In the distance outside the forest, there is a row of towering mountains and mountains, and between them are rolling hills and sparse forests. At this time, the firelight is obscured, hundreds of torches are covering the mausoleum, and two groups of people are fighting. Life and death struggle.

Bai Jie looked at this scene with a little doubt in his heart, but suddenly, as if sensing something, he stared at a high platform in the center of the battlefield.

On the high platform, there was a woman in a yellow shirt tied with her backhand on the platform, her hair like clouds hung down, covering most of her face, making it difficult for people to see her beautiful face.

But Bai Jie's eyes seemed to pass through the cover of the blue silk, and the silhouette of a peerless elf was reflected in the clear and indifferent pupils like the lake.

His mind was moving, Bai Jie's perception, as if there was a strange and unpredictable qi machine circulating in the yellow shirt woman's body, attracted him like a vortex.

This is incredible, although Bai Jie's self-raised character is not Liuxiahui's role, but it is not enough to feel a heartbeat when seeing a strange woman for the first time, who can't even see her face clearly.

And after eliminating this bizarre possibility, it can only prove that there is something wrong with this woman!

At the same time, just as Bai Jie was frowning and pondering, in the distance, the yellow-shirted woman tied to the stage opened her eyes slightly, and a hint of doubt flashed in her star-like eyes.

"Strange...why did the Heavenly Demon Qi in my body start to run automatically after this guy appeared, could it be...because of the longevity formula?"

On the other side, the surrounding screams were even more noisy. The two groups of men and horses fought with each other hand in hand. The torches were scattered, either stuck on the ground or tied to trees. The closer to the high platform at the core, the denser the torches.

One of the men and horses attacked fiercely, and the strong wind brought about it was even more tragic.

Bai Jie was disturbed by this scene, and looked at the menacing men with dissatisfaction, and found doubts from their armor and facial features: "Turkic people?"

There are five dynasties in the Shenzhou Continent that govern the world together. Except for Wuwai, who has long been overwhelmed by the forces of Jianghu, the other four dynasties have their own enemies.

In the Song Dynasty, the Khitans harassed the border, and the barbarians frequently invaded in the north, and the Ming Dynasty fought with the Mongolian iron cavalry for many years.

As for the Da Sui Dynasty under Bai Jie's feet, it has been in love with and killed these Turks for hundreds of years, and has never been able to completely expel them from the Da Sui state.

And since more than 20 years ago, a great location master who called himself "Wu Zun" Bi Xuan suddenly rose up, and the arrogance of the Turks became more and more arrogant, making the already turbulent Sui Kingdom more and more dejected.

Thinking like this, Bai Jie turned to look at another group of people. These people looked like normal people from the Central Plains, but the clothes and armor on their bodies were not the style of the Sui Kingdom, and the style was quite messy, so they were obviously not a regular army.

As time goes by, the battle between the two sides has become intensified, and the battle is very fierce, and it seems that the winner will be decided at any time.

But the real situation is that after fighting for half an hour, the two sides are still in a stalemate, and neither can do anything about the other.

It is true that in terms of number only, the Central Plains army has more than three times more than the Turks, and it is reasonable to say that they should quickly gain the upper hand, but the Turks on the opposite side have been fighting in harsh environments all year round, both in terms of momentum and combat effectiveness. They have to be stronger than one, and there are hundreds of white giant wolves around their horses, as a surprise attack.

As a result, the battle between the two sides gradually turned into a tangled battle.

The sword qi and knife light reflect the flame of the torch from time to time, just like the ghost fire that flickers endlessly, which makes people feel the vivid and terrifying war.

The distribution of the battlefield is vast, and although the high platform is the main one, there are fiercely fighting crowds everywhere, chasing each other, and it is extremely tragic.

Could it be that this is enough to take the battle strength to attack the city and conquer the land, is it just to compete for this yellow shirt woman?

"Where's the kids, feed me him!"

Seeing that the outcome was inexorable, dozens of iron cavalry around began to play guerrilla warfare aimlessly, harassing the Central Plains army everywhere, and it didn't take long to find Bai Jie "squatting in the grass", a Turkic youth in satin gold armor. , immediately issued a hideous sneer.

The dozen or so white wolves that followed him suddenly let out cruel wolf howls, as if they understood human words, and rushed towards Bai Jie, who was surrounded by them.

Seeing this, Bai Jie's eyes became extremely cold, but he had no intention of resisting. He let these white wolves bite his body, and at once, six fierce wolves hung on Bai Jie's body and kept tearing it apart. Bite, the Turkic cavalry cheered loudly like a mockery from a distance.

However, the Fierce Wolf's movements continued to increase, pulling on Bai Jie's body continuously. The movements changed from fierceness to struggle at first, and finally the struggle gradually weakened until the limbs were weakly pulled down. Only the wolf mouth still bit Bai Jie, at first glance, I thought Bai Jie had approved a white wolf jacket.

"Sui Gou? What have you done to my children?"

At this moment, no matter how stupid the tens of cavalry were, they realized that something was wrong, and their gazes at Bai Jie suddenly became fierce, and the golden-armored youth immediately shouted.

"Recognize wolves as sons, and indeed beasts!"

Bai Jie let out a faint sound, and the air flow like pink smoke suddenly rose from his body, and got into the six white wolves. The six white wolves were suddenly placed in the desert and exposed to the sun for several years, and even the hair turned from snow white to withered yellow. The color of the six white wolves turned into mummified corpses in an instant, and then they were shattered into ashes by Bai Jie's infuriating body.

"This is……"

Such a strange scene made the Turkic Cavalry not stunned, and immediately prepared to surrender. Who knew that the golden armored nobles did not know if they saw their pet's death, and they were furious, and they even shouted and cursed directly.

"The scumbag Sui Gou actually killed my child and killed him for me!!"

The rest of the cavalry looked at their masters with hesitation on their faces. They could understand that there were some people they couldn't afford to offend, and they didn't want to seek death for no reason.

"Why are you still standing there? Kill him for me!! Do you want to be demoted to slaves?"

But he didn't have time to hear his subordinate's reply, and a white sword qi that was several meters long came straight into the sky, like a substantial giant blade passing through the body directly, blowing it into a blood mist that filled the sky. .

After the sword light, a strong gravitational force drew all the living beings towards Bai Jie, and the pink mist rose again.

All the Turkic people and horses that touched the pink mist seemed to have their 853 strength and life evacuated, their resistance became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely. Become the fertilizer that nourishes the earth on this mausoleum.

"Yo, demon, monster... bang——-!!!!!!"

A Turk who came with the golden-armored youth, but survived because of the long distance, suddenly fell off his horse after seeing this scene, and then fled to the rear in a two-strand fight, while running back. Roaring like crazy.

However, before he could finish speaking, a sword energy flashed past, and his head exploded like a watermelon.


As soon as the words fell, Bai Jie's figure rose lightly, and in an instant, he floated across the battlefield of hundreds of feet and came to the high platform.

Spears, axes, halberds, and hijabs attacked aggressively.


With a flick of his long sleeves, Bai Jie gently swung his arms, and his qi burst out, and the swords and swords were damaged everywhere he passed, and then all the warriors were swept away with unparalleled strength.

At the same time, the wooden pillar that tied the woman on the high platform suddenly shattered inch by inch.

The woman in yellow suddenly broke off the shackles of the wooden pillar, and when her graceful body fell backwards, Bai Jie had already embraced her, then stretched out her hand and patted her back, causing more than a dozen warriors who ran up the high platform to spit blood again. fly.

The next moment, he flew up and crossed over the battlefield like a great roc soaring for nine days, and disappeared into the dark night in an instant.

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