I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 172 Nothing Will Happen

"Kakashi, Obito..." Yuan Yelin looked at Kakashi and Obito who were covered with scars, and ran over quickly. At this time, she was still in Hirohiko and Xue Nai's ward, but Xue Nai's bed was already empty.

Kakashi looked at Xue Nai's ward, and then looked at the single ward area with an aisle outside the door. At this time, three rooms away from the double ward, there were two Anbu guarding, and two nurses came in and out. Come out, take out some bloody bandages and hot water from time to time.

And next door to this ward is also guarded by two Anbu.

"What's going on here? Where's Xue Nai?" Kakashi asked, and Obito also followed Kakashi's gaze. When he saw the big battle of Anbu guards, he was also taken aback. Then, he thought of something , grabbed her hair with both hands, and said with horror on her face: "Could it be that Xue Nai is in that room? Her injury is so serious, with so many bandages, she...she won't die!"

Seeing Obito's startled and crow-mouthed appearance, the exhaustion after the battle and the helplessness towards Obito made his eyes half-closed, and said: "Didn't Lin check Xue Nai's injuries before meeting that invading ninja?" Is it all skin trauma, apart from some excessive blood loss, is there nothing serious?"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Obito stopped scratching his head for a moment, his horrified expression froze, blinked his eyes, and then suddenly said: "Yeah, Xue Nai is fine" Lin Te checked."

At this time, Lin who was bandaging the two said, "Xue Nai is inside."

"Huh?" Kakashi was taken aback, the corners of his eyes twitched, and the corners of his mouth under the mask should have twitched. 29 "That, that.....It's really Yukina inside! This is not good! How did Yukina get hurt so badly? Was it when Kakashi and I forced that invading ninja out just now?" Obito originally The face that had calmed down turned into a look of horror again, the hair was gripped even tighter, the eyes widened, and the pupils trembled slightly.

Lin looked at the two, closed her eyes and sighed, "It's Yagyu."

"Yagyu? What's the matter with Yagyu?" Obito kept his hair in both hands and turned his head.

Kakashi also seemed to have not recovered from the shock of "Xue Nai is really inside" just now, and looked over with the stunned expression just now.

"Yagyu was seriously injured, and Mr. Kushina." Lin was worried when she said this.

"Ms. Kushina saved?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, Mr. Minato should have rescued him. At this time, Mr. Minato was in the next ward, and Mr. Kushina was treating the wound there. Now Master Tsunade is operating on Yagyu." Lin said.

"Surgery?" Kakashi frowned, looking at the ward where the little nurse was coming and going.

Obito also let out a sigh of relief, and said: "It's good that Xue Nai is fine, and finally he has lived up to Yagyu's entrustment.

However, before he could breathe out half a breath and put his hands down from his hair, his eyes widened again, and he shouted anxiously: "Isn't that... Yagyu's life is in danger! He won't hurry Die! This is not okay! When I become Hokage, I will hire him as my chief staff officer!"

Before he finished speaking, Kakashi and Lin made a "silence" gesture to him at the same time.

This is a hospital, there are still people undergoing surgery, be quiet!

Seeing the movements of the two, Obito quickly covered his lips and nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood.

The two sighed, and then, Kakashi seemed to think of something, looked at Obito, narrowed his eyes slightly: "Hey? I want to hire Yagyu as the chief staff officer, which seems to be different from what I told me before... "

Feeling Kakashi's gaze, Obito maintained the posture of covering his mouth, and cast his eyes outside, with a look of "Did I say that?" Then, Obito broke the topic.

"Umm.........what, why is Yagyu seriously injured and undergoing surgery, and Xue Nai is inside?"

"Yagyu needs a blood transfusion, but the blood type is a rare blood type, which is no longer available in the blood bank. And Xue Nai's blood type is the same as Yagyu's blood type, so..." Lin frowned and said worriedly.

"You mean, Xue Nai transfused Yagyu's blood inside?" Kakashi was shocked when he heard that, his eyes widened a little.

On the other hand, Obito, although he covered his mouth with his hands and made a sound of silence, but he frowned unconsciously.

"How can this work? She was unconscious due to excessive blood loss, and she was given a blood transfusion to Yagyu. Didn't she die? Why didn't you stop her!" Kakashi said urgently.

"I want to stop her too, but..." Lin glanced at Kakashi, and said a little aggrieved, "I can't stop her!"

Kakashi frowned, looked at Lin and then at the ward: "If it was Yagyu, I'm afraid Xueqi would not agree to give him a blood transfusion.

