Blood fell like rain, and the Nine Tails Chakra was slammed like water, splashed, and slowly dissipated in the air.


Yagyu's eyes were wide open, and the crimson hair was flying in front of his eyes, and the back with that arm in front of him occupied all his sight.

He opened his mouth, wanting to call out the name, but found that he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Now that we have known each other, today is the first day, let the teacher invite you to eat, what do you want to eat?"




"Very well, let's go eat Ichiraku ramen!"

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Teacher, don't you want to eat?"

"I just remembered that I was too full for breakfast today, and I couldn't eat any more."

"Eat quickly."

"You haven't eaten it?"

"If you tell you to eat, you will eat!"

"My char siu is gone!"

"Me neither."

"Eat well!"


"Are you full?"


"Okay, let's do some digestive exercise!"

"The rules for exercising after meals are very simple, as long as you can meet me, you will pass! The exercise will not end until you meet me 29!"


"Yagyu, if you encounter trouble in the future, you allow yourself to make a decision, whether to attack or counterattack. You must not suffer."

"Yagyu, if you come or not, I won't count your seat!"

"This is the pass for the Konoha Library. You can borrow any ninjutsu books through this, but you can't take them out of the library. And for Genin, you can only borrow ninjutsu below C level.

"Mr. Kushina, you are late, you are going to do these things for us, right?"

"Hush! What are you looking at, put it away!"

"I said... Teacher Kushina, these are not things you stole!"

"Hush! Shh! Be careful, don't be overheard. I slipped this out while Third Generation wasn't paying attention. You have to use it well, and don't be caught by others. 17

Scenes since meeting Kushina flashed through Yagyu's mind. Then the figure of Kushina in the memory slowly overlapped with the figure flying out with open hands in front of him.

The collapsed Nine Tails Chakra, the blood gurgling from Kushina's abdomen, passed by his side along with Kushina's figure.

The whole world is silent!

Time seemed to have slowed down a hundred times, and the interlaced moments seemed as long as a year, so long that Yagyu could see Kushina's firm eyes looking over, the soft smile at the corner of the mouth bubbling blood, and the lips every hum.

"Run away!"

A weak sound suddenly rang in Yagyu's ear.

And when this sound sounded, time seemed to speed up a hundred times. Kushina crossed with him in an instant, flew out, and hit the dense forest behind him heavily, causing the trees to fall down.

One... Two... Three... All the way down, until Yagyu turned his head, he couldn't see Kushina's figure.


The giant trees fell into a pile, dust and smoke rose up, completely blocking Yagyu's sight.


Yagyu's figure was also moving rapidly, and when they staggered past, Kushina grabbed his hand and threw him out. Behind it is the village.

But Yagyu didn't seem to be aware of his situation at all, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were fixed on the place where the pile of trees fell.

It seemed that he didn't understand why Kushina stepped forward and stood in front of him. It seems to be expecting that this group of fallen giant trees will explode suddenly [Kushina is wearing a Nine Tails coat and is full of vitality.

No, it's not the Nine Tails coat, it doesn't matter, as long as Kushina can come out, the tail beast can run away!


But, until Yagyu crashed into a tree on the edge of the dense forest and rolled down, Kushina did not rush out.

During the tumbling, a little dust entered the eyes, but Yagyu's eyelids seemed uncontrollable, they just couldn't close, he just kept looking there, staring there, staring there.

Come out!

Come out!

Run away!

How could Jinchūriki of Nine Tails not go berserk! What kind of Hokage is it if he doesn’t go berserk!

Yagyu rolled to the ground, his body was so weak that he couldn't stop the rolling, and he rolled several times before he stopped.

After the stop, Yagyu fell on his back, but his head was still trying to look at the place where Kushina was knocked into the air, his eyes wide open.

At this time, Ye Yuebi's Lightning Style Chakra coat suddenly shrank, and the lightning shrank, turning into a light blue Chakra coat that only lingered on the body surface.


Blood was coughed out of his mouth, Yeyue's eyes were reddened, strands of blood flowed from countless wounds all over his body, Yeyue was almost as bloody as he was now. But his gaze was on Yagyu who was lying on his back and was slowly getting up.

No, the effect of the medicine is about to wear off, this brat should be powerless to resist!

Seeing Yagyu who had just got up, slipped and fell to the ground again, Yeyuebi didn't show the slightest pity on her face, only showing the intention of killing.

Kill him! Must kill him!

This is what my broken body can do for the village, for those lovely new lights!

Thinking of this, Yeyuebi's Chakra coat exploded suddenly, while the lightning flashed and blood sprayed, Yeyuebi punched out.

At this time Yagyu had stood up again, with his back to Yeyuebi.

The fist has reached the back of his head!


The fist has arrived!

However, Ye Yuebi's eyes widened slightly.

This Chakra!

Seeing that the fist wrapped in lightning and fire from behind was about to hit, just in the nick of time, Yagyu's throat rolled, as if swallowing something, and turned slightly

The look up of the picture.


The fist was firmly grasped by Yagyu, and the lightning crackled, but it couldn't get any points!

And the moment he grabbed it, the hand he raised immediately spurted bright red blood.

The fierce Chakra airflow steamed up. At this time, Yagyu's skin was red, and the veins on his forehead were raised. He stretched straight up in the 320 Chakra airflow, and the dusty clothes slapped his skin, making a "pop" sound. .

Forcibly open the fourth door of injury!

"Kill you!"

Yagyu turned his head slowly. When he turned his head, his neck bones made a "cracking" sound, his eyes were round and bloodshot, almost bleeding, and two lines of tears rolled down his cheeks mixed with fine dust When it falls, the eyes are raised and transpired by Chakra.


Before the words fell, Yeyue tilted her face, and she flew out suddenly.


Yagyu turned around and punched, blood spurted from the punching hand. But he didn't seem to realize it. The next second, his figure flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already behind Ye Yuebi who flew out, and then he kicked hard from the upper section.

Leaf Hurricane!


This kick firmly kicked Yeyuebi's side. Amidst the muffled sound, Yeyuebi, whose Lightning Style Chakra shrank again, only felt the pain in his ribs, and the whole person flew out sideways again.

so fast!

Ye Yuebi gritted her teeth and glanced at Yagyu's position, but found that Yagyu was no longer in the same place.

"Go to hell!"

At this time, a cold sound came from above him.


Yeyuebi turned her head to look, but before she could see Yagyu's figure clearly, she had already hit her face!


Yeyue smashed into the ground like a cannonball, and immediately the ground cracked and extended, and at the same time, dust and smoke exploded in the gap.

A pillar of dust rushed up! .

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