Amidst the discussions among the villagers, Yagyu walked all the way with a thoughtful look on his face.

According to the original work, everything actually started with the civil war between the Ōtsutsuki clan, the war between Ōtsutsuki Ashura and Ōtsutsuki Indra, and finally continued into the war between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. Of course, everything was provoked by Black Zetsu, but Black Zetsu is still a too far away. And in the original work, Black Zetsu's ability is still unknown, at least according to the information I know, Black Zetsu's ability is unknown, and his weakness is unknown.

I can't beat him, or I can beat him without a full blow.

Killing Black Zetsu, stopping everything is definitely not an option. Moreover, Black Zetsu's plan has actually taken shape by now, and it cannot be stopped.

Uchiha Madara has completely believed in the contents of the slate of the Sage of Six Paths handed down by the Uchiha family, and has already begun to implement his Project Tsuki no Me.

And what I can touch now is in the upcoming three wars, and in the three wars, Uchiha Madara will get the most important pieces.

Uchiha Obito!

The Nine Tails incident was actually Obito's work!

And Obito's fate, I can change it!

As long as you save him in the third Ninja World War, stop his blackening!

Then... you can avoid the Nine Tails incident and a series of things after that! If there is a key point in changing history, this is definitely one of the most critical points!

However, the battlefield is still a very dangerous existence for me, no! It is still a very dangerous existence. The successful development of the wounded door mode is only for me to gain the ability to protect myself. On the battlefield, I still need to save Obito... …

Yagyu frowned.

This is definitely not an easy task. Apart from his own strength and the danger of the battlefield, Yagyu has another thing to consider.

Countless literary works he came into contact with about historical changes and his previous understanding of some related books on space-time theory out of interest. They all told him one thing, changing the historical key point 103, there will be a kind of resistance, which will affect the situation he will encounter when the change is made. As for the situation affected by this kind of resistance, 10,000% of them will be extremely unfavorable to him, or even life-threatening.

To really change history "is tens of thousands of times more difficult than the W web articles he came across on the Internet before.

Yagyu knows this better than anyone else.

Therefore, we must be cautious, meticulous, and serious in integrating everything. Then, spend all the time now to raise your own strength to a higher level. The current strength is not enough!

Thinking of this, Yagyu took a slight breath.

But at this moment, with a sound of "Bang!", his head suddenly tilted, and a stone jumped into the air.

At the same time, a stream of blood flowed down from his forehead.

"Get out! Traitor!"

Along with the blood, a childish voice shouted hoarsely.

The pain in the forehead and the sudden childish cry made Yagyu's thinking pause, and at the same time subconsciously looked at the place where the stone flew.

When Yagyu turned his gaze, he saw a four-year-old child hiding behind his mother as if frightened by his gaze.

And his mother, guarding the child behind her back, looked at Yagyu with disgust, but her face was somewhat moved, after seeing the blood on Yagyu's forehead.

Yagyu looked at the child hiding behind his mother, frowning slightly.

And when Yagyu frowned, the child's mother quickly protected the child behind, and the expression on his face disappeared, and the child seemed to be very scared after throwing stones

She huddled behind her mother, unable to come out.

In the arena, there was silence.

Calf-protecting heart?

Yagyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

And at this moment, with a "clang clang", a broken pot rolled past his feet. (jej)

Yagyu looked back, but saw a man dressed as a coolie maintaining the pose of throwing jars.


The stone that flew into the air fell to the ground.

At the same time, the man dressed as a coolie also shouted: "Son of the traitor! Dirty blood! Get out!"

After this sentence, it seemed to resonate with everyone, and immediately broken cans, banana peels...all kinds of garbage flew over.

"Yes! Get out!"

"Get out!"

"The village doesn't need a traitor like you, get out!"

"You actually shot at your partner! Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

Sounds of denunciation entered Yagyu's ears, garbage fell at his feet, and even a few banana peels hit him in the face.

And this is enough to make people jump and be angry, but such an idea popped up in Yagyu's mind.

No need to waste time here.

The very simple ten words, even this outrageous situation, didn't make Yagyu feel a little wave in his heart.

So, he turned his head, glanced at the child who was huddled behind his mother, brushed off the banana peel on his face, and walked towards his cabin.

But when he started to walk, when he looked at the childish child, he still unconsciously said: "Don't you even dare to face the consequences of what you have done?"

An understatement, leaving with Yagyu's pace.

