"Master Third Generation, you just said that ninjas sacrificed for the village, and the village exists to protect the ninjas. At this time, it is clear that the village failed to protect Teacher Kushina. Why should all the mistakes be blamed on Teacher Kushina?" Looking at everyone's expressions, Yagyu added another sentence.

"This..." Third Hokage was taken aback.

What is this kid trying to say?

And Danzo lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu showed disapproving expressions, only to hear Mitokado Homura say: "Any defense has loopholes, and will be caught by those who want to. There has never been an impenetrable wall. Therefore, when there are loopholes and losses It is time to make repairs to prevent the next occurrence of ventilation. It is to learn lessons from each ventilation and ensure that the same mistakes will not be made again in order to build a wall that will never fall.”

It's really a child's thinking, thinking so absolutely about everything. No one can avoid negligence, the key is to correct after negligence.

This kid is really a bit unreasonable.

Mitokado Homura shook his head inwardly.

"Yes, Yagyu, negligence is unavoidable for anyone, and we should not blame others too much. Moreover, where does this push the fault of negligence to Kushina?" Third Hokage also said.

Hearing this, Yagyu didn't look at Third Hokage, but looked at Danzo.

Sure enough, this Danzo is very cunning! However, he did not realize the trap in my words.

Yagyu judged so after seeing a smile flashing in Danzo's eyes.

After the judgment, Yagyu said: "It is true that negligence needs to be corrected. But how did you correct it? Mr. Kushina, who made no mistakes, was grounded at home and lost his freedom. Mrs. Kushina who did nothing, not only because of you Because of your negligence, you were almost kidnapped, and because of your negligence, you have to stay at home, and then satisfy your arrogant fantasy of making up for your mistakes. Isn't this putting all the mistakes on Teacher Kushina?"

After the series of words fell, the four of them were taken aback again.

What I said seems to make sense, but it doesn't seem to make sense, but...

Looking at the four of them, Yagyu struck while the iron was hot, and said, "Do you think this is reasonable? Shouldn't I question the decision of such a group of most powerful ninjas in the village to shirk responsibility?"

While speaking, Yagyu's eyes fell on Danzo's face vaguely.

Still standing still?

"Mr. Kushina should indeed be protected, but it is not the protection of your "shirking responsibility". It is the protection of your "righteously taking responsibility". She should be freed, and more people should be sent to her, and she Trusted ninjas who can make her feel safe to protect." Yagyu added.

While speaking, his gaze had already landed on Third Hokage's face.

Sure enough, Third Hokage

"Hmm..." At this moment, Third Hokage murmured, as if he wanted to say something.

However, at this time, Danzo suddenly spoke and said, "Ninjas who make Uzumaki Kushina trust and feel safe, you mean? Which ones?"

"Minato-sensei, as the lover of Kushina-sensei, is also an Elite Jōnin. He should be Uzumaki Kushina's most trusted ninja. It should be no problem for him to protect him." Yagyu said.

And upon hearing this, a smile flashed across Danzo's eyes.

Good debating ability, but, the mind is still too childish, I knew you would say that!

Danzo was overjoyed, but his face remained calm, and he said: "Namikaze Minato is indeed a qualified candidate. At that time, we also thought about letting Namikaze Minato be the guard of Uzumaki Kushina. However, many important tasks in the village are now absent. We didn’t want to open this elite, so we gave up Namikaze Minato after careful consideration. If he doesn’t complete the task, the village will suffer a lot of losses. Besides him, do you have any other candidates?”

Old fox, the tail is finally exposed, if you don't speak, I can't go on!

Yagyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Of course there are other candidates, but I want to hear, you, the most powerful ninja, recommend candidates."

This kid is quite alert, do you want to use my method to deny my people? Naive!

"The four ninjas I selected are all the ninjas who are best at guarding in Anbu. They are the ninjas who secretly protect me on weekdays. They have blocked several assassinations for me and saved me many times." Danzo continued calmly Said.

As soon as these words came out, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura nodded secretly. Those ninjas who guarded Danzo not only saved Danzo many times, but also saved them many times, and their strength is still good. In terms of guarding, he is also the best among the best.

However, just when Danzo said this, a smile flashed in Yagyu's eyes.

I knew you would say that!

And Danzo, who was paying close attention to Yagyu, also keenly noticed the smile in Yagyu's eyes, and his heart tightened suddenly.

This kid! Knows what I'm about to say!

At this time, the door of Hokage's office was suddenly opened again.

"You mean, them?" Hiroko walked into Hokage's office slowly with a poker face, and threw the four ninjas tied in his hands in front of everyone, and then walked behind Yagyu.

Immediately, Danzo's complexion changed, as did the complexions of Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu.

Third Hokage looked even more solemn, and said, "What's going on here? Hirohiko, what's the matter with the wound on your face?"

These four ninjas are the roots of the "guard" Kushina who was defeated by the three of Yagyu! At this time, the two bloodlines on Hirohiko's face seemed to be the scars left by the shuriken that attacked his roots. Almost half of his face was flushed red.

"We beat them," Hirohiko replied.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Utatane Koharu and 167 Mitokado Homura changed drastically. Immediately, Utatane Koharu shouted: "You actually attacked the ninjas in your own village, arrest these two traitors

Third Hokage also frowned.

This attack on the village ninja is undoubtedly an act of treason against the village. These kids are too bold and reckless! And too reckless!

This is simply delivered to your door!

"Wait a minute!" As Utatane Koharu finished speaking, Yagyu said, "We are not traitors!"

"Not a traitor? The ninja who attacked the village, how is it not a traitor?" Utatane Koharu said angrily.

These two brats are so daring, they openly betrayed the village, and even dared to take it to the Hokage office to demonstrate!

This is simply unprecedented!

"Attacking a ninja in the village is indeed an act of treason, right? Then, does the attacked have the right to fight back?" Yagyu said again.


As soon as Yagyu said this, Danzo seemed to think of something, and his face changed again.

Huh? Could it be that...

Third Hokage looked at Yagyu, and seemed to think of something in his eyes. Look at the wound on Hirohiko's face again.

"Of course! If you fight back and kill the traitorous ninja, you will still be meritorious." Mito Mendan said.

"Then, it's not me that you should arrest, but them!" Yagyu pointed at the four comatose ninjas who were tied up on the ground.

"They are the ones who blatantly betrayed the village!"

Yagyu looked at Danzo, and a smile flashed across his face. .

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