Four days after Kushina was kidnapped, all the wounded and sick had been treated, and Konoha Hospital reopened after being closed for four days. Although the villagers in Konoha Village were surprised that the disinfection operation lasted for four days, but because the rented houses of Third Hokage carried out treatment and consultation measures for ordinary villagers, the villagers were just surprised that this long time The disinfection operation did not bring any inconvenience to their lives, and they didn't care too much.

Yagyu also lamented Third Hokage's methods, such a big matter was able to be hidden from the past seamlessly.

And on the fifth day, because the treatment of the wounded and sick was completed, the hospital was also vacated, and with the spare manpower, the injuries of Hirohiko, Yukina, and Hyuga Snow Eagle were also treated by medical ninjutsu.

Hyuga Xueying was discharged from the hospital on the same day. Most of his body was traumatic, and he could be treated quickly with medical ninjutsu. Lin had already treated him before, but Lin was not very proficient in the medical Chakra "four four zero" after all. The effect of hemostasis has been achieved, and some wounds have healed, but they have not completely healed.

This time, he was treated by a senior medical ninja, and his injuries almost healed in just one hour.

As for Hirohiko, he still needs to be hospitalized for a period of time because of the problem with his hands, but other injuries have been healed.

And Xue Nai, after the treatment, was taken back to Hyuga's house to raise her body because she was too weak.

Kakashi, Obito, Shiga Taketake, and Kiuchi Kento received treatment for their injuries the day before, that is, the day after Yagyu woke up. up. Unable to visit him.

Yagyu has never seen Kushina since the day she woke up. It should be under strict protection, after all, it was just taken away.

Now, on the eighth day after the incident, Yagyu is still in a single ward with plaster all over his body, unable to move, and suffers from the itchy feeling every day.

However, Yagyu didn't care much, not that he didn't care about this tingling and uncomfortable feeling "but his attention was already attracted by other things at this time.

The current Yagyu is full of injury mode and the battle with Yeyuebi. Yeyuebi has a lot of fighting experience. Yagyu has been recalling the battle with him during this time.

Learn from the combat experience.

And in this battle, he also turned on the injury door mode for the first time. He was constantly recalling that feeling, thinking about how to master the injury door mode. After all, opening it once does not mean completely mastering it. After the birth door mode was opened for the first time, he also tried many times before he could truly open it as he wanted.

Moreover, the injury mode that time was not the perfect injury mode. The catharsis of the chakra's fury caused the consumption of a considerable amount of Chakra during the transformation. At that time, when he turned on the injury mode, the level of Chakra in his body was barely enough. Amount of Chakra up to Jōnin level. It is still far from the estimated amount of Chakra at the Elite Jōnin level.

Of course, this is also because when he opened the injury door, he had a fight with Yeyue, and Chakra vented his anger.

There is still a lot of room for improvement in the wound mode, but Yagyu has confirmed that the Chakra amount of Elite Jōnin can definitely be used in the wound mode.

This is also a blessing in disguise. I almost died in this battle, but it also opened the injury mode.

In addition to the injury mode, Yagyu feels that the biggest gain in this battle is his mentality.

With this near-death battle, he took the word "death" lightly. It cannot be said that he didn't care about his own life and death, but in the face of death, Yagyu was more daring and able to "fight" !

At least he will not retreat because of death, and even become cautious in tactical choice, thus missing the opportunity to turn around from dying.

The so-called meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Yagyu has begun to have the mentality of a "brave" after this life-and-death battle.

In fact, Yagyu is no longer as trembling as before in the face of the third battle. The change in mentality and the opening of the injury mode for the first time have given him the confidence to survive the third battle.

Yagyu has also benefited a lot from Yeyuebi's battles. From repeated memories and analysis, Yagyu also unknowingly incorporated some of Yeyuebi's combat-experienced hero's attacking movements into his physical skills. middle.

However, Yagyu did not have any sense of ease in the third battle because of the opening of the injury mode and the change of mentality.

In the third ninja world war, many enemy ninjas with outstanding strength emerged, and he was far from being complacent.

Moreover, the current him also noticed another thing, another thing that made him feel particularly heavy.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Yagyu's ward.

"Is that Hirohiko?" Yagyu murmured to himself.

Because Hirohiko still needs to be hospitalized for a while, and besides the injuries to his hands, other parts of him have almost recovered, these days, he occasionally comes back to visit...

As for her injury, it will take some time. According to Yuriko's estimation, the cast should be able to be removed this month.

"Come in." He answered.

Then, the door of the ward was pushed, and Hirohiko walked in with two mallet-like hands hanging down, looked at the appearance of Yagyu's mummy, and said, "How is it?"

"The plaster cast will be removed this month." Yagyu had a slight smile on his face, seeing Hirohiko, the heaviness in his heart dissipated a lot.

Although Hirohiko has a poker face with two mallet hands hanging down, it doesn't look like he can make people happy.

After Hirohiko came in, he sat down beside Yagyu's bed and said, "I will remove the cast and leave the hospital tomorrow."

"Oh, that's good." Yagyu said.

"What do you bring for a visit?" Hiroko still had a poker face, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Hearing the words, Yagyu's eyes lit up, and he instantly understood what Hirohiko was thinking, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Get your wallet ready," Yagyu said.

Hirohiko still has a poker face, but the look in his eyes is surprisingly similar to Yagyu's look at this time.

"I saved a lot of money for the Chūnin exam." Hirohiko said.

"Ha! You really bet me more than once, no, give me half!" Yagyu said.

"How about the barbecue?" Hirohiko said, his words seemed to break the topic.

"Barbecue!" Yagyu's eyes lit up, and he was about to collapse after eating the hospital's patient meals these days, and his mouth faded out: "For two."

"Understood!" Hongyan successfully hit Liu 5.2 Sheng's weakness, and successfully broke the topic.

As he said that, Hirohiko got up to leave, and then thought of something: "I will also see Xue Nai tomorrow.

"Well, I don't know what happened to Xue Nai." Yagyu said, "Come back and tell me."

"Yeah." Hirohiko stood up, ready to leave.

While opening the door, Yagyu suddenly said: "Since we are going to see her, let's buy some gifts.


Hirohiko was startled, and looked back.

But Yagyu looked at him with a smile and said: "Remember to sign and we bought it together.

Hirohiko's poker face twitched.

Damn it! He took it back again.


Hiroko opened the door and left.

Yagyu watched him leave and let out a long breath.

He was almost bypassed by him! This kid is so cunning when it comes to money!.

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