However, the child's mother seemed to hear it keenly, with a look of astonishment on her face, looking at her child, her brows were frowned.

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

Amidst the flying confetti, Yagyu left the village at his own pace and walked towards his cabin.

And this scene completely fell into the eye distance of Third Hokage who was watching under Hokage's office dynasty.

At this time, Third Hokage frowned tightly, and slowly put down the cigarette that was about to take a puff.

Is it right for me to do this? Announcing Yagyu's achievements, Yagyu won't be treated like this!

Did I really... protect Yagyu?

Thick doubts appeared in his heart.

"It's so slow! Why hasn't Yagyu come back yet?"

Yagyu was walking back to the cabin, and he was very close to his home at this time. He was walking, and there was such an anxious sound from the direction of the cabin, and it seemed that the owner of the voice was very impatient.

"I don't know." It was a male voice, it sounded young, and it seemed to be a serious response to the forward voice.

"Didn't it mean that he doesn't need to be confined today? Minato won't lie to me!" The previous voice was still anxious.

"Maybe..." At this moment, a young female voice seemed to be about to say something.

"Huh! I don't want to go home after I'm out of confinement! Let's see how I deal with him later!" The anxious voice interrupted the young female voice.

As Yagyu walked, the sound became louder and closer, and when he walked out of the forest road, the cabin came into view impressively.

In front of the cabin, there were three people standing.

One adult, two children.

The lord was holding his hands, his face was full of anger, even his beautiful red hair fluttered, and a well was beating on her forehead.

The little boy has a straight poker face, always looking at the sun inadvertently, as if he is counting the time.

And the little girl looked at the adult, with a faint nervous smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was afraid that the adult would do something to Yagyu later.

Seeing this scene, Yagyu stopped in his tracks. In his eyes, the rays of the setting sun shone on these three people, as if they had been coated with a layer of brilliance, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


The little girl quickly found him, and when she saw him, although the little girl didn't have much expression on her face, surprise and worry flashed in her eyes, "Running over in a hurry.

"It's all right!"

After running in, she took out her clean white handkerchief and covered Yagyu's forehead.

"What happened!" The little boy hurried over with a poker face, and checked the dirty-looking Yagyu up and down with his eyes.

"I'm fine, Hirohiko, Yukina!"

Yagyu said so, but his eyes were fixed on the front, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Oops! Looks like Kushina is getting impatient! And super pissed off!

Going to be beaten!

But Yagyu's thoughts turned around, the adult with fluttering red hair, his hands had been raised, and he had already come close to him, it seemed that he was about to hit him with a punch.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Kushina!" Yagyu apologized very bluntly: "Next time, I will go straight home!"


A punch landed firmly on his head.

A big red lump slowly rose above his head, followed by a wisp of smoke!


Yagyu covered his head and squatted down, tears were about to flow down his face.

Kushina's fist still hurts so much! Why? Tsunade's fist doesn't hurt this much!

"It's okay to come back early or late! It's fine to come back, but who made you come back like this!"

Kushina's red hair was fluttering, looking at Yagyu's dirty and bloody eyes, her face became more angry, but she was serious but showed a little worry.


Hearing this, Yagyu slightly raised his head to look at Kushina, and when he met Kushina's gaze, he was shocked.

"Really, got into a fight?" Kushina looked at him and threw another punch. After all, he put it away, but there was still anger in his mouth.

"Yeah." Yagyu looked at her and nodded.

"Is he worse than you?"

"Of course, you can't go to the ground anymore! I guarantee it!" Yagyu said affirmatively and quickly.

Kushina nodded in satisfaction, took a deep breath, her red hair fell slowly, and said with her arms folded: "This is what you want, remember, you must not suffer!

This kid definitely didn't go to fight...... He told me so to reassure me...... In the end, what happened.

Kushina thought so in her heart.


When Kushina punched down just now, they had already turned to face Kushina, and Hirohiko and Yukina, who were standing upright, hurriedly said,

Of course, Yagyu was not far behind, and the three of them responded very neatly.

"So, you go take a shower and get ready to eat! To celebrate the end of the damn confinement!" Kushina's face dissipated into a bright smile.

Seeing this smile, a smile appeared on Yagyu's face, Yukina and Hirohiko also looked at Yagyu!


The three of them responded in unison again.

Then, under Xi's leadership, he walked into the cabin king.

The moment he entered the wooden house, Yagyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Celebrating the end of that damn lockup? Kushina knows about that lockup?


Kushina has also been in confinement before?.

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