I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 98: The Destined Enemy

"First meeting, Mrs. Mikoto, you are as beautiful as Kushina-san said, and Fugaku-sama is really enviable!"

In fact, it was Bai Jie who met Uchiha Mikoto for the second time. With a slightly distorted expression on Uchiha Fugaku's face, he greeted him kindly. He didn't use his mental power to occupy the other person's body, and he wiped his lips. Honey likes to praise it.

"Hehe, Bai Jie-kun is really good at talking, he must be very popular with girls on weekdays.

Uchiha Mikoto also covered his mouth and chuckled when he heard the words, thinking that the recently hot young hero in front of him seemed to be more interesting than he thought, and he didn't know why the other party had been so unremarkable in the past few years.

Is it really because the blood continuum has not awakened?

"Okay Mikoto, Bai Jie-kun and we are all invited, don't make Fourth Generation wait too long."

Uchiha Fugaku said this, and at the same time took a step forward without a trace, blocking Bai Jie's sight of his wife, raised his hand and knocked on the door in front of him.

Uchiha Mikoto didn't know about the original incident, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't plan to tell her, so although he was in a very complicated mood at the moment, he didn't dare to show it too much.

But considering that peculiar experience, after Uchiha Fugaku, there is a high probability that he will not let his wife meet Bai Jie alone again, otherwise, he is really a little worried that one day he will unknowingly have more hat.

That is so dangerous!

Namikaze House, in a small room on the second floor.

Bai Jie, Namikaze Minato, and Fugaku are surrounding Naruto in the crib. Occasionally, little Sasuke who is in Mikoto's arms will also come forward, hold the crib, and stare at Naruto sleeping on the bed. Little yellow hair, big watery eyes full of curiosity.

Three big men, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say, so there is only the gentle laughter of women teasing children in the room.

Especially Kushina, after four months of recuperation, she has completely recovered her life energy, and she has changed back to that lively young woman full of vitality.

Coupled with the freshness of being a new mother, she fell in love with Naruto again without saying a few words, even if she wanted to hold Naruto for a while.

Of course, in fact, even if Mikoto really wanted to hug, she couldn't do it, because the bastard in her arms would definitely be the first to not want to.

It is strange to say that these two good friends who will fall in love and kill each other in the future are obviously only meeting for the first time, and one of them can't even speak the basic pronunciation. It's not the Chakra within them that belongs to Ashura and Indra.

Bai Jie thought so, but Kushina's voice came from beside him.

"Xiao Bai, when Naruto grows up, you and Minato will be responsible for teaching him ninjutsu together"". 55

It seems that because of the familiarity over the past few months, Kushina's name for Bai Jie has also naturally changed to Xiaobai, and at this moment, looking at the sleeping son in his arms, he said something on a whim.

"Yes, yes, but I'm best at Wood Style right now, so I can't teach him. As for the Five Elements Escape Technique, the Third Generation project is more professional!"

Bai Jie laughs dumbly. He doesn't have the habit of being a good teacher, not to mention that he becomes strong all by himself, and he can't teach others.

"That's right... Minato, let's go visit Lord Third Generation together another day. 35 Kushina thinks about it and thinks it makes sense.

Although Bai Jie's strength is strong, but he is only a child, he may not know how to teach others, but the Third Generation is different, a three-kage-level, even Minato, who is a disciple and grandson, has accepted his guidance. It is the best candidate for Naruto's enlightenment teacher.

"Lord Third Generation, that is indeed a good choice."9

Uchiha Mikoto on the side heard this, and immediately showed an expression of envy: "It's a pity that itachi and Sasuke in our family probably don't have this blessing. 35

"Uh... it doesn't matter Mikoto, Third Generation is just doing a simple enlightenment, now as a consultant, how can he have so much time to teach children.

Having said that, Kushina still had a hint of pride in her heart when she thought that her son was able to receive the guidance of the Third Generation's grandfather.

O woman!

The powerful mental force sensed Kushina's mood swings, Bai Jie pouted inwardly, but still had a polite smile on his face, and said to Namikaze Minato, who was also silly, "Brother Minato, what do you mean? Anyway, I think that Jiraiya-sama is more suitable to teach Naruto than Third Generation.

Again, because of the Nine Tails incident, Bai Jie almost changed the tragic fate of the Namikaze Minato family. Rounding up is a life-saving grace, so for his distant cousin of Kushina, the Namikaze Minato couple are naturally quite grateful.

In the past few months, Bai Jie has been invited by Minato from time to time to come here for a meal. After going back and forth, their relationship has naturally become more intimate.

This kind of performance is also manifested in the address. In the case of not a formal occasion, Bai Jie directly called ".~ brother" and "sister", which is not at all outside.

"Absolutely not!

Kushina's face was originally full of smiles, but after hearing Jiraiya's name, she swiped her face and became embarrassed: "Jiraiya teacher is too serious, if Naruto learns ninjutsu with him, sooner or later, he will be spoiled."

Then what do you mean by letting Third Generation teach Naruto? Don't you know that Sannin was taught by him?

Bai Jie complained in his heart, but soon the topic was terminated, because Naruto suddenly struggled violently in his mother's arms, and Kushina, who felt the wetness on his forearm, changed his face and immediately I threw my son to my husband, and went to look for diapers in a panic.

Obviously, Minato and his wife, who are first-time parents, are still not proficient in taking care of children, and Naruto is not the reincarnation of Ah Xiu (Qian Zhao's) Luo. , is tossing in his father's arms.

As a result, the Indra cub, who was held in Uchiha Mikoto's arms, felt the provocation of the "old enemy", and began to move unconvinced.

There is a great momentum of "if you dare to release water, I will drop bombs".

Uchiha Mikoto's face froze, and then he apologized, handed little Sasuke to the bewildered Uchiha Fugaku's arms, and ran to help Kushina find diapers together.

For a time, the air was so inexplicably quiet.

After a while, the cries of the two cubs grew louder and louder, both Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku subconsciously turned their eyes and looked at the third person present.

Bai Jie:???

A few meanings, I don't know how to take children!

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The second update! Please complete the reservation! Please flowers! Please monthly ticket! Fen.

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