"Koharu, Homura, don't mess around anymore, Toyoichi just came back from a mission and doesn't know anything about it. I know you are also very sad, but... Asuma's death has nothing to do with Toyoichi after all, so don't embarrass him. ." Third Generation director Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a rare forced smile.

"Lord Hokage is still reasonable, but if I want to come, no one will welcome me here. In that case, I will go back first, Lord Third Generation, take care of yourselves." Chen Wu said, turned around and left.

A few sharp-edged eyes stared at him from behind.

Chen Wu was too lazy to deal with them.

He had no idea that Asuma was actually dead.

Therefore, before leaving, Chen Wu had locked his mental power here, just to understand what happened.

"Hey!" Looking at Chen Wu's back, Guy couldn't help but have a headache.

"That bastard, Feng Yi, has no sympathy at all!" Ino gnashed his teeth at Chen Wu's attitude.

Hong was silent, and now her feelings for Asuma have not reached that point.

Even, her perception of Asuma was a little worse.

Because, before, the Third Generation project asked her to take the eighth and tenth classes to search for Asuma, and she suddenly reacted. Long before she became the eighth class's Jōnin, the Third Generation project probably bound her to Asuma. together.

This made her a little uncomfortable, and she also suspected that the reason why she could be the Jōnin in the eighth class was because she was bound to Asuma.

Therefore, he was able to teach the daughter of the Hyuga clan by himself.

Although Hyuga Hiashi said that he gave up Hinata, but, all along, Hinata has not been dropped Curse Mark: Caged Bird isn't it?

Therefore, knowing that Asuma died, Hong is sad, but not as sad as she imagined.

Some are just companion grief, not companion grief.

Therefore, she didn't have much thought to feel the feeling of Chen Wu's response just now.

As for Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura is much simpler, there is no doubt that Chen Wu is a thorn in their eyes.

Moreover, it is still a thorn in the face of knowingly committing a crime and unrepentant.

Such thorns in the village are the elements of instability in the village.

must be excluded!

So, they glanced at Danzo and already had plans in their hearts.

After all, Danzo's roots have reopened before.

Only the Third Generation head, Sarutobi Hiruzen, is truly sad.

He sent off his eldest son, Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

Now, he has sent off his youngest son Sarutobi Asuma!

Plus Sarutobi Lake Biwa... Now, as a family, it's just him and Konohamaru.

Even, he didn't dare to tell Konohamaru the news.

Afraid that Konohamaru couldn't take it.

In fact, even his Hokage couldn't stand it.

In his heart, he was completely remorseful and questioning.

If, he wasn't so obsessed with this Hokage location.

If, he doesn't push Asuma so much.

If not, what happened today would not have happened.

Obviously, Asuma has been rebellious since childhood.

However, he still wants him to be Hokage.

And for this, many calculations were carried out.

These calculations are unknown, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Even teamed up with Orochimaru, who just invaded Konoha!

Could this be his retribution?

He has been doing great for decades!

But why, all of a sudden everything changed?

It became that he had to calculate carefully.

Originally, it was just a matter of pushing the boat with the current.

To become, he must personally take action.

Originally, he didn't say anything, Danzo would act automatically!

Soon, Third Generation director Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about when the change happened.

Not the Orochimaru invasion.

Instead, First Generation and Second Generation got rid of Orochimaru's control, after true independence.

Although I have always been saying that I have inherited the will of Shodai and Nidaime!

I have indeed inherited their will, as long as they do not come to life, it is not up to me to explain what their will is.

So, there is the will of fire!

But, they really came alive!

As a result, this inherited will of fire collapsed.

If you really follow this will of fire, the problem is not big.

But Third Generation director Sarutobi Hiruzen himself knew that what he was doing was a far cry from the will of fire.

Even if, for decades, he has been deceiving himself, this is the will of fire!

However, deception is deception, you can deceive everyone, but you can't deceive yourself!

I can't deceive the person who is dubbed as inheriting the will!

And once the orthodoxy of inheriting his will is denied, then he will show naked in front of everyone like a sinner who has been stripped of his clothes.

So, he did it!

He has to do it himself, and he has to make his own excuses.0

Because, he will be relieved only if he does it himself.

Otherwise, once Danzo gets the recognition of First Generation and Second Generation, he is likely to fight back.

At that time, he is still passive!

You know, Danzo once hired Kakashi to assassinate him!

And when a person is stained with dirt for a position.

For this position, it is often more full of obsession.

Originally, I just wanted to build a ladder for Asuma, but whether it can succeed in the end depends on Asuma himself.

However, when I became more obsessed with this position.

Just thinking about putting Asuma in this position.

Even, I want to continue to influence Asuma.

It's a pity that people are not as good as God!

Asuma has escaped!

And finally, was killed!

Even the heads were chopped off to exchange for gold!

Asuma offers a reward of 35 million taels.

The power gained from Orochimaru cannot protect him at all!

If you don't force him! If you don't force him!

He will not leave the village, and he will not die!

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the head of the Third Generation, was filled with endless regrets.

However, nothing has changed.

"Here!" At this moment, Utatane Koharu said solemnly.

Immediately, I saw four medical ninjas, carrying stretchers, escorted by two teams of Anbu, and came quickly.

Soon, the team stopped in front of Third Generation and said, "Lord Hokage, Lord Asuma's body has been brought back, but the head 1.4 has not been recovered. Also, this is a live report!"

Third Generation head Sarutobi Hiruzen received the report tremblingly, and the first picture was the headless Asuma, lying on a special pattern.

And Chen Wu, who was observing here through mental power, immediately knew who the murderer was.

That pattern, there is no doubt that the murderer is Hidan organized by Akatsuki!

Unexpectedly, Asuma still died in the hands of Hidan, and, it has not waited until two years later!

"Check, pursue with all your strength, those who dare to kill Konoha Shinobi, must not let them go. Utatane Koharu shouted.

"I'll leave it to you. Third Generation head Sarutobi Hiruzen handed the information to Utatane Koharu tremblingly, while he turned over Asuma's white cloth and looked at the headless Asuma, burst into tears, and murmured: "Asuma..."

At this moment, Third Generation director Sarutobi Hiruzen is undoubtedly ten years older!.

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