"I can't blame Lin, what Xue Nai decided is hard to change." At this time, a voice came from Hong Yan's hospital bed.

At this time, although the three of them were at the door, their voices were not low, as if they were heard by Hirohiko inside.

"Are you awake?" The three quickly entered the double ward.

At this time, Hirohiko was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling with both eyes, his whole face was covered with bandages, and he couldn't tell what expression it was, but the three of them could imagine that this guy must have a poker face.

"Have you been rescued?" Hiroko asked.

Apparently asking about Kushina.

"Rescued." Obito replied, "How are you?"

"It's much better." Hirohiko said, although he said much better, but he didn't really look very good, at least, now he can't do anything except his eyeballs can move.

"Don't worry, Xue Nai is very strong and won't die easily." Hirohiko said again.

Kakashi, Obito and Lin looked at each other with worried faces.

"She won't let something happen to her, because she knows that it will make Yagyu feel guilty." Hirohiko kept looking at the ceiling and said lightly.

The three of Kakashi looked at each other again, and at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Lin, are you there? Lin!"

It was Shiga Taketake's voice, and it sounded quite anxious.

Sensing the anxiety in Shiga Taketake's tone, the three of Kakashi hurried out, and the moment they were about to leave the room, they almost collided with the three of Shiga Taketake who rushed in.

Fortunately, both sides responded quickly, standing still and pushing away immediately.

At this moment, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Kento were covered in injuries and covered in dust, and they looked much more embarrassed than Kakashi and Obito. They were supporting Hyuga Snow Eagle from left to right. At this time, Hyuga Snow Eagle He looked very bad, bleeding from many large wounds on his body, and his face was pale and pale.

"Lin, can you help Xue Ying stop the bleeding first, it won't work if it continues like this, the hospital is in short supply of manpower, and there is no one to spare... You are going to become a medical ninja, Lin!" Shiga Takeyue Urgent way.

"Put him down quickly!" Lin said anxiously, although she is still an apprentice now, seeing Hyuga Snow Eagle's injury, the most important thing now is to stop the bleeding, and she can still do some measures to stop the bleeding.

And Lin also showed decisiveness. If Yagyu was here, she would definitely feel that Lin is actually a very powerful medical ninja. It can be seen from the original work that she was so young at the time of the Kanna Bridge Battle. To be able to perform complex operations like eye replacement, her talent as a medical ninja should be quite outstanding.

Of course, there must be a lot of hard work behind it.

And look at the bandages on Obito and Kakashi. Just during the conversation, she applied medicine and bandaged Obito and Kakashi. The movements are very skilled, I am afraid I have done a lot of practice.

Of course, compared with Hyuga Snow Eagle, Kakashi and Obito's injuries are much lighter. Although only a simple 270 bandage can be done now, it does not affect their lives.

It can be said that the Kakashi and Obito group suffered the lightest injuries.

This wound........ Try it and see if it works!

Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Kento hurriedly placed Hyuga Snow Eagle on Xue Nai's hospital bed. Lin was ready. After taking a deep breath, she pressed her hands on Hyuga Snow Eagle's wound. The medical Chakra slowly poured out.

It worked! It was successful once. I wanted to use medical Chakra before, but I only succeeded once or twice out of ten times!

Lin was delighted in her heart, but her face was abnormally focused, and after a while, seeing that Hyuga Xueying's wound had begun to heal, she breathed a sigh of relief and said to Obito and Kakashi: "Kakashi, Obito, quickly give Wu Yue Bandage with Jianren!"

Kakashi and Obito were taken aback.

Let's bandage people up?

"Don't be dazed, hurry up!" Lin said again, her tone was beyond doubt.


Subconsciously, Kakashi and Obito responded simultaneously.

Lin...it's totally different from usual!

Kakashi and Obito looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, but they still bandaged Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo honestly.

Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Kento were also relieved to see Xueying's wound start to heal, and they bandaged Kakashi and Obito with peace of mind.

Just now Hyuga Snow Eagle passed out, they were ordered by Hyuga Shinsuke to send Hyuga Snow Eagle to the hospital for treatment, while Hyuga Shinsuke continued to stay in the Forbidden Technique room to avoid being attacked again. The situation was urgent, but I forgot about my injury. At this time, Kakashi and Obito were bandaged, and there were bursts of pain, and the two gritted their teeth slightly.

"Where's Yagyu?"

Kiuchi Taketo suddenly asked.

Kakashi and Obito, who were holding bandages and medicine, paused slightly.

"He'll be fine."

It was Hirohiko who said this. .

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