Bai Jie said in a low voice, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The characteristics of these two figures are very obvious. One of them is black in black and has black hair. He is holding a baby who seems to have just been born a few months ago. His face is delicate and demure, and his figure is graceful.

As for the other person, it was even more obvious, not to mention the round belly that was already quite large, and the long blood-red hair that was as bright as fire was enough for anyone who knew a little about Hokage to guess her identity.

Uchiha Mikoto, and Uzumaki Kushina!

As the mothers of the two protagonists in the future, the two were actually good friends a long time ago. Now that they met on the street, it was inevitable that they would chat for a while, especially Kushina, who was a bit shy, and teased Erzhuzi in his childhood. After a long time, he suddenly asked Uchiha Mikoto with a mysterious expression, "How painful is it to have a baby?", which made this elegant wife wonder whether to laugh or cry.

However, before Kushina could get a definite answer, a gray-haired woman beside her suddenly stepped forward to stop her, pulled her carefully, scolded her seriously, and then ignored Uchiha Mikoto's astonished gaze, pulled her back. He walked towards Konoha Hospital with Kushina.

"I feel like I've seen this scene in the anime... Wait! Could it be that Uzumaki Naruto was born in two days?!"

Bai Jie's expression was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

No way, Hokage has been over for several years, and he is not a senior anime fan. Ghost still remembers unpopular little details such as the date of birth of the protagonist. At best, he only knows the development direction of some major events.

For example, "Take a lot!", "What is gay!", "How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry!"

Or "Nine Tails, you are too dangerous!", "Do you want to dance too?" or something like that...

Um? Strange, why is it all this kind of unsightly funny scenes? !

It turns out that the self before transmigration was so unreliable!

"It seems that I don't have time to prepare any plans anymore."

After clearing up his fluctuating emotions, Bai Jie sighed, and finally turned his gaze to Uchiha Mikoto, who was holding Erzhuzi on the street, and said in a flat tone, "Since we've already met, I'll give you one more arrogant bunch. As for whether you can seize the opportunity or not, it depends on your own choices in the future..."

With this thought in mind, Bai Jie raised his right hand, as if snapping his fingers, letting his thumb and index finger flick with each other.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of Chakra that was undetectable to ordinary people shot and flew out of it, and the target it aimed at was the beautiful woman who seemed to be preoccupied thousands of meters away.



"I am back!"

At dusk, Uchiha Fuyue, who was wearing a Konoha Shinobi standard vest, returned to the mansion where he lived in the Uchiha family, reached out and opened the door of the entrance, and habitually shouted into the house.

Speaking of which, the living conditions of Uchiha Fugaku's family are really quite good. Even among the major ninja tribes, they are among the best. This can be seen from the mansion at his feet.

The reason for this is not only because Uchiha Fugaku became the patriarch, but because Uchiha of his lineage is good at business, before becoming the patriarch, he was a well-known local tyrant family in the family, and Uchiha Mikoto's father is still a member of the family. One of the most powerful elders of the older generation.

The strong alliance between the two sides has made Uchiha Fugaku's patriarch's position as stable as Mount Tai.

Of course, the position of the patriarch is not so easy to hold. While you gain power and convenience, the responsibilities and pressures you have to bear are enough to make you breathless.

But fortunately, Uchiha Fugaku feels that his childhood is much better than that of the previous two generations of patriarchs. After all, he still has a good wife and two lovely children.

"Welcome back, dear."

Sure enough, after waiting for a few seconds, a soft and graceful voice sounded from the living room, and then Uchiha Mikoto came out of the figure wearing an apron, and came to Fugaku with a smile, just like those Sakura flower country in the movie. Like a wife, she gently served him and put on his shoes and socks.

"How is it, how is Sasuke today?"

Seeing the graceful curves revealed after his wife leaned over, Uchiha Fugaku's mind couldn't help swaying slightly, thinking about whether he should work hard tonight and try to create a sister for Itachi and Sasuke next year.

After all, Itachi is already so good, no matter how many sons it is, it is useless, and the daughter is more cute!

"He... a little lazy pig. He didn't open his eyes at all when he was outside today, but when he got home, he started making a fuss. Now Itachi is coaxing him in the room."

Hearing her husband talking about her younger son, Mikoto's face showed a helpless smile, but the next moment she seemed to remember something, and said to Uchiha Fugaku with a hesitant expression: "Speaking of which, I met Kushina this morning, Lord Biwako is also by her side, if she counts the days, she should be giving birth soon..."

"Really? No wonder the recent changes in the village are a bit strange, I should have thought of that."

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, but he nodded quickly, not too surprised.

No way, Kushina's big belly is there, as long as she is not blind, she is not like Jinchūriki in the past, she is not always used as a tool to control her words and deeds, as the heart and soul of the wife slave of the Fourth Generation Baby, she has as much freedom as that rapper at Cloud Shinobi.

It is precisely because of this that the news of her pregnancy did not hide too many people. The big ninjas of Konoha knew it, and even guessed the date of her delivery.

It's just that due to the particularity of Jinchūriki, the high-level officials of the Hokage Building, in the name of secrecy, refused to participate in all the ninjas, including the Uchiha family who were the worst with them.

"I hope the mother and son are safe. Fourth Generation is a good person. With him as Hokage to lead everyone, I believe that Uchiha may not be able to return to Konoha's decision-making circle in the future."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed softly and looked at his sad-faced wife, knowing that she was worried about her best friend's safety, and just wanted to comfort her.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed dramatically, the blood-red Sharingan turned on silently, and the three iconic black Tomoe spun frantically, and distorted and transformed into a complex pattern in the blink of an eye.

Mangekyō Sharingan! !

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

There are two more!

Ask for flowers! Ask for collection! *

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