I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 119 River Country Mission (3)

Chapter 119

Yagyu's house.

Inside the restaurant, Ino looks at Yagyu who is having dinner.

With a smile on his face, he asked:

"How did you test the seventh class and that Temari today? They should all be very strong now!"

heard the words.

Yagyu, who was eating, nodded and said casually:

"It's not bad! Especially that guy Naruto, the foundation is already very solid, I guess it won't be long before he can grow up rapidly."

Speaking up.

Naruto can be regarded as an alternative genius.

It is impossible for him to learn theoretical knowledge well, but once he enters the state of actual combat, he will become quite excellent.

Just start the mission and encounter strong enemies.

This guy can quickly become stronger, there is no doubt about it.

Ino smiled and nodded, looking at Yagyu proudly:

"But, no matter how they become stronger, Zongjie, you will always be the most powerful!"

He smiled in approval.

Yagyu looked at Ino who was quite confident in himself, and said:

"Isn't that natural? With my current strength, it will take a certain amount of time for them to catch up with me, not to mention that I will continue to grow.

His strength has been achieved step by step.

The foundation can be said to be extremely solid!

It is different from Naruto and Sasuke's ability to be improved by various exploits in the future.

They have a cap, but Yagyu doesn't!

all in all--

Yagyu is very thankful for his cheat, it didn't give him an invincible strength right away, but it gave him the potential to grow.

It makes his future almost without any limit.

This point is quite good.

Had dinner.

After spending some time with Ino, I sent her home.

And Yagyu went back to his bedroom to lie down.

"According to the plot, it should be tonight that Gaara, who has become Kazekage, will be defeated by Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion, and then taken away, pulling out the One Tail Shrine Crane from her body."

Then, with the support of Kakashi class——

Gaara's body has been recovered!

Then, at the sacrifice of Chiyo-po, an old Kage-level puppeteer in Sunagakure, he was brought back from the dead.

"This news should reach Konoha tomorrow morning."

Pressing the thousands of thoughts in his heart, Yagyu turned over, closed his eyes and said:

"Sleep and sleep, the mission is going out tomorrow! In this wave, I want the life of the red sand scorpion and Deidara!"

People who know the organization.

Yagyu sees one and kills the other——

There is no possibility of mercy!

It is absolutely impossible to hold back for the sake of the plot.

Yagyu didn't want to fight the Fourth Ninja War at all if he could.

After all, there are always many surprises in war!


Yagyu wants to try and see if he can reverse the events of the Fourth Ninja War.

the next morning.

Yagyu, who didn't go out, has been quietly waiting at home.

Did nothing, just waited for Tsunade's notification.

The time came near noon.

Yagyu is sitting in the yard resting——


A figure appeared on the wall of his house.

It was Uzuki Xiyan in Anbu costume.

"Squatting on the fence of my house again!"

Seeing Uzuki Xiyan squatting on the wall of her house, Yagyu said speechlessly:

"I have buried a telegraph pole in the yard of my house on purpose, remember to squat on the telegraph pole next time! Uzuki Jōnin.

Line poles are more powerful than squatting on walls

Check out Uchiha Itachi——

This is the ancestor of squatting on electric poles!

That pretending to escape is first-class tough, it can't be said that he is not powerful, and it is rare for him to miss.


Uzuki Xiyan, who was originally anxious, was stunned for a while when she said this to Yagyu.

But he quickly came back to his senses and said:

"Master Yagyu, the situation is urgent! I just received the information brought by Sunagakure. Master Fifth Kazekage was defeated by two members of the Akatsuki organization and then captured. Now there is no news! Master Hokage asked you to bring all the equipment and go to the Hokage building .”


It really came (cjea)!

Hearing Uzuki Xiyan's words, Yagyu nodded with a serious face:

"I see, just wait for me!"

Turn around and walk into the house to get the equipment.

Uzuki Xiyan didn't say much, just stood on the wall of Yagyu's house and waited.

Less than a minute.

Yagyu, who changed into a new outfit, wearing Elite Jōnin mail and carrying a Chakra sword, appeared.

After changing into work clothes, Yagyu's body does not have the atmosphere of home at all, but instead has a sense of lingering rushing towards his face.

"Let's go!"

Glancing at Uzuki Xiyan, Yagyu's figure moved and ran directly towards the Hokage building:

"Now tell me all the information!"

Following behind Yagyu, Uzuki Xiyan told Yagyu all the information she knew about this matter.

This is her job.

It saves the trouble of Tsunade explaining to Yagyu again after arriving at Hokage's office.

not long.

Yagyu came to Tsunade's office without going through the door.

Instead, go in directly through the window.


With a slight sound, Yagyu's figure appeared in the office.

It's not just Tsunade alone.

There are also four members of Kakashi's class here, as well as Temari, who was still fighting together yesterday and has not left, who is anxious at the moment.

"I already understand the situation!"

As soon as he entered the office, Yagyu said directly:

"Let's start now. Is the Kakashi team also on this mission?"

When saying this.

Yagyu nodded seriously towards Kakashi next to him, and after saying hello, he looked towards Tsunade.

Nodding solemnly, Tsunade said:

"You two classes go there together! This way I can rest assured that what happened to Gaara this time is no small matter, and we must do our best to help them!"

There was a pause.

Tsunade raised his hand and threw the two scrolls to Yagyu and Kakashi:

"So, now the mission is released, Kakashi class goes to Sunagakure, get information from Sunagakure, and save Kankuro who is poisoned... Little Sakura, it's time to test your medical ninjutsu."

He nodded with a serious face.

Little Sakura's face is full of determination:

"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely do my best!"

After nodding, Tsunade's eyes fell on Yagyu:

"Zongsuke, your perceptual ninjutsu is very powerful, and you are familiar with Fifth Kazekage, so I leave the task of searching for Gaara to you! According to the information, they should be in the river country at this time!"

heard the words.

Yagyu nodded, not refusing the task—

Although Tsunade this is a bit embarrassing.

After all, the country of the river is not too big or small, and it is not too small.

It is quite difficult to find the stronghold of the Xiao organization in it!

And this time.

Temari, with a worried look on his face, came to Yagyu's side.

He said very solemnly:

"Yagyu, please take me with you! I will search Gaara with you!"

heard the words.

Yagyu nodded and said:


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